View Full Version : Jeff Mills @ Lost 28th Feb

29-02-2004, 07:43 PM
Well, did anyone go, what did you think.

The ticket system was a cock up, and they new it, the que ended up getting ridiculous, so they started hauling people in. Even the pre-ordered tickets were cocked up. They had a database, but not on computer, but all paperwork, so it took ages sifting through it all. A techno event, and no technology being used for effeciency. Hilarious.

Well I though the main rig was a case of volume over clarity. The sound man had obviously set a seriously hard limit on the rig, which showed. The hard and heavy stuff became distrorted and uncomfortable on the ear, and the breakdowns suddenly ramped in volume. Arse.

Kevin Saunderson? Well all respect to the man, he was one of the originators of Detroit. But, he trainwrecked so many mixes it was embarrassing. And played far too much of the cheesy side of old Detroit.
Maybe they had monitoring problems?

Millsy? Pretty good, solid, longer mixes than usual, the whole DVD and Audio mixing thing didn`t really work, but I think this was down to trouble with equipment. But at least he is trying something new. And yes he played the bells :neutral:
Overall he was pretty good, I have seen him play when he deserves his reputation, and he has blown me away. This wasn`t one of those occasions. But it was good.
The last 25mins were relentless. Hard, pounding, wall of bass techno.

Worth 16 quid?
Hmmmm? I dunno, lost usually do a better job with their events. But then again, it was at the rocket in holloway road, and this place has allways been fraught with problems, shite bouncers, etc.

29-02-2004, 07:44 PM
Oh, and I never really consider Steve Bicknell worth mentioning.
But basically, he sucked donkey`s bottom. As usual.

29-02-2004, 08:58 PM
oh really
lost had technical problems again
just like they did last time i was there!!
bollox i think.

i heard the jeff mills mix on radio one by the way
and that was bloody awful. (really and truely)

i know he used to blow us all away but how long ago was
that exactly??

personally i have to go and see him out of england
because english commercial parties like lost
are just total S.H.I.T.
maybe i'll try to get to spain or something or maybe brasil
and see if there's any difference

29-02-2004, 09:00 PM
Oh, and I never really consider Steve Bicknell worth mentioning.
But basically, he sucked donkey`s bottom. As usual. LMFAO :lol: :lol:

Doesn't sound great mate, I can't believe that Kevin Saunderson can't mix after all these years tho...shocking. I suppose we will have to give him the benefit of the doubt with the monitor!!

29-02-2004, 10:46 PM
had to be technical... there's no doubt that kevin can mix

29-02-2004, 11:38 PM
I saw Jeff mills 2 years ago at new years eve, at the mermaid theatre in london. I was totally straight all night. And I have never heard mixing like that since. It was totally amazing, relentless, and it just kept going up and up and up, heading towards inpossible peaks. After this I was impressed and though he deserved his rep.
I have never seen anyone come close.
But this was on one occasion, and I have never seem him top this.

01-03-2004, 02:02 PM
LOST is too overpriced for what you get. they really could spend more money on equipment. i hear better rigs at free partys in london tbh. why has LOST always got technical problems? why is it i always hear the worse mixing there? like serious wrecks going on for minutes before they are fixed?! this DVD thing is a load of bollox too. what a waste of time, rather just watch someone mix. i know they like to keep gthe feel of it being underground etc. but why do they pick the worse places to host? Steve Bicknall is still tryign to mix? doesnt he practie at home ever? does it have to be at a club/party?!


01-03-2004, 02:23 PM
i hear better rigs at free partys in london tbh.

Some of the free party rigs are better than most club systems though to be fair,but in losts case it sounds like most of the profit is going straight in the promoters and dj's pockets....I enjoy seeing mills, but why have the same line-up over and over :sleeping:

01-03-2004, 02:56 PM
I saw Jeff mills 2 years ago at new years eve, at the mermaid theatre in london. I was totally straight all night. And I have never heard mixing like that since. It was totally amazing, relentless, and it just kept going up and up and up, heading towards inpossible peaks. After this I was impressed and though he deserved his rep.
I have never seen anyone come close.
But this was on one occasion, and I have never seem him top this.

yes Mermaid night was fantastic indeed!
I enjoyed my night saturday, though recognise many of the issues mentioned above....qeue =nightmare...sound wasn't the best quality.....but i loved plenty of the tunes, had a good time with my mates, met some top people, had a good dance so all in all was good night.

02-03-2004, 02:51 AM
i've seen kevin saunderson be absolutely mesmerizing, both in the states and in the uk, so i would tend to think the problems lay somewhere else. sounds to me like the party was broken all-around...

02-03-2004, 11:35 AM
I though Mills rocked, and his soundtracking of 2001 was incredible. :twisted:

11-03-2004, 09:51 PM
Personally I've never really got it with Mills:s...

Speed for the sake of it in my opinion...He could do 2/3s the amount of tunes, not lose anything from his set and have it all cued up and mixed 100 times smoother....

I just find him awkward on the ear generally.

Leon :lol:

11-03-2004, 10:39 PM
Kevin Saunderson? Well all respect to the man, he was one of the originators of Detroit. But, he trainwrecked so many mixes it was embarrassing.

You should of heard him playing in his hometown for a thousands of people from all over the world last year at Movement2003. It was a total crap with awful track selection and constant trainwrecks, unbelievable.
I understand, the guy was a part of the history, but that totally does not mean crap, the dj has put the heart into each set even if he/she's a very respectful icon in the industry, that goes for Mills as well.

11-03-2004, 10:46 PM
The problem with some of the Detroit guys and Mills imo is that they play **** all new music and it seems to me that their energy or enthusiasm is twarted as a result. I mean playing the same stuff over and over.. how enjoyable, challenging or beneficial is that ?

11-03-2004, 11:00 PM
I agree, but at Lost I only recognised about 3 of his tunes (The Bells, Los Hermanos 2 (I Think) and The Extremost.) All the other stuff was totally abstract gear that I'd never heard before. Badass.

11-03-2004, 11:02 PM
I agree....

...that there are many "tired" DJ sets out there, but I don't believe that Mills is guily; even if he were, he's certainly not anywhere near as guilty as the majority of the other "circuit DJ's" out there.

11-03-2004, 11:19 PM
I agree....

...that there are many "tired" DJ sets out there, but I don't believe that Mills is guily; even if he were, he's certainly not anywhere near as guilty as the majority of the other "circuit DJ's" out there.

I think he is a bit guilty, not that it's a huge deal.. but i'd agree, he's not as bad as some. I played with one well known English techno jock here a little while back and I was really amazed at how lazy,run of the mill and boring his set was... absolutely worthless in fact. If there's one thing that can be said for Mills it's that he always gives it his best shot, on the other hand there's some DJs who should have called it a day by now, or at least asked themselves some serious questions about why they are still at it, besides the fact that it's a few quid and warming to the ego.

15-03-2004, 02:04 AM
mills played last night in la and tore it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15-03-2004, 05:32 AM

LA got worked..and thats no easy feat :cool:
