View Full Version : DONT throw them away!( help with "broken" headphon

10-03-2004, 12:17 AM
ok, after having a little bad episode with my headphones the other day, i thought i would share this little something with other people that might be as impatient as i sometimes can be. this might be obvious to most, but i think it can be a good thing to write behind the ear, even though this might go to the bottom of the threads pretty fast.

i have a pair of sennheiser HD 495
( http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/icm.nsf/root/04708 )
and the other day, the signal went on one ear, the one where you plug the jack cable in. i thought immideately that oh shit...i have to buy some new ones, cause something inside broke. so i went to diffrent electronic shops, music shops etc. to get diffrent views on what to do, tested them and all. and the all around i got the same damn answer: that it would be too expensive to repair, go buy some new ones instead.

well...a new pair of these arent exactly cheap, and i got other things in aim for my money, so i finally decided that i would try to open them and see if i could fix them...it was easier than i thought, and what i found inside wasnt terribly complicated to look at, and at once i spotted the problem. so this is for anyone who has a pair of sennheisers or others...i dont know if they are all built this way, probably not, but im sure it isnt a unique feature in mine & it certainly isnt that complicated so its worth a try before trashing them:

open up the speaker with a knife, along the crack. in the areas around the headpiece, watch out for the cable that follows from the other end and goes into the "chamber" where the speaker is. if you move the earpad, youll see a little tap. press it and twist the knife or whatever carefuly so you can open it fully.
inside you should see the cable going from the headpiece into the speaker unit, which is covered and safe, and from there another cable follows, which ends in a 2-pointed thing...very fragile, so be careful with it.
inside should also be a small socket where the cable with the 2 points go, and if it ISNT plugged in, this is probably the problem!!
it was or me at least, so i just plugged it in and its working better than ever now...theres been a slight diffrence in this one for a long time, so i guess its just gotten looser and looser with time, and at last unplugged itself

i hope this will be a help for people who are cursing over that their headphones just ****ed, and dont want to open and make it worse then rather buy a new one, out of impatience or lack of money...its very easy and it can save you a lot of money....cause the guy in the shop...he usually wont tell you about this problem(if he even knows)...and the sales clerks just want you to buy a new one, for their advantage

hope this will be useful for people in the future

10-03-2004, 12:33 AM
one channel on my headphones has been dead for awhile.. will try this thanks!!!

Paul Nisbet
14-03-2004, 05:03 PM
one channel on my headphones has been dead for awhile.. will try this thanks!!!

my sennhiesers done exactly the same, i hate them. lmfao.

15-03-2004, 02:52 AM
did you both fix it?

15-03-2004, 04:23 AM
Replaceable ear speakers is a feature that only sennheiser's have as far as I know...

16-03-2004, 04:43 PM
didnt know theuy were replaceable!

16-03-2004, 05:44 PM
seinhausers have an amazing warranty. almost every piece is replaceable, and the warranty is 2 years. check it out....

16-03-2004, 05:58 PM
same thing happand to me. i just got a new cable tho

17-03-2004, 12:28 AM
sorry mate but this is totally the wrong forum.. i'll repost it in dj central for you.

17-03-2004, 12:38 AM
ok...i hardly ever come here , since i dont DJ...but i can see the point

17-03-2004, 01:15 AM
by the way i double posted this(me bad ;) ), that i put a post afterwards in the production forum cause it seemed more relevant, you might as well delete it, noone has replied on it

sorry !
