IllumiNaughty Productions
25-03-2021, 05:54 PM jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=340051&_nc_ohc=NgcZGo1wSFsAX9_wJ2q&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-2.xx&oh=8009c4fb1bbe7e009317b068cc52dece&oe=60811312
IllumiNaughty is back to London with a brand new theme: 'Shamanic Tales'
Setting out across the horizon to find new spirits, domains and divination. The Shamans lie deep in the prismatic jungle, evoking ancient rituals and trance-like states to enter the supernatural world. The deep jungle will be set alive with dramatic, full-stage decor, interactive installations, daring performers and untamed characters, for a spectacular show running throughout the night.
We WILL see you on the dancefloor again!
Lineup coming soon!
Early birds Tickets available here:
IllumiNaughty is back to London with a brand new theme: 'Shamanic Tales'
Setting out across the horizon to find new spirits, domains and divination. The Shamans lie deep in the prismatic jungle, evoking ancient rituals and trance-like states to enter the supernatural world. The deep jungle will be set alive with dramatic, full-stage decor, interactive installations, daring performers and untamed characters, for a spectacular show running throughout the night.
We WILL see you on the dancefloor again!
Lineup coming soon!
Early birds Tickets available here: