View Full Version : Midi Effects (Cubase SX)

13-03-2004, 12:12 AM
I really love these MIDI effects in SX. Is there any way of d/ling more presets for them?

I especially like the Step Sequencer and Transformer (although I can't seem to get The Step Sequencer working properly at the mo as my keyboard keys seem to change the presets when I hit a key - ideas/advice anyone?)

I there any other ways anyone know of creating interesting ways of putting in notes in MIDI via SX?

13-03-2004, 02:23 AM
midi effects make me sound like a pimp! routing midi from reason to cubase is the hottest thing since sliced bread.. i love the compressor and chorder

The Divide
13-03-2004, 03:39 PM
I really love these MIDI effects in SX. Is there any way of d/ling more presets for them?

I especially like the Step Sequencer and Transformer (although I can't seem to get The Step Sequencer working properly at the mo as my keyboard keys seem to change the presets when I hit a key - ideas/advice anyone?)

I there any other ways anyone know of creating interesting ways of putting in notes in MIDI via SX?

Logical editor rocks :lol:

13-03-2004, 04:01 PM
ha u Basta*d ... :P

The thing is u can preatty much create the effects yerself by using the logical editor and programming them.. There used 2 b this cool but weird thing called IPS... (Interactive Phrase sequencing) which was great...

The main thing about these efects is 2 know when 2 us' em as inserts or sends... also don't forget that with some of them (like the step sequencer) the notes serve as pattern selector .. C1 selects pattern 1 and so on!! (hence yer prob)...

any questions or doubts just post' em here!


The Divide
13-03-2004, 04:35 PM
ha u Basta*d ... :P
(Interactive Phrase sequencing) which was great...

You love that thing dont ya.

Actually gonna start another thread about the logical editor once I bring something back from uni, sheet with info it.

13-03-2004, 04:45 PM
Actually never really used it all that much but when I got stuck for ideias or just felt like fidgeting and play with it .. IPS never ceased 2 amaze me! :)


The Divide
13-03-2004, 05:31 PM
You should do man, Ime sure the local editor will do eveything you could do with the IPS :!: . We had a class at uni the other day, it showed me how to use the midi channel input transformer. I managed to assign the mod wheel to activate the filters on softsynths . It was a real eye opener, thing is I have lost the document explaining how to do it and I cant remember the commands

The Divide
13-03-2004, 05:32 PM

The Divide
13-03-2004, 05:35 PM
I really love these MIDI effects in SX. Is there any way of d/ling more presets for them?

I especially like the Step Sequencer and Transformer (although I can't seem to get The Step Sequencer working properly at the mo as my keyboard keys seem to change the presets when I hit a key - ideas/advice anyone?)

I there any other ways anyone know of creating interesting ways of putting in notes in MIDI via SX?

Are you aware that you can bounce your midi FX into a midi part, all you do is create a midi part or use the one thats already in view. Right click and select> midi > merge midi in loop. It asks you if you want to bounce both the midi sends and midi inserts into the midi part you have selected. Very handy, saves on cpu and timing issues

13-03-2004, 06:29 PM
Yep.. and u can even opt for deleting the original note or hav'em merged with the ones generated by the midi efx... after "midi bouncing" don't forget 2 turn off the midi efx.... or just leav' em on and surf the musical chaos! lol

on a send/ efx .. choose transformer
add line
type is ... equal .... controler

now on the info line bellow just write

Type = controller = 1 (or which other controller u wanna use besides modulation)

value 1 ... set 2 fixed value... 74 (the cut off on the SX's A1 synth)

Save this preset! ;)

now all u need is to set yer midi in port 2 yer keyboard... and the out 2 A1...



The Divide
13-03-2004, 08:11 PM
Yep.. and u can even opt for deleting the original note or hav'em merged with the ones generated by the midi efx... after "midi bouncing" don't forget 2 turn off the midi efx.... or just leav' em on and surf the musical chaos! lol

on a send/ efx .. choose transformer
add line
type is ... equal .... controler

now on the info line bellow just write

Type = controller = 1 (or which other controller u wanna use besides modulation)

value 1 ... set 2 fixed value... 74 (the cut off on the SX's A1 synth)

Save this preset! ;)

now all u need is to set yer midi in port 2 yer keyboard... and the out 2 A1...



Your a ****in star man! Is there anything you cant do?? hahahah :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Actually on this subject how do I find out what each controller value does on each soft synth? Are the all the same or similar or should I try and find the manuals for each softsynth? Or is there a way of finding them with SX??? Mate if you know of a way on this I would be most pleased

Oh and (hahahaha) where did you find that out man?? Is there a pdf on the net.

<--- Is a cunt


13-03-2004, 09:21 PM
Your a ****in star man! Is there anything you cant do?? hahahah

Make money would wide hits :P

Actually on this subject how do I find out what each controller value does on each soft synth?

Generally on the end pages of they're manuals...

In the case of A1 it shows in the small screen bellow the filters... all u have 2 do is point! ;)

Are the all the same or similar

not at all! :(

or should I try and find the manuals for each softsynth?


Or is there a way of finding them with SX???

Not with the VST i :( on a synth if it send midi cc for the knobs all u have 2 do is record when u twiddle but on a VST i it's all in the automation! :(

Oh and (hahahaha) where did you find that out man??

U mean the image?.. Made it me self ;) it's new trick with printscreen, load into a server the pic and then point the image as usual! ;)

Is there a pdf on the net.

Everythings in the net... but how do u find it???!



The Divide
13-03-2004, 09:27 PM
Or is there a way of finding them with SX???
Not with the VST i :( on a synth if it send midi cc for the knobs all u have 2 do is record when u twiddle but on a VST i it's all in the automation! :(

Yea this is the problem, shame theres not an way of finding each parameter out like hovering the mouse over each knob. Never the less, thanks man!

13-03-2004, 09:33 PM
In case of doubt refer 2 the standard midi cc, most of times manufactures respect them!


14-03-2004, 01:25 PM
i really am in love with this logical editor.

i mean i set my notes to c3-c4 and the 16th and i get a really great mid-sound for my track. i reckon you need to make it less stepy (if you know what i mean) but that's easy by rubbing out notes and extending others. perhaps apply a little glide by messing with the mod wheel controller??? God there's so much you can do.....

the same for bass and top - choose your range.

god i'm really getting to grips with SX now. BEAUTIFUL!

any other midi editing tips anyone has would be a world of knowledge.


Barely Human
14-03-2004, 01:36 PM
I wish i had a clue what you are going on about :lol:

14-03-2004, 08:28 PM
There is so much u can do there is even efxs slots that can trigger other midi efects convert notes 2 controllers, the oposite, stack midi trigers so as 2 get several tracks playing the same sequences,... I guess the midi efx it's like a all new world of limitedless possibilities!! :)


The Divide
15-03-2004, 05:46 PM
IQ ave a go at this.....

1. This tutorial explores Remapping Controller messages using the ‘input transformer’. One hardware controller there’s easy access to is the modulation wheel on the midi keyboard. With the synth playing, move the wheel and notice the effect - it usually puts a kind of deep vibrato effect on whatever the sound is. That’s because the modulation wheel is putting out 'Controller 1' messages - and controller 1 is the one that affects modulation depth in the synth's midi language. Set the wheel back to 'zero'.

2. In the left hand vertical Inspector panel, look at the buttons underneath where it says 'MIDI 01'. Look for the right hand button with the 'crooked arrow' symbol. Press it and the 'input transformer' panel will open.
The top half sets which midi information is going to be singled out for attention - the lower panel sets where or how that information is going to be redirected.

3. In the top panel click on the right hand Add Line button. In that line, click under each parameter and from the drop down menus set filter target to 'Type', condition to 'Equal' and parameter 1 to 'Controller'.

4. Now click to add another line. This time set filter target to 'Value 1' - it will change to 'Midi Controller No.- (because the program 'knows' that Value 1, the first Data Byte of the string, is the one that sets the controller number.) Now set Condition to 'Equal' and Parameter 1 column type in '1'. You've now set the transformer to look for Controller 1 messages.

5. Now to 'remap' them. In the lower panel click the Add line button. From the drop down menu, set the 'Action target' column to Value 1. In the operation Column, set it to 'Add'. Now in the parameter 1 column, type in '73'.

6. Check that the 'selected module 1' button is selected, and also the 'Active module 1' box is ticked, and the drop down menu says 'Transform'. Close the box. The 'crooked arrow' symbol will be lit up (blue) Notice that to turn off the transformer you have to deactivate the module - you can set up four for each track.

7. You have set the transformer to add 73 to our Controller 1 messages, making the modulation wheel remap to Controller 74 - which is 'brightness' - a kind of filter. Play the riff and try the mod wheel - a potentially much more useful effect. Note that this controller is a range of 0-127 - the filter will be 'normal' with the wheel in the middle, and back off or open up depending which way you move the wheel. Remember to 'reset' the value to the middle position before you move on to something else!!
Now try altering different controllers by setting up the 'Action Target' parameter 1 value to be the number (minus 1) of the controller you want to map the mod wheel onto.

8. Now try out the following list of controllers remapped to the mod wheel - they should work (in GM); try them on different types of sounds - think about the effect you are likely or would like to get - for example altering the release time on bell like or 'chimey' sounds. Remember to subtract 1 from these controller numbers.
71 Harmonic Content
72 Release Time
73 Attack time
74 Brightness
91 Reverb depth
93 Chorus depth

Remember to 'reset' each control to it's start position before you move on to something else - or you'll leave it 'stuck' at a setting you might not want...

It’s not a good idea to record lots of control change messages on top of each other with a 'loop' going; copy and paste a long part first.

The Divide
15-03-2004, 05:49 PM
some more here..


Experiment 1
1. Create a new empty Cubase SX project and then create an empty 1 bar part on the first track.
Set the output of the track to a GM device. Don’t make any other settings in this inspector panel.

2. Select the empty part again and Press control G to open up the list editor. In the top toolbar, set quantise to 1/8 or 1/16 and turn snap on.

3. Set the ‘insert’ drop down menu to Sysex, right click for a pencil tool, and in the timeline on the right insert an event on the first beat. A line of information will appear; on the far right you will see the Hex numbers F7, F0. Drag the window pane to reveal more of this column.

4. Click on the F7, F0 characters in the column; the 'Sysex Editor pane' should open, with the same characters displayed.

5. In this window click four times on the Insert button - this should insert four lots of '00' characters between the F7 and the F0.

6. Click on each '00' in turn and change them so that the whole message string reads: F0,7E,7F,09,01,F7.
You've just written a 'system exclusive' midi message string in hexadecimal. The message is a universal 'GM reset' instruction.

7. Close the Sysex editor and the list editor.
In the arrange page press num key 1 to set the cursor back to the start of the part.

8. Now watch the front panel of your synth module (you remembered to set the track output, didn't you?!?) and press play: you should see the synth change to 'GM' mode as the sysex message plays through.

15-03-2004, 06:13 PM
SUPPA!?!?!? :)

I'll have 2 find time 2 read it carefully...

Thankz boyeh!


The Divide
15-03-2004, 06:15 PM
SUPPA!?!?!? :)

I'll have 2 find time 2 read it carefully...

Thankz boyeh!


I'me sure youl know all this already mate :!: Been Mr Stiengberg/fruity loops. :lol: :lol:

15-03-2004, 06:17 PM
U always learn somethin everyday... I knowledge a day keeps the cheese away... so they say! :P

I should start a rap band and b an MC! ehheh :P


The Divide
15-03-2004, 06:20 PM
Actually the system Ex/midi header tutorial is a bit over the top! Its all right if you want to play around with some faily deep midi programing. But not really much use it imo in my situations. Still try it, interesting shit drawing in a Hexadecimal code to tell the device to reset itself. Actually it can make your devices hang for a few seconds too, so its not something you wanna just slap in the middle of your track !! :lol: :lol:

The Divide
30-03-2004, 10:54 PM
some more here..


Experiment 1
1. Create a new empty Cubase SX project and then create an empty 1 bar part on the first track.
Set the output of the track to a GM device. Don’t make any other settings in this inspector panel.

2. Select the empty part again and Press control G to open up the list editor. In the top toolbar, set quantise to 1/8 or 1/16 and turn snap on.

3. Set the ‘insert’ drop down menu to Sysex, right click for a pencil tool, and in the timeline on the right insert an event on the first beat. A line of information will appear; on the far right you will see the Hex numbers F7, F0. Drag the window pane to reveal more of this column.

4. Click on the F7, F0 characters in the column; the 'Sysex Editor pane' should open, with the same characters displayed.

5. In this window click four times on the Insert button - this should insert four lots of '00' characters between the F7 and the F0.

6. Click on each '00' in turn and change them so that the whole message string reads: F0,7E,7F,09,01,F7.
You've just written a 'system exclusive' midi message string in hexadecimal. The message is a universal 'GM reset' instruction.

7. Close the Sysex editor and the list editor.
In the arrange page press num key 1 to set the cursor back to the start of the part.

8. Now watch the front panel of your synth module (you remembered to set the track output, didn't you?!?) and press play: you should see the synth change to 'GM' mode as the sysex message plays through.

Complete load of tosh! I forgot this the GM reset command and not a midi device reset. :oops:

31-03-2004, 12:21 AM
damn.. I think I've already explained but can't find it anymore...
it's a great trick, draw up a few random program change messages in between notes and press play... ;)

Or draw up so random controller messages then convert them 2 filter/ filter type/ resonance, lfo filter mod, lfo, pitch mod, etc...


17-04-2004, 01:49 PM
Hi All, if all of you are so happy about SX midi fx...
How will you excited putting your hands on LiveSet?

The concept is the same: realtime processing of MIDI
signals, but this is live oriented and with a low CPU
impact and dozen of innovative modules (specially
for use with Reason, i see some of you use that).

Take a look, and visit www.petertools.com!


Cheers, Singoalla

17-04-2004, 03:22 PM
Click here 2 check a wmv movie explaining how this works... (http://www.petertools.com/immagini/liveset_hi.wmv)

Man it looks so damn powerfull for someone using reason and playing live!?!?! I wonder how this will b in the future when u can interact with stuff like cubase or logic and do similar stuff!!

but I think a lot of work needs 2 b donne in terms of making it simple 2 understand... I mean it is quite a mindbending subject... a software 2 control other software that can b controller from a midi Keyboard... phew...!


23-04-2004, 03:40 PM
i just wanted to say that this thread rocks and i dont even have cubase yet! this forum is so helpful i cant believe it!! :clap:
