View Full Version : Recycle stuff
17-03-2004, 02:29 PM
Oh my god, dunno why ive never really tried recycle for anything more than sending files to my old hardware sampler, but i should have done, its one ****ing dope tool if you ask me..
is there anything like recyle (beatslicer) within SX or availiable as a plugin or somthing? i really wanna be able to tweak the decays etc on each slice with a bit of automation and still be able to rearrange em all via midi..
17-03-2004, 02:46 PM
U can try phatmatik pro, in cubase u can use hit points which may not be as direct and quick (especially if u consider the pitching, transient shaper, etc..) but it is in so many ways so much more powerfull!! After dividing each audio event thru the use of hi point, u can just resize, process, reverse, fadeIn/out, etc... 4 each little clip ;)
17-03-2004, 03:39 PM
cheers man,
call me a dumbass but what the **** is a hit point??
17-03-2004, 04:07 PM
a hit point devides a sample so you can take a 1 bar sample of a break beat rhythm (old hardcore beat) and devide it in to many little sampletts using hit points. I am not to up on it but i think you can then assign each hitpoint section to a MIDI value or a keybord note. each note you play will just play the samplette attatched to it.
17-03-2004, 04:38 PM
something along those lines... get a sequence of sounds or loop in an audio track, double click... better yet... wait...
aha here it is.. BAMMM!
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Calculating hitpoints and slicing a loop - a quick tutorial
Before proceeding, find a suitable loop using the criteria above. At this point it doesn't matter whether you know the original tempo of the loop, as this will be automatically detected. Proceed as follows:
1. Open the event or clip for editing in the Sample Editor.
You could do this by double clicking an event on an audio track in the Project window or a clip in the Pool. In this example, we assume you work with an event on a track.
2. If needed, make a selection range spanning a section of the loop.
For example, if you have extracted the audio clip from a track on an audio sample CD, it may contain more than one actual loop (many loop CDs have several loops for each CD track).
In that case you would want to make a selection around the loop you're interested in. The selection can include some silence before and after the loop, it doesn't matter.
Another possibility is that you want to extract a particular section within a long loop.
In that case, make a selection range that starts at the correct position in the loop and ends slightly after the end of the section you're interested in. You can use the audition and loop buttons on the toolbar to check your selection range.
Finally, if the audio clip contains one loop only or you want to use the very first loop in the clip, you don't need to make any selection at all.
3. Click the Hitpoint Mode button on the Sample Editor toolbar.
4. Leave the "Use level scan" checkbox activated.
When this is on (recommended), the hitpoints detection function will analyze a normalized version of the audio, which most often gives more accurate detection results. Note that this doesn't affect the actual audio loop in any way.
5. Activate the "Adjust Loop" checkbox.
This tries to detect the loop's tempo automatically, based on the following settings:
Maximum bars
This will affect the length of the loop in the following way: the program will look at the selection range you've made (if any) and the Maximum bars setting and try to set the loop length to an even number of bars, less than or equal to the Maximum bars value. This means that if you want to use the first bar in the selection (or clip) only, you should set Maximum bars to 1 (note that this is required for extracting grooves - these must be 1 bar long!). Similarly, if you are working with a long audio clip and want to use the first x bars in the clip, set Maximum bars to this number.
If you want to use the whole selection (or clip), you should set Maximum bars to the number of bars in the selection/clip, or to a higher value.
This doesn't affect the actual detection but rather which hitpoints will be shown afterwards. If you e.g. know that your loop is based on 1/16th notes, select "1/16". If you're uncertain, set this to "All" - you can change this setting afterwards if needed.
Minimum - Maximum BPM
These values help the program detect the tempo of the loop - set them so that the original loop tempo is somewhere in between.
The smaller the min-max bpm range, the higher the precision of the hitpoint detection - if you have a good idea about the original loop tempo, set a narrow min-max range for best results.
If you have no idea about the original loop tempo, listen to the loop and try to determine whether it's slow (70-100 bpm, common in hip-hop, soul, r'n'b, etc.), medium (100-140 bpm, typical for house, some rock, etc.) or fast (trance, d'n'b, etc.).
You can use a pretty wide min-max range, but if the max value is twice the min value or more you will probably get the wrong result.
6. Click Process.
The hitpoints are detected.
As you now can see, hitpoints have been set at the beginning of each sound in the loop (or at least at most sounds), a grid has appeared, a blue area is shown in the ruler (indicating the length of the loop as set with the "Maximum bars" setting in the dialog) and the right half of the toolbar now shows the Sensitivity slider and additional pop-ups.
7. Check that the loop range is correct by activating the loop and audition buttons in the toolbar.
The loop should be played back repeatedly until you click the audition button again. Note: if you made a selection range before calculating the hitpoints, you need to remove this by clicking anywhere in the clip - otherwise the selection range will be played back instead of the loop range!
8. If you now move the Hitpoint Sensitivity slider to the left, this gradually hides the hitpoints. Moving the slider to the right increases the sensitivity to reveal additional hitpoints detected during the calculate process.
The basic aim is to add, remove or in various other ways edit the hitpoints so that one individual sound is played between each hitpoint. For details, see Editing hitpoints.
As you can see, the calculated original tempo is shown to the right on the toolbar (see A note about the calculated tempo). In the next step, the loop will adapt to the project tempo set in Cubase SX/SL.
9. Pull down the Audio menu, and select "Create Audio Slices" from the Advanced submenu.
Now the following happens:
The Sample Editor closes.
The audio event is "sliced" so that there is a separate event for each hitpoint. Only the section within the loop range (blue ruler area) is kept.
The audio event is replaced by an audio part, containing the slices (double click the part to view the slices in the Audio Part Editor).
The loop is automatically adapted to the project tempo.
If you opened the Sample Editor for a clip in the Pool, you will find that the icon for the clip changes in the Pool (to indicate that it is sliced).
Dragging the sliced clip from the Pool to an audio track will create an audio part with the slices adapted to the project tempo, just as above.
10. If you activate cycle playback on the Transport panel, the loop should now play back seamlessly at the tempo set in the program!
11. To make the loop follow any further tempo changes, make sure it's set to "Musical time base" by using the toggle button in the Track list or Inspector (the button should show a note symbol - see Switching between musical or linear time base).
Note that if the project tempo is lower than the loop's original tempo, there may be audible gaps between each slice event in the part.
This can be remedied by using the Close Gaps function on the Advanced submenu - see Close Gaps. You should also consider activating auto fades for the part's audio track - fade-outs set to about 10 ms will help eliminate any clicks between the slices when you play back the part. See Auto Fades and Crossfades.
If the project tempo is higher than the loop's original tempo, you may want to activate auto crossfades for the track.
You can use the Close Gaps functions in this case as well if needed.
A note about the calculated tempo
The "original tempo" setting shown in the toolbar depends on the following settings:
The loop range (indicated by the bright blue area in the ruler).
This determines which area of the loop event should be used for the tempo detection.
The bars, beats and time signature settings on the toolbar.
These inform the program about the length (in musical terms) of the loop range.
If you adjust the loop range (by dragging its edges in the ruler) or the bars/beats/signature settings on the toolbar, the original tempo display will change as well. For the original tempo to be correctly calculated, the bars/beats/signature setting should match the loop range. In other words, if the loop range contains exactly one bar of music (in 4/4 time), the toolbar should be set to 1 bar, 0 beats, 4/4 signature.
This is what the program attempts to do when automatically calculating the tempo. If you turn off "Adjust loop" when detecting hitpoints, you need to set this up manually, by adjusting the loop range and specifying the correct bars, beats and time signature.
A quick way to adjust the loop range is to make a selection range and select "Locators to Selection" from the Transport menu (or use the key command for this, by default [P]).
In Hitpoint mode in the Sample Editor, this will adjust the loop range rather than the actual locator (cycle) range. Note that the selection range is magnetic to hitpoints, making it easy to adjust the loop range correctly this way!
form the spanish romance called "MANUAL" :) eheheh cheaky :P
17-03-2004, 04:39 PM
Now that's what I call public service ;)
17-03-2004, 04:48 PM
Quite nifty that mate , i think its spells the death knell for my copy of recycle though
17-03-2004, 05:32 PM
humm... recycle files can b used in a lot of programs also recycle really comes 2 full effect if u pitch it, compress, etc... which SX is not nearly as fast n easy as Recycle
17-03-2004, 05:39 PM
thanks z i am gonna sit down and digest this at my pc :lol:
17-03-2004, 06:10 PM
take some tummy's with ya then! ;) eehehhe
17-03-2004, 06:44 PM
oh my god your good..
im sending my girlfriend on the next plane to give you a blowjob from me
17-03-2004, 06:53 PM
send her girlfriend 2 please :)
this hitpoints/slicing a loop tutorial seems to more or less totally obviate recycle
or am i missing something special that recycle does (besides processing/efx)?
17-03-2004, 11:16 PM
like I said b4 "...humm... recycle files can b used in a lot of programs also recycle really comes 2 full effect if u pitch it, compress, etc... which SX is not nearly as fast n easy as Recycle..."
Also recycle is a doodle 2 use and SX kinda as a stepper learning curve... lol so basically if u r using Sx already then maybe u can get away wiyj out Recycyle ;) otherwise...
29-06-2004, 07:42 AM
just bumping this so its easy for me to find later..
u can drop recycle hits in the reason drum machine and do whatever automation and rearranging u want in reason and have it slaved to sx!
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