View Full Version : Budget Nearfield monitors by Phonic?!

31-03-2004, 12:44 AM
Just discovered these ... Phonic P8a they sound smooth and do the job... the M-AUdios on the Dj studio @ my shop r out tha door! :)

M-audio r M-Adios! ;)



They shoul cost ya around 500 euros a pair! very nice indeed!

ASAP I'm gonna take these home and try 2 check how they match up 2 the M1 mk2 actives!
.................................................. .................................................. .

Ok I have just tryed' em at home and I am absolutly amazed how good they behaved, they sounded balanced, but at very low level the bass was a little light, the stereo reprodution was way better than my MK1 MK2's, I runned the genelec tests for bass and they just behaved perfectly!!!

I do not trust my ears when it comes 2 these delicate matters but indeed I am :clap: . They might just suit my room better but I have half a mind of ditching the Alesis and getting a pair of these!!. If u find some of these selling somewhere please try and let us know yer thoughs!
:?: :!:


31-03-2004, 01:38 PM
THey look nice man. i found em for £134 here http://www.sound-light-company.co.uk/?http://www.sound-light-company.co.uk/shop/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=47&products_id=8 873

sounds like a good price. gonnaq have to try em out. . Anyone else used them?

31-03-2004, 04:31 PM
Hmmm, I might see if I can get a demo of these somewhere.

Although I am still happy with my Absolute 2`s

31-03-2004, 05:45 PM
no more crappy monitors! sell your mothers and buy somthing nice!
i just got some PMC badboys and its the best thing i ever did, if i was starting again from scatch and i had a grand to spend id spend £999 on monitors and £1 on some wooden spoons..
dont cheapo out on yer monitors!

31-03-2004, 05:48 PM
I`im not too concerned about price, just the sound. And price doesn`t allways guarantee sound in the nearfield side of things. When I got my absolute 2`s I had a budget of 700 quid, but they were just the best sounding monitors I could find at the time for a real flat response. I think I paid 180 quid for the pair at turnkey!!!! ages ago.

31-03-2004, 06:03 PM
no of course price doesnt guarantee sound!
but.. i havent found a really decent pair of monitors for under 300 quid ever - let alone actives!

thinking back to when i used to have a pair of tannoy reveals i didnt really think about it at the time but then i moved up to kroks and my tracks took a leap up production/mix wise and now again with these pmcs. i just wish i had spent more money on decent monitoring than silly noise boxes back then!

so its only in retrospect that i can say all this.. i guarantee u man that when u upgrade ur monitoring you will kick urself for not having done it years ago! (specially from those orrible spikey absolutes.. yuk! ;) )

31-03-2004, 07:10 PM
Jimmah is 176219872190309481023 % right. PMC is absolutle top notch, still I recon I would have gonne 4 the Adams instead...

In my case my biggest prob is my room so having a lot better monitors wouldn't really help all that much... right now my investment is towards more CPU power with stuff like Powercore and UAD... after that is acoustics and then some adam mon.! :)


31-03-2004, 07:20 PM
are absolutes spikey? I thought they were quite smooth. Most studios took em on when the old ns10`s died off.

31-03-2004, 08:07 PM
i dunno i find them to have quite a harsh sound personally but if you are used to using them in a professional capacity then u know u can trust the way your ears work with them.. but my point is basically to try and get people who are just starting out to go for the decent monitors straight away.. Tunes will sound better quicker in most cases..
dont forget ns10's are 'grot boxes' used primarily cos they sound like shit - maybe absolutes have taken over that role, i wouldnt be suprised.. teehee
anyway u know u have done good sounding proffessional work on em so u know u can trust em, your ears are perhaps 'maturer' than a lot of newbies'
and as for ADAMs.. oh yeah baby! a fairly new discovery for me, they have replaces the mackies as wank fodder day in day out :)
i was lucky though and got me pmc's on the cheap and bi amped em with a couple of samson 260's - PHWOAR! - still cant quite afford the adams :( , but maybe next year..

more than anything else though room treatment is the key!

01-04-2004, 01:34 AM
I am seriously thinking about new monitors but I don`t really know what to go for any more, so any tips.
Yeah the ns10`s were grot boxes, but thats the point of nearfields isn`t it. To be flat, and to make everything in your face so you can see into the bad parts of the mix.
Mid fields are for all your rich lovelyness init!!

Anyway, I`m looking for new monitors, but I want`something with the same apparent flatness as the Absolute 2`s. Cos I don`t wanna spend months training my ears to a radically different sound.

01-04-2004, 03:52 AM
whats your budget?

these r nice
Genelec 1031A (+subw7060)=2200 euros or 32A(+7070)
Bi-Amplified Monitoring System


01-04-2004, 12:06 PM
I don't think a sub is a good choice 4 nearfields. U spend a lifetime geting it properly tuned!? :(

Let us know yer budget?

I would say Mackies 4 a medium budget!


01-04-2004, 12:11 PM
what about these ones:
Mackie-designed active desktop monitors with dual high-precision internal amplifiers
5.25-inch woofer delivers punchy bass output and extremely detailed midrange
1-inch waveguide-loaded silk dome tweeter for smooth, non-fatiguing mix sessions
Low-Frequency Boost and High-Frequency Boost/Cut controls allow for acoustic tailoring
Balanced TRS/XLR and unbalanced RCA inputs


01-04-2004, 12:25 PM
ive heard that tapco gear is pretty shoddy.. its not actually made by mackie - lots of cheap components. Digital village have been getting loads of returns on it :(

01-04-2004, 02:18 PM
there is a review 4 these on this forum... look it up...

but I would keep my absolutes (never likes the 2s and 4ps... 2 me the 0s sounded closer 2 my problematic ears).

