View Full Version : Electro in a 4/4 set

Stella Boy
01-04-2004, 11:06 PM
I'm fairly new to the board so sorry if this has been raised before but I've always been keen on dropping the odd electro tune in the middle of a 4/4 set and wondered what everyone's thought on this was. Me feeling is that if you're going to do it then it should be classic tune which even the techno headz would know and appreciate.
The reason why I'm asking is that I'm playing the last set at a fairly big event soon which is gonna be dominated by full on techno and I would love to drop one or two electro tunes in the set.

01-04-2004, 11:18 PM
go 4 it,nothing wrong with a bit of variety.personally im not a big electro fan although i do like sum of what ive heard of it,so i think it could work well as long as its in the right place ;) maybe start things of with 1?? i dunno.aggressor used 2 play sum quality electro,never been able 2 find any of it though :roll:

02-04-2004, 12:20 AM
...is always cool.

02-04-2004, 12:22 AM
gan on then, give us some sample of the kinda techno and kinda electro. You might wanna thinj about bridging tracks in and out of electro if you don't wanna completely lose the dancefloor. You might wanna think about using locked grooves and filtering the eq to keep the techno boom boom going. Personally that's all I dance to - that disappears and I'm off for a smoke and a drink.

02-04-2004, 12:41 AM
I'm quite into electro and I think that mixing electro and techno can be a lot of fun - for example: you can cut the 4/4 kick and introduce a breakbeat for a bar or two just for a little variety... Bring the 4/4 kick back in and ... BAM! The crowd goes wild :) It can really funk up a mix!

02-04-2004, 12:56 AM
Get out, how dare you suggest such nonsense - we don't stand for this sort of behaviour round here you know - another stunt like this and I reckon you could get barred :nono: (christ isn't this the most annoying up its own arse smillie in the history of smilies...)

The Overfiend
02-04-2004, 01:25 AM
Get out, how dare you suggest such nonsense - we don't stand for this sort of behaviour round here you know - another stunt like this and I reckon you could get barred :nono: (christ isn't this the most annoying up its own arse smillie in the history of smilies...) :lol: :lol: :lol:
I say drop electro in a techno set


The beat to the electro track you are going to drop is just as tough and brilliant as the moment you are dropping it in. If you are playing tribal drop something super funky. If your going hard drop a harder edged track.

02-04-2004, 02:08 AM
There`s some tough electro out there. Go for it. Taking a risk by breaking the 4x4 is well worth it if you get it right. And so much more satisfying than just banging out endless 4X4.

02-04-2004, 02:52 AM
At the right time, with the right tracks, it can be excellent.......too much of it though, and the whole momentum, built up by the techno that has preceded it, will be lost, IMHO. Moderation is the key ;)

02-04-2004, 03:10 AM
i say go for it

but if you're playing to a 'conventional' crowd choose your right moment.

02-04-2004, 03:29 AM
I don't agree with that entirely Mark... If the mood is right and you have the right tracks for the job I think dropping over to a massive electro track for say 2 minutes (shorter than a trance breakdown.. hehe) can give the soldiers a change / rest on the floor and even get a few sexeh ladies shaking their thing that might not have been before.... obviously depends on the crowd, but I think even the 'conventional' (.....???) ones could warm to it quite easily... I'm not talking about dropping anthony rother over glenn wilson either... maybe some big broken beat synthed up tune like headroom used to do with some similar tech stuff around it....?

Anything is possible... and doable ;)

02-04-2004, 03:29 AM
uh...i hate to be "that guy," and i definately don't mean any offense here, but just figure i'll pass on a little knowledge...

...4/4 is a time signature, which means four quarter notes per measure, so virtually all electronic music is written in 4/4, whether with a straight kick, like in most techno and house, or styles that use breakbeats, like drum n' bass or electro...

02-04-2004, 03:36 AM
Mark deleted a post and made me look silly ;) You didn't need to do that Mark, I look silly anyways.. hehe..

Craig McW
02-04-2004, 04:19 AM
uh...i hate to be "that guy," and i definately don't mean any offense here, but just figure i'll pass on a little knowledge...

...4/4 is a time signature, which means four quarter notes per measure, so virtually all electronic music is written in 4/4, whether with a straight kick, like in most techno and house, or styles that use breakbeats, like drum n' bass or electro...

damn straight.

The only track I've iver heard (well, by a tek dude or someone of that ilk) was by Michael Forshaw. he used a 7/4 signatur..... awesome stuff. terrible in the mix though.......

02-04-2004, 09:03 AM
I think electro sounds very good with techno for a change up in the mix. of all the genres out there i think they cross over fantastically. and if you time it right, and kick in the "four to the floor" at the right moment you can blow up the crowd.

go for it.

death on a stick
02-04-2004, 11:42 AM
play good records. and don't worry about classics....better to play stuff that people DON'T recognise!!

02-04-2004, 03:21 PM
for me so long as you dont start dropping funky or proggy breaks. theres so much electro thats way too chilled, but the phat shit fits well. rother always works (of course dependant on what your putting it into) and jackyl and hyde have that big room, simplistic programming. but hey, lets not forget some of the moments from henrik b and thomas krome. sometimes when techno boys do electro its really embaressing (i know one massive example of embaressing 'ooh i've changed where the kik drum goes, does that make it electro?', but i dont want to be slagging people again) but sometimes techno boys can do a good job. asem shama too, ****in ay! and of course most of forshaws catalogue is perfect for this job.

gumpy green
02-04-2004, 04:14 PM
play the way you want to play...........that way yall have yer own style.. follow others and yer just a sheep........

if you dont do it because what others may think yer sellin yersel out...

keep it real as the say....... if your art requires it do it ..........dont be goverend by others.

fuk me ive dropped "eye of the tiger" in a techno set...crowd luved it.

also ive put in bits of hiphop, and even dani minogue wi a leo laker track....

And next week im droppin- the final countdown by europe........its the final count down, delidi dili di di di........delidi dili di di di di didia di da da da dillii di da.......

ORIGINALITY is the key IMO......or you could just play straigh hard techno all the way through.......

02-04-2004, 05:33 PM
i've been thinking recently it would be good to try and mix a little breakbeat/electro but haven't really looked yet as i don't know what I'm looking for.

Any recommendations for the harder/darker side of things?

02-04-2004, 05:58 PM
there shouldn't be any rules to what you can and can't spin. that said, some stuff just sounds bad together. use your ears, try things, see if they work. most experimentation will work for some, and not for others.

but techno and electro...these two are natural brothers, like beer and other forms of alcohol...check out mixes by dave clarke, anyone from UR or laurent garnier...

02-04-2004, 07:10 PM
well said guys :clap: and i'm a fan of "the eye of the tiger" hehehe

02-04-2004, 07:25 PM
.aggressor used 2 play sum quality electro,never been able 2 find any of it though :roll:

hehe, thanks for remembering :)

I loved dropping Electro in the middle of a Techno set, even playing an electro section in the middle of a techno set can work . Had great fun playing some electro back to back with Ribbs at North once.

Just gotta pick the right tunes i guess and at the right time. I have started with electro, ended with electro and sometimes dropped it in the middle, Just makes an interesting change ., I loved it - Not sure the crowd always appreciated it tho :P

But my view is go for it .

02-04-2004, 07:37 PM
ohh and btw if u want to know any of the tracks just let me know and i will try and id them for u

02-04-2004, 07:40 PM
just drop it as long as its a good tune and done at the right time then go for it

02-04-2004, 07:43 PM
specific ass-kicking electro artists...

DETROIT: Aux 88, Drexciya, UR, Model 500

EURO: Mystic Letter K (Cari Lekebusch), Anthony Rother

Stella Boy
02-04-2004, 08:11 PM
I fully agree that the mood and timing has to be right but I'm following a full on, hard but ****ing excellent DJ who pounds the crowd into submission everytime he plays so I'm gonna kick things off with some Grovskopa/BMB-esque material and then drop some Anthony Rother in to check the water.

02-04-2004, 08:43 PM
ohh and btw if u want to know any of the tracks just let me know and i will try and id them for u

nice 1!! :lol: btw can i just add that u have the best name in music m8 haha!! :lol: ok the 1 im particualry after is 1 that u played at helter skelter immagination.it was your 1st tune,it started with the vocals 'the countdown has begun' also its a pretty dark tune 2.also if u dont mind/can remember ive been tryin 2 hunt down the tune u played straight after this 1,a minimal and quite acidy number 'de de de du du du' (sorry the only way i can describe how it goes haha).shit man ive been after loads of stuff u used 2 play,but can only remember these 2 of the top of my head.cheers 4 the help m8,much appriceated!! :lol:

also sorry 4 highjacking your post stella boy :roll: :lol:

02-04-2004, 08:55 PM
off the top of my head the first tune was Drexciya - Aquatic invasion on UR

will have to listen to the tape and will let you know :)

02-04-2004, 09:05 PM
thanks :clap: btw those 2 tunes r after marks set so they are on marks tape from immagination,but i think yours starts with the 2nd tune im after (minimal,acidy number).cheers :lol:

03-04-2004, 05:22 PM
specific ass-kicking electro artists...

DETROIT: Aux 88, Drexciya, UR, Model 500

EURO: Mystic Letter K (Cari Lekebusch), Anthony Rother

How about Mr. Velcro Fastener or Scape 1? Aril Brikha has made some cool electro tracks and so have other artists like The Advent, for example. I have an album from Dave Ellesmere and there are some really good electro tracks on there. BPitch Control has a whole roster of great electro artists and Electrix has also had some strong releases... There's a whole lot of great electro out there, I wonder why most tech-freaks ignore it? Maybe they get confused by the non-linear kick patterns? I agree that some (most?) techno crowds aren't open to electro, but it's my opinion that it's up to the DJ to educate the crowd, give them something new to dance to. After all, that's what a DJ is supposed to do, right? Always search for new music for the freaks to dance to?

03-04-2004, 09:31 PM
There's a whole lot of great electro out there, I wonder why most tech-freaks ignore it? Maybe they get confused by the non-linear kick patterns? I agree that some (most?) techno crowds aren't open to electro, but it's my opinion that it's up to the DJ to educate the crowd, give them something new to dance to. After all, that's what a DJ is supposed to do, right? Always search for new music for the freaks to dance to?

i used to live in the detroit area, and going out there, it was hard not to hear electro and techno played together. the two seem like such natural brothers, with such intertwined beginnings, that this whole situation really perlexes me.

Craig McW
05-04-2004, 08:41 AM
In Melbourne techno and electro and even sometimes house music all get played together!!

gumpy green
05-04-2004, 01:28 PM
well said guys :clap: and i'm a fan of "the eye of the tiger" hehehe

check this wee intro then...

Eye of the tiger (www.diversefrequencies.co.uk/mp3/sekonfreestylejan04.mp3)...did it for our night jakN....thats why im cutting jakN sample over it...

and it comes back in l8er in the mix too b4 last track.....sounds AMAZING....LOL

05-04-2004, 02:22 PM
electro was techno was electro was techno ................ same thing once upon a time

05-04-2004, 03:07 PM
electro was techno was electro was techno ................ same thing once upon a time
hmm, almost agreeing with you. electro was electro, then hip hop, while house was house then techno. both emerging around the same time, both from the robot, dark mindspace. i'm agreeing with ya, but being a bit more specific :-)

05-04-2004, 03:18 PM
i have allways been a bit vague ya know

05-04-2004, 05:31 PM
Electro in a 4/4 set, now THAT is daring!! :lol:

05-04-2004, 05:37 PM
Electro in a 4/4 set, now THAT is daring!! :lol:


05-04-2004, 05:58 PM
electro was techno was electro was techno ................ same thing once upon a time
hmm, almost agreeing with you. electro was electro, then hip hop, while house was house then techno. both emerging around the same time, both from the robot, dark mindspace. i'm agreeing with ya, but being a bit more specific :-)

allow me to flex my nerd credentials by splitting hairs...cybotron, while sounding like electro to our ears, are usually considered the first techno, and that was in 1981. jesse saunders "on and on", the first house track, is from 1983, so techno (and the techno/electro alliance) predate house.
