View Full Version : SHOULD I UPGRADE TO CUBASE SL 2.0?

16-04-2004, 03:15 AM
i have version 1.6..

how exactly does 2.0 differ from 1.6?

16-04-2004, 04:52 AM
I did from SL 1.5 to SX2...

Full latency compensation
The tedious, time-consuming process of manually delaying tracks where effects are needed is now history. The new delay compensation plug-in in Cubase SX 2.0 ensures sample-accurate timing along the entire audio path, including aux sends, group channels and FX return channels - even when using effects from DSP cards such as the Universal Audio UAD-1 or TC Works' Powercore.

FX return channels
The VST effects rack has been replaced by FX return channels. Each send effect now has its own return channel, offering the same tools as any other audio cannel - including EQ, inserts and automation. A reverb can now have EQ. A single aux send can now run the signal through a whole line of effects. This is true multi-effects processing!

User-definable Input and Output busses
In the new VST Connections window, users can define their own input and output bus objects. Any source connected to the audio hardware can be defined as an input object in the VST mixer. This object can then be used as a source for an audio track. This is ideal for defining complex multi-channel objects, which can then be assigned by a single click.

New "Freeze" function for VST Instruments
The new Freeze function in the VST instrument rack dramatically improves CPU performance. With just a single click, VST instruments can be rendered into simple audio files, freeing up computer's CPU power for more effects, instruments and tracks. The "frozen" VST instruments can be edited at any time - without the need to keep multiple versions of the same song.

The new user-configurable mixer is the command center for your mix. Implementing the latest VST 2.3 standard, each mixer channel can run up to 6 audio channels ready for full 5.1 surround productions. New, additional views for the top half of the mixer include enlarged VU meter, EQ curve and surround panner. New options such as new panning modes, phase reverse and gain trim per channel all combine to make using the mixer in Cubase SX 2.0 a unique experience.

Part Editing
Cubase SX 2.0 makes editing multiple MIDI and audio parts and events even easier. With the new Stacked Recording mode for audio, consecutive or cycle recordings can be made on the same audio track with passes displayed directly in the Project Window on separate lanes. Finally, a single keystroke collapses the final edits into a single lane. Additionally, multiple audio/MIDI parts from different tracks can be opened within the same editor window.

Transport Bar
The new Cubase SX 2.0 Transport Bar offers a range of new features and display information. A new scrub dial, direct access to markers, VST and Disk Performance displays, VU meters for audio input and output as well as a volume control for playback are all now available directly from the Transport Bar. All elements can be displayed or hidden as desired.

Product Highlights
Complete multi-channel audio path
Full latency compensation
FX return channels
User-definable Input and Output busses
New “Freeze” function for VST Instruments
Part Editing
Transport Bar


16-04-2004, 05:24 AM
very cool...so teh freeze function will keep absynth from crashing my CPU when i change sounds while a track is playing?

16-04-2004, 11:28 AM
it's a sort of track bouce/ Export audio mix down... but u can undo at any time and go back 2 the synth and change it at will...

But the remember that if u want 2 use freeze all u do is load (let's say for example) A1, tweek... when u r happy with it press freeze... now open another 1 and do the same... so basically it's like a inteligent undo that will work at anytime u feel like!


16-04-2004, 04:58 PM
sounds awesome...

16-04-2004, 05:37 PM
one more question...

other than 5.1 surround sound support, what are the advantages of sx over sl for the electronic musician?

16-04-2004, 08:42 PM


16-04-2004, 11:14 PM
that freeze function is seeexy...
