View Full Version : The New Technics SL DZ1200... Will the vinil die ???

19-04-2004, 03:38 AM
The myth is reborn .... DZ 1200.... THE DIGITAL 1200, that's how the unit powers up (what the lcd shows.. the start and the first read of a Cd is slightly slow, but once in, changing tracks is faster than anything else)!?!? :) U'll imediatelly feel like notworhty

My shop was proudly choosen 2 have the first unit and "real world" review of this, it was with great woe that I opened the box, i honestly felt that I was opening a Pandora's Box!
I will have the 1200 (DZ) 3 more days...

1st thing I gotta say is that this is small, about the size of a 12" cover, but still feels sturdy, the pitch feels so right,althoug slightly lighter than a Mk2.
then the design hits ya ... these babys are luvly!!

I've only had about 20m with the unit, and obsioly alot of the more "advanced" options I really didn't get 2 try, So i gotta find the time 2 read the manual 2 learn about cutting samples, using efects, Eq, etc...

I gotta say that appart from being lighter and smaller it feels like a normal mk2 deck, it doesn't even start automatically like the others, u need 2 cue it upo and do like a normal deck. U immediatelly feel right at home. Maybe u might feel a little dificulty if u generally touch the vinil or its label, the reason is very logical, the platter is smaller, hense lighter, hence more sensitive, ...although the difference is negliable!

Feels like the real thang, well it is tha real thang.. 2 Tell ya the truth I have already allocated time 2 run every record in my crate into CDs, it will take me 1-2 months but I will happy 2 move ahead!

Here is some pics ....

4xSamples... & 4xHotCues (only work is the platter is spinning, unless u r working in CD mode)!
Control de SD card, efxs e and preset eqs.
Forward/ reverse á la technics (meaning, quick break followed by speed up for D reverse) or immediate á la CDJ!
the Pitch lock is absolute crap! But for us used 2 12" it makes no difference 'cause we dont' use it anyways!.
U can rotate the info/ image inside the LCD, much like rotating a pic in a image editor!
MK2 Approved!!! ;)


PS - MK2 is the name of my shop... so I guess these new decks will b tha sh* when the reach the DZ-1200 MK2 ;)

gumpy green
19-04-2004, 03:12 PM
looks alright but it cant handle high sample rates of mp3, think if i remember rightly it only can go to 192k or was it 160k?? Not really ideal.

Does look like a good step in the right direction tho but i would doubt id buy one.

Im a vinyl "purist" ;) .


Barely Human
19-04-2004, 03:31 PM
Z is now offically a CUNT!!!

Looks wicked man! Want to give me one? ;)

19-04-2004, 03:37 PM
Face it folks, this time the days of vinyl are most definitely numbered.
And lets face it vinyl is pretty weak as a medium in terms of sound quality.

Mmmmmmmm I want it
What is the retail of these babies gonna be, I suspect that it will be about the same as a technics record deck.

Barely Human
19-04-2004, 03:52 PM
Around a grand each as far as i know :shock:

19-04-2004, 03:56 PM
A grand.
oh, ok
fcuk that, I`m sticking to vinyl fo rthe time being :doh:

19-04-2004, 04:29 PM
I think they're around $1200 each right??

19-04-2004, 08:10 PM
anything in between 900 and 1050 Euros!

I am a pratical man, the is basically nothing I need 2 do with the vinil that u can do with these!

I am stepping over and starting 2 get all my 12" into CDs, god'amm travelling n djing will never b the same again, the mp3 dosn't go to high, but not many people play it and the ones that do don't generally have anything better than the 192 anyways... No mp3 4 me thank u... Audio CDs will do! :)


19-04-2004, 09:32 PM

do u do any discounts for board members


19-04-2004, 11:17 PM

Actually in Portugal they will only b available beguining of June...

Don't think we could ever have a price that's so much bellow IK's or even Germany's 2 compensate for ordering abroad!

But as promissed I'll keep ya posted on the prices, also on the prices we'll have... MK2 every1 gets good prices ehehehhe ;)


20-04-2004, 09:48 AM
mmmmm that is digital sex.............f(*&ing beatiful

20-04-2004, 01:58 PM
id love a pair of those :love:

gumpy green
20-04-2004, 01:59 PM
anything in between 900 and 1050 Euros!

I am a pratical man, the is basically nothing I need 2 do with the vinil that u can do with these!

I am stepping over and starting 2 get all my 12" into CDs, god'amm travelling n djing will never b the same again, the mp3 dosn't go to high, but not many people play it and the ones that do don't generally have anything better than the 192 anyways... No mp3 4 me thank u... Audio CDs will do! :)

Vinyl purist viewsssss.....lol

What you dont skrach or shit , cmon, playing tracks is soo 80's...

ther is soooooooo much you can do with vinyl that you couldnt do with these. needle dropping for a start. vibrating skracthes.

all you techno geeks will never kill the turntable........lol

yeh it would be alright using audio cds as the mp3 aint a high enuf spec for this kind of ££££££. Think id rather get this baby as you get 2 for about the same price (http://www.decks.co.uk/products/cdplayers/denon/dns5000)

the technics one just dont float ma boat. .....yet, give them till mk2 then ill see.

20-04-2004, 02:24 PM
nope u cant get 2 for the same price, 2nd I do have de Dn5000 and the 3000 which feel better 2 me than the 5000 (but now the 5000 also has the same type of "spidle")... I have extensivly use all and would go 4 the technics in terms of feel and pitch response, I mean if u use decks these feel just right... the denons are very good but the plater feels lots more slugish (well it is a belt drive control unit).

I am no purist, sure analog has all this and that but at the end of the day how many people are still casting pcs/ macs aside for prodution work...!?

Like always u really have 2 try 2 b able 2 understand just how easy it is 2 switch over... in a few years we'll all b appauled of how we could work with vinil, the lack of freq. range, the wear, the pops and click, etc...

U may not like the evolution but u can't stop it!

this is the last drop, a cd that feels like the technics that was the last barrier!


Francisco Scaramanga
20-04-2004, 02:59 PM
Bring the new technology!

I've always thought it was slightly ironic that "techno" music is played on the oldest method of recording and playing music known to man. As much as I love records, the concept behind them has been around for something like 150 years, and the quality they provide has been totally surpassed years ago, so surely its time to put the technology back into techno!

Having said that - I do love vinyls, and will always have a deck set up somewhere.

Dj Daniel S.
20-04-2004, 03:01 PM
Veeery sweet Ze Mig!!!!

I already saw em on the internet but I bought 2 x Pioneer CDJ1000 about 3 years ago ...... If I had the money I`d go for them, no doubt! :love:

Vinyl and CD seem like to be still 2 different worlds ........ hope it`ll change in the future :roll:

Hope you gonna sell a lot of them ......... thanks for the info about the new Technics playaz bro!

gumpy green
21-04-2004, 12:51 AM
nope u cant get 2 for the same price, 2nd I do have de Dn5000 and the 3000 which feel better 2 me than the 5000 (but now the 5000 also has the same type of "spidle")... I have extensivly use all and would go 4 the technics in terms of feel and pitch response, I mean if u use decks these feel just right... the denons are very good but the plater feels lots more slugish (well it is a belt drive control unit).

I am no purist, sure analog has all this and that but at the end of the day how many people are still casting pcs/ macs aside for prodution work...!?

Like always u really have 2 try 2 b able 2 understand just how easy it is 2 switch over... in a few years we'll all b appauled of how we could work with vinil, the lack of freq. range, the wear, the pops and click, etc...

U may not like the evolution but u can't stop it!

this is the last drop, a cd that feels like the technics that was the last barrier!


yeh you cant get 2 for the same price, my bad....thought i read somewher that the technics were dearer...

suppose youll know best having tested them agianst denons and now that youve said it i know what your talking about here, the technincs feel like using deks, thats the point....i was just missing it.

but then again whats the point of spending soo much on an imitation when you can get the real thing (1200's) for cheaper... ;)

21-04-2004, 12:59 AM
play straight yer tracks, yer edits, yer remixes of tracks u like... not lugging 30+ Kgs of rec.s around, not getting yer crates stollen at airports, always having backup of yer music in case something happens, always have 2 or more copys of each rec! no more clicks, pops, noise, no crocked 12" etc...

the list goes on! ;)


Dj Daniel S.
21-04-2004, 08:45 AM
play straight yer tracks, yer edits, yer remixes of tracks u like... not lugging 30+ Kgs of rec.s around, not getting yer crates stollen at airports, always having backup of yer music in case something happens, always have 2 or more copys of each rec! no more clicks, pops, noise, no crocked 12" etc...

the list goes on! ;)


Gotta agree ;) I carry a case with 100 double disc which is 200 x 10 tracks= 2000 tracks to choose from which is really nice :cool: But as the other beepz said it is totally up to the individual if you either prefer vinyl or cd.

21-04-2004, 09:04 AM
Both have their place

Dj Daniel S.
21-04-2004, 09:18 AM
Both have their place

Exactly ;)
