View Full Version : Follow song - SX????
20-02-2003, 12:43 PM
In Cubase 5 there used to be an option you could tick that made the screen follow where you were in the song. It was called 'Follow Song'. I can't find it on SX - any ideas anyone?!!!?!?!!
20-02-2003, 03:05 PM
wow, im glad there is a fellow sx user out there, now i dont feel so alone in a world of mac/logic users!
i have to use sx cos its just bloody great!
i just press 'F' on the keyboard
20-02-2003, 08:52 PM
jim fish - anyone - please help... this next one is a SERIOUS problem....
in cubase 5, when you muted something in the arrangement, you really could see the difference. now, when i mute something i can hardly see it muted. it's awful. my eyes are having right problems and i can't see it all properly. !!!! help!!!!!
22-02-2003, 12:39 AM
Bro it's the button next 2 the snap button!! Also try the key F as it myght toggle on/ off this option (not sure though)...
The mute is a nasty step down.. Maybe with other colours it does show more the difference between the muted parts and the unmuted!?
22-02-2003, 12:41 AM
Sorry I meant u can colour yer parts so the are red/ blue what ever tickles yer fancy, the difference should now b more obvious!! wishfull thinking :P
22-02-2003, 01:37 PM
yeah, colouring its gotta be the answer....
its great,you can get all your tracks into a nice rainbow effect :P
but personally i just dive in there with the rubber
22-02-2003, 01:44 PM
rainbow.. lol :P
U gotta C that using mute on parts lets ya try some ideas preatty fast!! erase can b messy if u do a lot of critical moves afterwards and then decide u want 2 retrieve the original stuff.....
I still get suprised that cubase now has multiple undos!! :) :)
22-02-2003, 07:03 PM
well, i always use mute AND colour the parts so i can see easier, but with this new SX, you can hardly see what you've muted at all even though it's coloured. it's bloody awful. i got so annoyed with it these last two days that i gave up and installed 5 again.
is there an easier way anyone knows of? surely this must've been an issue with some of you when you chaged over?
plus i've been getting terrible blue screens all over the place (even though my comp is a tip top PC and i had it tweaked by millenium music (plus i went to and carried out some more tweaks). grrrr..... xp really is awful.
mind you, i'm not giving up, but i'll have to be more gradual with the change over.
any tips/ideas anyone?
..... and that L/R locator not being there anymore is TOTALLY doing my head in!!!!!
22-02-2003, 07:40 PM
Hey Mark
The Locaters r still there..
Use ctrl + click - to locate errrr left locater.
Use Alt + click - right locate
at anytime use the numeric keypad, key 1 (jump 2 left locator), Key 2 (jump 2 right locator)...
I use a resonable zoom so the mute thingy doesn't really trouble me all that much...
Go to file/ preferences/ event Display .. somewhere in the u just tick/ untick ... transparent Events , Colorize part background/ show event Name, this probably will do what u want just xperiment with settings (on/off) till it goes yer way!... let us know if it helps it!!
Another way is 2 just go on to the steinbergnet forum and ask' em !!
22-02-2003, 10:57 PM
yeah....those ****ing blue screens are bitin' my balls too...i get em loads on this both this pc and the one in my studio, but my girlfriends laptop is fine and she has the same copy of windows....hmm..
cunting bill gates.....
i read in that richest 100 supplement in the times a few years ago that he could afford to buy everybody in the world a big mac!!!
just a little fact for you...
have you got dual view display mark...cos bizarrly when i have split screen engaged it always blue screens when i shut down...but not in single view mode....perhaps this also make it blue screen mid-use....
23-02-2003, 02:03 AM
It might have something 2 do with "craked software" I've heard that the cracked cubase sx 1.3 out there isn't all that stable... I know couple of people with originals and no problemo... I've had probs when using Devices linked 2 my midi outs, but using simple configs there was nothing wrong!!
IMHO .. Macs r superior not by the hardware part (if u have a pc totally dedicated 2 music with original progs, very few but good.. I honestly think most of us could get away with Cubase/ wavelab/ Fruity - Reson.. Waves TC an Native plugs.. instead of 10000 of little plugs n demos n sh** that ends up killing yer PC). The real reason 4 instability must b Win XP vs OS 9 (or X)...
23-02-2003, 01:47 PM
yeaah...i have the most stable copy o SX i could seems ok...i think think XP itsel is the problem here... i actaully went out and bought a copy , but its still causing blue screens etc....
and i only have SX, soundforge, Waves, TC, Warp, and about 5 of the most quality synths installed on that machine.... thats it...
its bollox innit...i would very much like to transfer over to mac , but i only have a limeted budget at the mo and a tonne of half finished tracks....
i am going to be heavily upgrading my setup in a couple o weeks and i would rather splash out a load of cash on a phat channel strip and decent fx unit to go with me new Mackie 24/8....(not to mention the time it'll take to swap 3 years work over to mac!) i'll get there in the end tho!!
23-02-2003, 06:06 PM
4 some rather unexpected reasons I ended up with a Dual G4 8?? MHz with 700+ ram and 3 HD... It will b here for an undefined period... still waiting 4 some software... 4 now I cant really tell 4 sure that its worth the swap... But I'll definatly keep ya posted...
23-02-2003, 07:14 PM
yeah, most other people i know are mac users and they all swear by thier machines...but they are not without crashes either...
26-02-2003, 05:54 PM
yes, thanks for the great tips ppl.
i'll try to change that option tomorrow and see what happens.
27-02-2003, 01:01 AM
It works a lot better!! There is also some tweeks in the pref.s 2 make yer SX less processor hungry!! :)
Another very cool feature is the possibility 2 create macros and Key shortcuts...
for instance every time I record a new audio clip all i need 2 do is press ctrl+shift+k and imediatelly The file get Dc corrected and then normalized.. but got some others for fade in/ out, silence, gain change!!
another usefull shortcut .. numeric keypad + for ff and - fast rewind!!
If u work with a certain basic fixed struture (that u then change as yer track progresses) u can create a template and either have cubase ask u when u start if u want this or that template... or even imidiatly open a certain template evry time u start!!
27-02-2003, 11:10 AM
A little IT tip for you PC users. If your version of Windows (98, NT, 2000 or XP) has got a service pack on it you need to reload the service pack after you install or upgrade a major piece of software. Quite often software installs downgrade system DLL's etc. so re applying the service pack brings it back to Satan's, sorry, Microsoft/Bill Gates recommended versions. Might help with the blue screens. It's a pain in the ass having to do it, and not something Microsoft advertise very well, but I've found it helps sometimes.
I haven't used Cubase for a while but I remember Steinberg used to always release patches and updates fairly regularly after any major upgrade to their software. For some reason (shoddy programming, badly tested) they never seem to get the release right first time so check their website for updates and patches.
04-03-2003, 03:57 PM
just actually updated to sx on our mac.... it's much more stable...
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