View Full Version : computer on fire

da hound
04-05-2004, 09:33 PM
**** me i got my computer back 2day sent it back as the motherboard had 2 be replaced only had the ****in thing a month so when i got it back 2day pluged it in and it started perfect so as i was listen 2 tunes on it i noticed a smell off burn and 2 my amazement i see a red glow coming from the back pluged it out straight away opend up da computer and seen that most off it had been burned now i spent 4,000 euro on this ****in thing it has went back once and has 2 go back again<under warrenty of course>i bought it from RED SUBMARINE now i want 2 no if any of you guys have bought of them and have had da same trouble as me? and if not what da **** would have caused this?its not the leads and shit monitor etc as i tryed them on another 2 computers **** its at times like this i think of giving up :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

04-05-2004, 10:00 PM
how steady is yer power supply... Probably the culprit is a falty fan !!


dan the acid man
05-05-2004, 12:39 AM
it could be a number of things, most probably its was your cpu, either the fan wasnt working or maybe they didnt apply thermal paste to it, usually when power supplys go they go with a big bang so i doubt it was that, but its hard to tell, whatever it is they seem to have messed it up big style.

luckily i know what im doing with pc's (well sometimes) so i build mine myself, but please dont let these things make you want to quit, use them to your advantage, whenever i have something bad happen, i try and think of it as making me a stronger person having to deal with the crap, it usually works

da hound
05-05-2004, 06:53 PM
come 2 think of it could not here the fan on startup also had a look in side 2day and seen the damage the graphics card is ****ed as for the rest i dont know but it looks grand

da hound
05-05-2004, 06:56 PM
how steady is yer power supply... Probably the culprit is a falty fan !!

Z do not know what you mean :doh:

dan the acid man
05-05-2004, 10:18 PM
alot of power supplys fitted in pc's dont provide the true power output that they advertise, the power will fluctuate and not provide a steady supply of power to your componenents.

06-05-2004, 03:49 PM
also in some countrys the electricity supply isn't very stable so u get a lot of fluctuations, sometimes it even gives u massive spikes and that might fry some components!


Kevin Gorman
06-05-2004, 05:44 PM
Where I live the power is very unpradictable, so I got myself a Battery Backup unit! The unit is ace!

dan the acid man
06-05-2004, 10:41 PM
yeah, i urge evrybody who uses a pc to get a surge protector. Also, as kevin said, the battery back ups are great.

da hound
18-05-2004, 09:00 PM
would you belive i sent it back got it back da other day and it done the same thing the problem is the graphics card the ribbions conecting the port 2 da card just start to burn now what the **** is causeing this is it ,a. a surge of power as i have around 8 plug between 2 double sockets and adapter it is not the fan that is working someone also told me that if the pins in the monitor are bent this might happen but i try it without the monitor plugged in and it still happend i really think the company i bought it off are ****in me around :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

18-05-2004, 11:16 PM
I sugest i take around a m8s house preferably on different area from your and give it a try... this should eliminate or decide if the prob is due 2 power instability... otherwise go back 2 the shop and try it out with them over there!!

