View Full Version : Cubase Question

10-05-2004, 09:27 PM

When you go to Devices > VST Performance, You have the 2 icons to the left of the bar, Which one is which, is CPU the top one??? or is it the RAM??:neutral:
My Acrobat Reader is playing up so cant get at the Manual.


10-05-2004, 10:35 PM
CPU and disk!


10-05-2004, 11:15 PM
My top bar is Rockiting up to about 70 and stuttering like fcuk.
Ive got about 11 audio tracks with waves plugs and stuff on each channel and a few groups and a few midi tracks.

im using a P4 3.2ghz with 512mb Ram, do u reckon if i upgade to a gig of ram that might sort it out.

11-05-2004, 08:46 PM
Waves Luvs yer RAm!! lol

Yer CPU is really struggling!

Maybe do some track bouncing 2 release some cpu Power!


Patrick DSP
11-05-2004, 09:45 PM
a good sound card helps this situation a lot.

what sound card do you have?
are you using the ASIO drivers for it?
increase your latency/buffers on it.

at 70% cpu and studdering it sounds like your latency is either too low or you're using the wrong drivers.

11-05-2004, 10:11 PM
a good sound card helps this situation a lot.

what sound card do you have?
are you using the ASIO drivers for it?
increase your latency/buffers on it.

at 70% cpu and studdering it sounds like your latency is either too low or you're using the wrong drivers.

Yeah sounds like a POS sound card to me. 70% cpu on a 3.2ghz P4 with half a gig of ram is nuts.
When I run Logic or Live I constantly have 10-18 tracks running all with 5-6+ chained fx, some of which are Waves... and my cpu may hit 70% at times... but it never ever studders.
I have an Athlon 2100+XP (1700mhz), Echo Layla 20 8in/8out interface (ASIO drivers), and 512MB ram.
There are other factors of course that could play into the reason why you are getting studdering (such as disk like ZeMigL mentioned...) but from the sound of it the box is decently beefy.


11-05-2004, 10:38 PM
A good soundcard is definatly worth the upgrade.. I failed 2 sugest this cause I guessed it would b considerably more expensive than the ram.. also the ram is a bit short anyways!

The asio driver/ buffer issue is definatly a must check (thanks DSP)...

The indicator is actually disk cache performance... (ruffly Disk usage...)

