View Full Version : Sidechaining a compressor in VST

13-05-2004, 01:27 PM
Which (if there is one) plug can I use to modulate a compressor in Cubase SX? tia :)

13-05-2004, 03:13 PM
U need something like the TC Natives... I have never been able 2 use the Waves one's ... THIS IS A MAJOUR FLAW IN SX!


13-05-2004, 03:45 PM
yeah, how do you set it up with the tc then?

Mika Silo
13-05-2004, 04:02 PM
you need version 3.1 to use it..
use the sidechainer fx as an insert on your kick channel and the compressor on the channel you want to duck under the kick and enable key input.. there you go :)

13-05-2004, 04:06 PM
I found you can use the "chopper" to try and achieve the same effect. Use a sawtooth rising and falling insync, and set it to mono so it kinda pumps, but this often too much...cos it only cuts 100%.

I remember the reverse reverb prob I was havin too, still havent found a pug that will do this, but the chopper will added after the reverb. bit crude tho.

btw, sidechaining is simply the gain control or what? its just control; no signal gets passed through it does it?


13-05-2004, 09:17 PM
U can do a vol automation on the sound u want 2 have "ducking under the kick"... !


13-05-2004, 11:50 PM
yeah i allways cut my bass arround the kicks or put a volume currve in.. i suppose this woul have the same effect..

14-05-2004, 12:44 AM
Well, you can use a gate as well, but the point is that compression is a better way of doing this I think.

Basil Rush
14-05-2004, 10:30 AM
this should be in an faq :)

14-05-2004, 01:53 PM

Basically volume automation is a very "easy" work around... just cycle on a 1/4 of a Bar... trim it 2 perfection and the copy the automation 2 the rest of the bar(s)... best do a audio mixdown so that the automation doesn't get so cpu intensive! ;)

the prob with gating is that u can totally the sound, the volume automation u can "shape" the fake comp and control the amount of gain reduction!


15-05-2004, 03:45 PM
To sidechain the Waves C1(sc) compressor, you need to have both signals going into the effects channel where the VST is insterted (so in Cubse you would have to use a Group channel). If you want to still be able to hear the sidechain signal, you'll have to use some sort of send arrangement, or thewre might be an option I've not used on the plugin....

Also, the sidechain input and the signal you want to be compressed must be panned to opposite sides (for example, kick panned hard (100%) left, bass panned hard right).
Then you just have to set the key mode on the C1 to L->R.
You'll also want to use some sort of centering plugin too, because without it, your bass/pad etc. will still only be coming out of the channel you originally panned it too.

Not much good if you wan't a sterio output though....

15-05-2004, 04:10 PM
its a nightmare converting stereo-mono tracks in SX, stil havent worked out how to get my novation bassstaion plug, to become stereo so i can add stereo reverb etc to it...

if anyone knows any centring or mono-stereo plugs plz post :)

15-05-2004, 04:16 PM
wow just used the db compr with sidechain and it's got a really good sound. i didnt realise you could do this on vst plugs. couldn't get the tc one working though :( but this is great cause now i have a free hardware triple c in the studio :)

15-05-2004, 05:08 PM
Thankz 4 the advice man, I have found this a major flaw but then I never really lost much time in finding how 2 do it.. This is a powerfull feat especially considering the C1 is quiet good!

