View Full Version : just ordered an mpc1000

17-05-2004, 04:30 PM
new toys! so excited.

bought this thing mostly for use as a live sequencer. also, i spend almost all of my days at work looking at and working on a laptop. it is damn difficult to get home and look at the laptop more in order to write music. so i chose this mpc in order to change my method from entirely computer based to a hybrid...this should prove interesting...

how fun!!! aside from Mux, anyone alse running this thing? any feedback/tips/tricks? I have looked at http://www.mpc-tutor.com/ but it is mostly a hip-hop producers site...

17-05-2004, 05:06 PM
just keeps us posted on yer experiences and questions!

PS- Congrats!


17-05-2004, 08:20 PM
SWEET! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

I find I still do most of my bassline/leadline/synth/melody programming in Logic, then dump the MIDI file across to the MPC - then I do all my samples and percussion and such on the MPC, then when I perform live with it I leave it in "pattern" mode and just turn shit on and off and change patterns manually.

I recently discovered Wavelab - how nice to be able to load up a 4/4 kickdrum loop in one channel of a "montage", then edit a vocal snippet in another channel and make it sync up properly! Eventually I have to try out using ReCycle and exporting loops of audio into the MPC as REX files... well, not exactly as REX files, but this software will load them up and convert them to MPC1000 .PGM files....:


Good stuff. :)

17-05-2004, 09:38 PM
New toys indeed!
I was gonna snag one but I bought an ESX1 yesterday. I think its going to fit my needs much better considering all of my other gear has self-contained sequencers.. so paying extra for the midi stuff on the mpc was not really worth it to me. If I need midi sequencing, my monomachine has 6 dedicated tracks of midi so I think I'm covered..
So far I've only been able to play with the ESX1 for a little while due to work - but man I'm lovin' it - sounds great :)

Cheers to Steve for helping me with my decision heheh


17-05-2004, 11:06 PM
I figured I would knock up synth loops, etc. in Logic and export the midi to the mpc. I've got a Korg ms2000r that makes some fun blip and blunks. I've never exported midi from logic to another sequencer, but I figure it is easily accomplished (i've only bounced tracks from Logic in audio, not midi). I also have recycle, left over from using reason alot...BTW i think you can export .WAV from Recycle, but I might be mistaken.

18-05-2004, 12:13 AM
...BTW i think you can export .WAV from Recycle, but I might be mistaken.

You definetly can... and also a midi file of the groove/slices.

18-05-2004, 12:49 AM
PS - If Logic/ cubase asks what type of midi file choose type 1 (all tracks seperate... type 0 is all date into one single track)...

then u can have fun muting and unmuting each track from the pads! :)


20-05-2004, 02:04 PM
Oh i'm loving this thing. It is soooooo fek'n easy to program drums it ain't even funny. Haven't got much into anything else yet...i just kept making goofy loops!!!!
I can say that the interface is wicked easy to navigate, the sound is good and the machine really swings its own groove...rock solid. looking foreward to hours of experimentation.

21-05-2004, 11:51 AM
I know this must sound like a really dumb question, but what exactly can you do with the MCP 1000, how would you convince a novice to get one?

21-05-2004, 12:46 PM
Basically have samples and loops in memory ready 2 sequence.
Sequence samples/ loops or external equipment (synths, etc...) also U can add efxs 2 the samples...

It's a really good/ stable/ easy 2 use hardware sequencer with a sampler strapped on! :eh:


21-05-2004, 01:21 PM
I'm asking 'cos I was gonna buy an RM1x to build a hardware-based setup. I do have a PC with plenty of software but I want to use that for editing audio only (I work with PCs all day long and just can't get along with using them for composing music as well, I need something tactile).
On it's own, is the mpc1000 a good tool for learning the basics of rhythm and loop programming? What other bit of kit could I add to make it more complete?

21-05-2004, 01:36 PM
MPc is great, the rm1x is also a fairly good hardware sequencer with some sounds on it...

it's dificult 2 compare cause mpc is like an institution, also mpc is a sampler...

rm1x is like a sound module with a sequencer.


21-05-2004, 02:57 PM

the mpc is a great tool for learning the basic of rythym and loop programing. Anything that is in your head, you just program the pads to play the samples you want, hit record, and play the pads, voila...and if you are just totally unable to play the pads then you can step sequence....wonderful!
In addition to the mpc you will probably need a mixer with at least six channels (four for the mpc1000 and a couple more for some sound modules). You will probably also want a synth or two, and a midi keyboard.
To start I have a Korg ms2000r for my hardware synth, the fairly inexpensive Yamaha mg12/4 mixer, an oxygen8 midi keyboard and the mpc. I would like a few more sound modules, but for now I can make some fun stuff. PLUS, if I want something extra I go to my MAC, boot up logic, write a loop, sample it and import to the mpc. soooo nice.
I gotta say though, writing on the mpc requires a much different approach. I have been forced to listen to the music a lot more...rather than seeing the music/midi on the computer screen.

21-05-2004, 04:42 PM
I gotta say though, writing on the mpc requires a much different approach. I have been forced to listen to the music a lot more...rather than seeing the music/midi on the computer screen.

21-05-2004, 10:40 PM
Paul Birken uses the 1000 for live use to trigger loops in Ableton Live. He doesn't use the sequencer or eben use the audio, he just hits the pads in realtime to trigger looks. He also uses a UC-33 controller. He says the 1000 is invaluable for live use.

21-05-2004, 10:53 PM
Paul Birken uses the 1000 for live use to trigger loops in Ableton Live. He doesn't use the sequencer or eben use the audio, he just hits the pads in realtime to trigger looks. He also uses a UC-33 controller. He says the 1000 is invaluable for live use.

Wow, that's pretty dumb. That's what Akai made the MPD-16 for - it's just the pads, as a MIDI controller. Way to waste $800, Mr. Birken.

21-05-2004, 11:01 PM
hmm, wonder why he doesn't use a MPD16 USB pad thing instead & save himself the $650 difference

21-05-2004, 11:02 PM


21-05-2004, 11:15 PM
He uses more than just the pads...he used to use the MPD16, but the 1000 has more control options. He uses it to scroll through Ableton, etc. But he also uses it full on for studio work.

21-05-2004, 11:19 PM
He uses it to scroll through Ableton, etc.
hmm, i'd be interested in the details of whatever that means... does the scroll wheel (or anything other than the pads & the slider) send midi on the 1K?

22-05-2004, 12:09 AM
Heh. I guess it does give you way more room to grow than the MPD-16, but I mean... man. That's quite a MIDI controller.

S'kinda like those people that use their Palm Pilots just for the calculator. :) Then again, my friend hasn't used his K2000 as anything but a MIDI controller for a few years now...

22-05-2004, 05:19 AM
i dont see why a mpc1000 would be bad for a controller in a live setup.. make beats on it at home and use it at gigs.. seems like a win win situation to me. loops dont make themselves :rambo:

22-05-2004, 05:22 AM
i wonder if birky still got his mpc3000 too.. :doh:

22-05-2004, 05:23 AM
I *think* he sold it, but i may be wrong.

22-05-2004, 09:37 AM
lol, serious?

My MPC3000 is still for sale. :/ Great machines for hiphop, shitty for live-pa.

Hey Acidchild, watched some of your videos today - some good choons there. :)

22-05-2004, 07:24 PM
Heh..thanks=o] Funny you're on here as i can see your sticker on my record crate from right here=o]
