View Full Version : Please recommend the best monitor's out of....

19-05-2004, 11:17 AM
(i know these have been discussed before, but apdated views would be great cos im getting one set next week)
(and im gonna listen to all of them)

Fostex pm-1

Behringer 2031a Truths

Alesis m1 mk2 a

That is the order i have been recommended by digital village in barnet

I was actually told the alesis are shit and not to bother with them. :!:

Are the fostex worthy of the extra price?

i am still leaing towards the truths for the adjusability on the back of them, and the high power

Comments and advice gratfully accepted

p.s Please try not to suggest other monitors as im having trouble deciding already ;)

19-05-2004, 05:48 PM
id say either of the 3, i use the m1's myself and i wouldnt say there shit, perhaps in comparison to mackies or krk's etc but there not trying to be professional monitors and im not a professional :lol:

there bottom end can lie a bit but youl find that with most monitors in the same price range, i use a pair of low responsive headphones to keep track of the really low end when mixing down and it works fine, i think they represent the other frequencies fine for the price and most of my stuff seems to translate to other systems nicely.

Perfectly good for a first pair of budget monitors, and power wise i havent found it to be a problem, im monitoring on level 5 on the m1s and they go upto level 10, 5 is well loud enough for nearfield, youll tire your ears out much quicker also if your working too loud.

dan the acid man
24-05-2004, 10:44 PM
leave the behringer's, behringer usually make cheap good's, even though i have'nt heard them, im guessing the component's they use are'nt upto much. I would personally recommend the alesis or the fostex, alot of people professional and none professional do use the alesis though

25-05-2004, 08:38 AM
Actually, I've heard nothing but good reviews of the Behringers, by folks that I trust... and believe me, I subscribe to the "Behringer gear is crap" school of music. :)

Read many articles on mixing and "critical listening". Go to a big music store that has a listening room with all of these makes of monitor, and bring a bunch of music that you know really well. Trust your ears. Listen to the *really* expensive ones as well as the ones you can afford. Buy what your ears tell you to.

25-05-2004, 02:36 PM
Cheers people.

Im going to Digital Village on friday to get em.

Dont think they have the alesis on display anymore,
And i will more than likley get the Truths

Ill let you know how i get on
