Hi Guys,
I just wanted to thank you for some of the comments made here. It means a lot to receive your support.

Just to clear up a few points, schlongfingers I most definatly have never DJ`d out anywhere, I don`t know whre you got this info.

And for the people commenting on the DJing side, just because I love and produce some Techno why should I have any interest in DJ`ing? I get offers all the time from promoters, tours of austrailia, europe you mention it I`ve been offered it, but I have NO INTEREST end of story. I am interested in making music, not spinning other peoples music to crowds. I honestly don`t see how they are even remotely related.

DJVirulent has got it right as to why I dont play live, thank you, its such a relief to read comments that are spot on. I`m not dismissing playing live, I would like to if I could find a way to create what I would like to do, but at the moment its not possible for me.

I have always stuck to what I believe in, and I always will. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who like and support what I do, I will always do my best never to let you down.
