Here's the deal.. I have an old recording were I did some trickery on a break after the track was finished.. It was ment for CD release on a complitation so I didn't remember 'till I got a call from the label U also wants 2 release it on Vinil!!!
At the cutting place they say they have spotted a anti-phase prob...
I have been thinking that maybe the guy said it was a phase inversion prob or something and the guy from the label got he's infos crossed (he's not a technician or musician so..)
now I remeber using a wide phaser after killing all the bass... what I not so sure is use a stereo spread at a very wide setting... (which I have half a mind I haven't)..
If I play the break and do a mono summ I get very little sound... but at the same time this should constitute much of a prob . as I know the break as almost all bass cut from it!
At the moment I have used a sort of work'a'round which is copy the left side of the wave.. overwrite the right side.. this seems 2 do it.. or at least <i don't have any phasing probs... even if I play a mono sum.. the stereo doesn't look 2 wide aswell...
SO If any1s got any other answers jus lemme know please!