downloading - although its taking an age
Alright well I'm not talking shit, but this mix was ok. I was not blown away by it really. For such big names, I truly expected it to be just a bit better. However overall the mix was good.
yeah, same here, pretty cool set, some interesting tracks in there..........i guess more on the hard minimal side
was that a beastie boys remix i heard in there?
i got bored and turned it off.
cant say it really grabbed me by the balls when i was listening to it either....
will have another listen later on.
\"if you don\'t explode a few heads every night, then you\'re not doing your job\" R.Hawtin IDJ 2001
downloading now thanks for the post :)
yea i know what you mean, i was expecting big tunes from start to finish,still there is a couple i'd wanna get my filthy mits on!