Elektro 135BPM
;) cya Tjark
Elektro 135BPM
;) cya Tjark
dont work.
it works but i think you use an shit browser"!!! :?:
Nice, emotional electro, with a slight Tubeway Army feeling.
I like this.
The production needs some work, but it`s a solid track.
I think the bass could do with being a little ouder and maybe a little phatter.
Also the kick could be just a touch beefier.
The mid range could do with something to fill it out a little. Maybe some electro conga`s or something?
Nice, with an overall fattening up of the final mix, this could be a very slick electro tune. :clap:
Solitary by nature.
Isolation is the gift.
Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?