Do people throw this word about a bit too much when there is actually bugger all experimental about something. To me 'experimental music' would mean er recording lots of cats shitting onto tape and then making them eat the tape and then recording the sound coming out their asses or something like that. Maybe a better example would be the audio installations & stuff that Laurie Anderson does with microphones & speakers.

When people say "we should be getting more *experimental* with techno" dont they just mean more *musical* . For example if someone here suggested that we should try and make techno with a 7/5 time signature people would call that 'experimental' where as to a jazz musician it would just be another time signature amoungst others. Same goes for song arrangements. When someone breaks out of the mould slighty they are sometimes labeled as 'experimental' when all they are doing is rejecting the narrow ecstasy influenced norm.
