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  1. #1
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Nov 2004

    Default Techno Vs. $€$£$

    Techno can be an expensive interest with with Equipment/Vinyl etc.... and how do BOA people cope with that? I am just curious to know how people manage their money and whether techno is a full time thing for you?????

    Personally I'm a bum student who doesnt bother to go to school, and has no cash! Sometimes i make a webpage or two and that € goes straight to Spindizzy records most of the time!

    Im at a stage where i have to make a decision to get up off my hole and get a job .. to further anything to do with techno because cash=resouces. But sometimes its hard to find a job where im not tearing my hair out (even tho ive a shaved head).

    Just interested to know how people manage their $$ and their techno!!!

  2. #2
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Cambridge BLADDDDD


    I have to cope on a part time job as im at college, but i wouldnt say i cope as theres so much music and equipment id love to buy.
    R.I.P JOHN PEEL ...........

  3. #3
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    me 2..... i recently gave up my p-t job coz when uve to work on a sunday.....sometimes it just doesnt happen!!

    but its a head melt when uve to go into a record shop with a 10er knowing ur going to want so much more!

  4. #4
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Cambridge BLADDDDD


    Totally, i work sundays :cry:
    R.I.P JOHN PEEL ...........

  5. #5
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Matrix


    i work 9-5 five days a week to fund myself...

  6. #6
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Calgary, Canada


    I have managed to create a fairly successful graphic/web design business over the years which most of the time gives me more flexible hours and more control over my actual work time versus making techno time and I can still be creative in my work.

    I recently turned down a cushy job as a project manager so I would have time for the music, most days I'm ok with it but sometimes I think I'm out of my mind, you have to follow your heart though.
    Techno. Drum and Bass.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Leeds, UK


    well i dj as well and that's what pays the bills, which also means i don't have to churn out masses of tunes. i've known producers who just produce music and nothing else and it IS possible to live like this but the problems come when you're trying to balance creativity with business. i think it's very, very hard for producers in techno - you must have something else in my eyes. and if that's something else to do with music then that's the perfect senario.

    one things for sure, you have to have a get up and go mind, as well as a good amount of business sense if you're ever going to make it as a producer. don't think it's an easy path cause it definitely 100% isnt!!! years of going without, couple with knockback after setback after shit and even more shit. i don't think i've ever been 100% happy with any tune we've ever done and the rest of the time is spent arguing in your own head about whether a couple of db's off 50 Hz really is making a blind bit of difference ;)

  8. #8
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    I am only a bedroom jock at the moment but my record buying was getting out of control.

    I set aside £200 & went out & bought a second hand collection. I split this up, kept the few records I liked & sold the rest, paid back the £200 (it was from my credit card) & used the profit to buy a larger collection and so on. I also use the profit to buy new records from Juno, record shops etc.

    I presently have approx 3000 records waiting to be sold & about 1500 in my own personal collection, all bought & paid for with my profits. I know this isn't a lot compared to some of the bigger DJs on this forum but for a bedroom DJ it is not bad.

    That is how I pay for my "addiction".

  9. #9
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Yomamma's house


    Right little delboy :lol:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Leeds, UK


    yeah hahahaha


  11. #11
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Louis Theroux
    I am only a bedroom jock at the moment but my record buying was getting out of control.

    I set aside £200 & went out & bought a second hand collection. I split this up, kept the few records I liked & sold the rest, paid back the £200 (it was from my credit card) & used the profit to buy a larger collection and so on. I also use the profit to buy new records from Juno, record shops etc.

    I presently have approx 3000 records waiting to be sold & about 1500 in my own personal collection, all bought & paid for with my profits. I know this isn't a lot compared to some of the bigger DJs on this forum but for a bedroom DJ it is not bad.

    That is how I pay for my "addiction".
    You sound like you should be into property etc...

  12. #12
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    hmmm money and techno,

    a few years ago i was on the dole whilst doin music at college.

    one day on crimbo eve, i went into manchester with 40 quid to buy all of my prezzies, to cut a long storey short, i whent into eastern bloc (just to see what was about ;) ) came out with 40 pounds worth of records but !!!!!. that was a bad christmas coz of it but in my head i justified it some how would i do it again :?: :?: :?: probably.

  13. #13
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Newquay, Cornwall


    I go to college through the week & work every weekend & 3 weeknights to fund the vinyl & equipment :cry:

  14. #14
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    I work high paying contract and temporary jobs a few times a year and spend the rest jamming techno and ****ing around

    Also work casual sometimes fixing music gear.

  15. #15
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    i do a 9 to 5 monday to friday job now in telecoms, i get to sit in front of a computer all day, when i get home i am to tired to even switch my comp on to produce some techno crackers

  16. #16
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I work 60+ hours on average per week.

    I wish I could dedicate more time to DJing and production, because I have no problems in affording these vices.

  17. #17
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Weymouth !!


    I fund myself with a fairly well paid full time job selling HiFi, plasma displays & general sound equipment. This has its perks, such as having acess to equimpent at trade price ect but it also has its problems like it takes up too much time working 42 hrs a week & i often find it hard to fit everything else into my ' spare ' time. Also it stops me from traveling to events far away on a friday night as i have to work on a saturday most of the time :cry:
    I often wish i didnt have a full time job as then i could put more time into making music, but then if i didnt have a job I wouldnt be able afford to spend £££ upgrading computers & buying vinyl every week. I certainly wouldnt be able to afford to get 750 records pressed either & its not as if selling them will make you lots of £ because it doesnt. At least my job is easy & fairly laid back & sort of music related, it could be alot worse !

  18. #18
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Swannie
    I fund myself with a fairly well paid full time job selling HiFi, plasma displays & general sound equipment. This has its perks, such as having acess to equimpent at trade price ect but it also has its problems like it takes up too much time working 42 hrs a week & i often find it hard to fit everything else into my ' spare ' time. Also it stops me from traveling to events far away on a friday night as i have to work on a saturday most of the time :cry:
    I often wish i didnt have a full time job as then i could put more time into making music, but then if i didnt have a job I wouldnt be able afford to spend £££ upgrading computers & buying vinyl every week. I certainly wouldnt be able to afford to get 750 records pressed either & its not as if selling them will make you lots of £ because it doesnt. At least my job is easy & fairly laid back & sort of music related, it could be alot worse !
    I hear ya man. I would be quite happy working a well paid job only 3 days a week and having the rest of the week for personal music endevours.

  19. #19
    Prince Of Warthogs
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    after living on the dole for about 10 years , i finally started to get paid for making music when i was in my first band.
    after that i used what was left over from that money to buy studio equiptment and hooked up with a guy who had a studio but no time to use it
    ( extremelly lucky break no.1)
    i moved into his studio with my gear and slowly atarted to get his gear repaired and got the studio into some kind of working order.
    it was based in the attic of a pub that was owned by the same guy so we were rent free for a time , and then i met chris lib.....
    ( lucky break number 2)
    we worked on a few tracks together while the studio became a collective and studio time became tight.
    then i was introduced to kris needs......
    ( lucky break no 3)
    we started working on remixes under his secret knowledge name.
    we did the orb , jesus jones , and a couple of things for eye q , which started to generate some cash , at that time the s.u.f sessions were coming in thick and fast which also generated a little extra cash. along with one or two gigs.
    i eventually decided to move the studio out of collective hands ( as the gear mostly belonged to me by this stage)and over to brick lane on my own.
    since then the studio has paid it's own way and generated enough money to live on.
    recently i have been dj'ing to earn money , leaving my weeks free for me to write music on my own , and not have to rent out the studio so often.
    it's not easy to make ends meet , but i get by. sometimes things are good
    sometimes not.
    for now i am renting a 3 bed house in kent , one of the bedrooms is the studio and that arrangement works pretty well.
    i am hoping to buy a place next year.
    i sometimes completely freak myself out by thinking...

    " what if i wake up tomorrow and all my gigs are cancelled?"

    etc etc ....
    it's pretty scary living like this sometimes. but it's worth it.
    love your mum

  20. #20
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    LS6 + fuct


    It's a perennial one isn't it...

    work: have money and no time...

    don't work: have time but no money...

    Think my best time for music was managing to blag best part of 6 months off in my last job on full pay after being attacked by a client and refusing to go in until the security was sorted... ...but not a course of action I'd recomend.... I work, it's not enough to pay for it all really but gets me by.

    It's the time aspect now with a job and a part time degree, and when you bring a girlfriend into the equation...
    Pure F*ckin' Noize Terror...


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