Dont really want to start an argument about whats better but I'm seriously thinking of upgrading and want some idea's. At the moment, I've become fairly adjusted to using a laptop. My laptop is a Dell PIII 2.4gig cpu with 512SD-Ram, probably a 4200 20 gig HD. Its going on two years old now, still does me fine but its definitely holding me back by having frequent heart attacks in ableton when I try and jock more than a certain amount of effects/samplers or whatever. I'm also using a audiophile USB soundcard which I'd keep because its awsome...
I'm more or less decided upon buying a Apple Mac however I'm not sure whether or not to get a G5 or a 17" Powerbook. I'm going to wait until september I think because I've heard rumours about a G5 Powerbook which would be awsome. Also I'm wondering is the 17" and 15" powerbooks only different in size? I imagine I'd buy a 17" because you cant go wrong with a bigger moniter...
Obviously laptops a must if you want to play out but not even sure how often I'll be doing that. But my primary concern is power - I suppose if Apple manage to get a G5 cpu and cooling system inside a Powerbook, its all good? Opinion welcome!! Cheers.