To be honnest and not to feel condescendant, i recently found the BOA forum pretty boring these days, concerning the forums im reading (mainly this one, the dark techno and the hard techno).
The dark techno has seen some good and originally minded people leave. The discussions are mostly about the new BMB release of that 100th Surgeon set (yes hes original but not enough to make me able to listen a new set of him each week).
The hard techno is all about the new skoog and wilson release.
thje techno forum is interesting but most of the time the topics are pointless (at least people dare variety and thats good).
So as we are in a postive forum, i would like to inctate people to dare talkinga bout new topics, new producers. About what make them like or dislike some track (most of the time the posts give personnal opinion without any argument).
I htink it would be very interesting people share their influences, the evolution of their tastes and their recent discoveries to give some more consitence in the "that track is good "discussions that have invaded the board.
There's so much new music going out these days, and i feel sick that with all variaty people are only able to launch another jeff mills adam beyer ore regis thread !!!
Just my two cents . Cheers