The (possible) Future of DJ'ing
Okay here's my thoughts on how to move things forward:
Making use of the new controllers coming out for ableton / traktor / Fscratch etc.
Sell CD's / DVD's of an E.P or Single in the following format:
Chris Liebing - Seven Eleven
1. Kik Drum Channel
2. Snare Drum Channel
3. Bassline Channel (1)
4. Bassline Channel (2)
5. Synth Line Channel
6. Fx Channel
and so on...
so in essence the complete tune is stripped down to it's single tracks.
on later tracks have the individual hits... kik, snare, crash etc.
also have wet and dry versions.
The point being that you could then excentuate the mix, lengthen it. edit it, remix it, etc
and use the parts in ableton / traktor / final scratch
This could be made viable in a "selling records" way, by selling the cd / dvd at say 10 to 20 times the price.
Serious developers of "Live" mixing / editing would I'm sure pay the money, considering most people Dj and Produce.
Also the piracy would be somewhat less, like the dub culture because the people that bought the cd / dvd would be less inclined to share it... I mean you get what u pay for and it would lead to far more inspiring, far more un cluttered and tuneful sets...
Before you flame... just pause and think about the extent of the possibilities with ableton and VST's... using meloydyne / anaters autotune to switch tune / key of basslines... and on and on... true DJ creativity...
then think back to Grandmaster flash and what he did with 2 record players instead of 1 which helped lead to the last 20 years of Dj'ing...
let's move things forward...