ive ben puttin vinyl onto my pc (in a previous thread many of you chaps offered much top help :clap: )
its going on at 24/192 (and suckin up sooo much drive space lol) but this is gonna be better for sound in the long run.
ive never dealt with this 'dithering' wotsit..
so, was hopin some of the brains here can put me in the right direction..
i was going to...
1.archive all trax in 24/192
2.copy all & dither down to 16/44.1 for cd use
3.copy the 16/44.1 and convert to 320kbps MP3
so, i'll have every track in 2 WAV & 1 MP3 format.. on hard drive & data dvd's & audio cdrs..
ANY tips at all... many thanx y'all :lol:
p.s can i do batch/group dithering in Sound Forge 7 or Wavelab 5 ??