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  1. #1
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    jeta 2 reticuli

    Default LAME cubase enquiry

    yo, ive been messing with cubase lately and have 2 questions:

    1. i got kind of deleyed sound when for instance playing with the keys on vsts and its not my pc cause i got enough of memory and cpu, thing is when i put the notes finally and i let sequencer play it thers no deleyeen, oww and i checked preferences of the sound and everything seem to be ok... anyone ?

    2. is there any chance of playing the notes with use of keyboard like in FL studio ??


  2. #2
    Keepin' it Unreal
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: LAME cubase enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by borisXHL
    yo, ive been messing with cubase lately and have 2 questions:

    1. i got kind of deleyed sound when for instance playing with the keys on vsts and its not my pc cause i got enough of memory and cpu, thing is when i put the notes finally and i let sequencer play it thers no deleyeen, oww and i checked preferences of the sound and everything seem to be ok... anyone ?

    2. is there any chance of playing the notes with use of keyboard like in FL studio ??

    1. Sound like your asio need setting up properly. Change your buffer settings to a lower latency.

    2. Not that i know of. You would be better getting a midi controler to be honest..

  3. #3
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    jeta 2 reticuli

    Default Re: LAME cubase enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by IQ
    Quote Originally Posted by borisXHL
    yo, ive been messing with cubase lately and have 2 questions:

    1. i got kind of deleyed sound when for instance playing with the keys on vsts and its not my pc cause i got enough of memory and cpu, thing is when i put the notes finally and i let sequencer play it thers no deleyeen, oww and i checked preferences of the sound and everything seem to be ok... anyone ?

    2. is there any chance of playing the notes with use of keyboard like in FL studio ??

    1. Sound like your asio need setting up properly. Change your buffer settings to a lower latency.

    2. Not that i know of. You would be better getting a midi controler to be honest..

    thanks ive changed asio and its all good now as concerned second one aint got money for midi controller now, bet i need one..

    thanks a lot



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