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  1. #1
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    Default Leo Laker tracklisting

    Hi! I am looking for the tracklisting and/or cue for the set of Hardsignal pres. July (by Leo Laker). It's ****ing awesome

  2. #2
    Junior Freak
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    sorry we don't have the trklist for Leo's set.

    you'd have to ask Leo himself and i'm betting he won't give it out. alot of dj's (including myself) like to keep their mix trklistings to themselves so they can be the only ones spinning certain tracks. then again he might not care, who knows.

    anyways, you can get ahold of Leo through Tribaseline.com (who appear to be offline at the moment).

    wish i could help you more bruvva.

    cheers. 8)

  3. #3
    Ultimate Freak
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    i never understood why dj's do this. so you can be the only one playing them..? i'd like an explanation if you could.
    piss and the vultures will pay... coming soon

  4. #4
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adverse
    i never understood why dj's do this. so you can be the only one playing them..? i'd like an explanation if you could.
    I agree. And if you have any respect for the artist who produced the records you wouldn't be trying to hide their idenity, or be disclosing the name of the record. I do a weekly radio show in Dublin and post up tracklistings most weeks to the relevant places, people like to see what you are playing and I'm more than happy to let them know. Man get rid of this exclusive "this is my music" crap, the music's for everyone...

  5. #5
    Junior Freak
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    whoa hang on boys....not trying to start a war...

    i have a radio show on Hardsignal as well and we broadcast the trklistings too. in many respects i agree with sunil. the music's for the people and when you are dj'ing, you are sharing it with everyone.

    but the facts are, and i've seen this time and again, if you want to get booked more often, you can't just be playing what everyone else is playing. many dj's (including bigger names, you'd be surprised) will white label their records so that next week everybody and their dog isn't playing the same tracks, because if you're playing music that no other dj (or very few) has, then your value as a dj goes up. if a promoter can hire some kid for half the money cuz he's playing everything you play, then your not gonna get booked as often.

    i can only speak for myself, but i'm definitely not a music "hog". trust me, i make absolutely no money from Hardsignal and in fact i pay a fair amount to keep it going. and i do this *only* because i love the music and want to share it with everyone i can.

    but exclusive=$$$...just the facts of the biz.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Freak
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    i just wanted an explanation i'm not looking for a fight. that thing about booking is a load in my opinion.. promnters hardly care about who's playing what. they care about who's bringing numbers.
    piss and the vultures will pay... coming soon

  7. #7
    Ultimate Freak
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    the only thing exclusive is your name. i've heard manipulated beyer remix 3 times in one night at a bailey varela + locals affair... place was packed.
    piss and the vultures will pay... coming soon

  8. #8
    Junior Freak
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adverse
    the only thing exclusive is your name.
    how do you think you get an exclusive name? certainly not by playing the same tracks as everyone else.

  9. #9
    Junior Freak
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    and i'm not saying promoters care about what your playing - most of the promoters ive met wouldnt know techno from hard-house...but yeah it's all about numbers and numbers are based on your name. and your name is defined by the tracks you play. so it ain't a load, it's reality.

  10. #10
    Ultimate Freak
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    Quote Originally Posted by h.a.r.d.s.i.g.n.a.l
    and i'm not saying promoters care about what your playing - most of the promoters ive met wouldnt know techno from hard-house...but yeah it's all about numbers and numbers are based on your name. and your name is defined by the tracks you play. so it ain't a load, it's reality.
    reacords you play or the ones you produce?
    piss and the vultures will pay... coming soon

  11. #11
    Ultimate Freak
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    every dj is different anyway, regardless of what records they own!

  12. #12
    Junior Freak
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    ahhh - well i would have to say both but if you're a dj and you don't produce, what else do you have to build your reputation with but the records you play?

    for better or for worse, if you're playing exclusives and you're packing the place because you're playing stuff they won't get to hear when they go into option b's area who's playing the same old tired records that they've heard a million times, whose gonna get booked again?

  13. #13
    Prince Of Warthogs
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    actually sometimes i'mnot so sure if playing lot's of new stuff is always the right thing to do. sometimes people go a bit cold if every track is so new that they've never heard it before.
    i reckon productions are what get you noticed unless you really have particularly out of this world dj skills.
    but let's face it either way it's bloody difficult to get noticed
    love your mum

  14. #14
    Ultimate Freak
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    When will people understand that the most important is not what you play, but how you play it.

    I got a package from Jaxx last week and included were stickers with "UNKNOWN" on them to put on the records! Ha ha ha ha ha so fukcing silly! This whole phenomena belongs in the U.K breakdown progressive hands-in-the-air trance scene and not in techno.

  15. #15
    Ultimate Freak
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    hardsignal, i understand the angle that u are coming from, but i believe that if u gave say 2 techno dj's 10 of the same records each and asked them to do a mix for u both would be different (different tracklistings perhaps, different cuepoints maybe, etc..) resulting in u pefering one mix to the other...

  16. #16
    Junior Freak
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    hehe...well this has certainly turned into more than just a trklist request.

    look, i can't disagree with any of the points made here (especially the one about trying to get noticed!)....but like it or don't some dj's are secretive about the what they spin. whether it gets them booked more often or not on an individual basis, i couldnt say for sure. i guess we'd have to ask the booking agencies of all the dj's that white label their records and all the booking agencies of the dj's who don't....

    whether it's just mojo, karma, superstition, call it what you will, i can only say from personal experience that i at least *believe* i get booked more often because of what i spin. and wenna , i totally agree with you. i rarely mix the same set twice using the exact same records/songs.

    but unless you're like a Dj Craze or Skratch Pickles kinda freaky skills dude, then what else you have to go on but the records you are playing?? i guess some people wear masks. there was that one chickie dj awhile back, cant remember her name, who spun while topless. couldn't match beats worth a shit but who was listening?

    i dunno, i forgot the point of this. i'm just saying that for myself, exclusives are a part of the biz, it always has been always will be.

    whatever your style or opinion on the matter, just keep spinning. that's the most important thing, oui?

    oops, better get some work done.

    peace! :D

  17. #17
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buttman
    When will people understand that the most important is not what you play, but how you play it.
    There is a mix of me playing only marco bailey and vengaboys tunes (one after the other after the other..) in the post to you buttman. Check out the slick slick spinbacks i do when coming out of a bailey record and feel the rush of the vengadeck being turned off as I slam in latest MBElecktonics tune.

  18. #18
    Ultimate Freak
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    Quote Originally Posted by h.a.r.d.s.i.g.n.a.l
    hehe...well this has certainly turned into more than just a trklist request.

    look, i can't disagree with any of the points made here (especially the one about trying to get noticed!)....but like it or don't some dj's are secretive about the what they spin. whether it gets them booked more often or not on an individual basis, i couldnt say for sure. i guess we'd have to ask the booking agencies of all the dj's that white label their records and all the booking agencies of the dj's who don't....

    whether it's just mojo, karma, superstition, call it what you will, i can only say from personal experience that i at least *believe* i get booked more often because of what i spin. and wenna , i totally agree with you. i rarely mix the same set twice using the exact same records/songs.

    but unless you're like a Dj Craze or Skratch Pickles kinda freaky skills dude, then what else you have to go on but the records you are playing?? i guess some people wear masks. there was that one chickie dj awhile back, cant remember her name, who spun while topless. couldn't match beats worth a shit but who was listening?

    i dunno, i forgot the point of this. i'm just saying that for myself, exclusives are a part of the biz, it always has been always will be.

    whatever your style or opinion on the matter, just keep spinning. that's the most important thing, oui?

    oops, better get some work done.

    peace! :D
    so i guess in the end "the facts" turned out to be just your opinion/experience... did i understand that right? nice one.

    i'd say if you have any clout as a dj.. share your playlists.. if you don't you might be digging a hole for the labels (cause every record sold means a lot to the artists) you love to play by not letting them breathe. techno is way to damn small to be all competitive. especially in this regard.. especially if you have/play promos!
    piss and the vultures will pay... coming soon

  19. #19
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by h.a.r.d.s.i.g.n.a.l

    but unless you're like a Dj Craze or Skratch Pickles kinda freaky skills dude, then what else you have to go on but the records you are playing?? i guess some people wear masks. there was that one chickie dj awhile back, cant remember her name, who spun while topless. couldn't match beats worth a shit but who was listening?
    Man there's more to playing techno records than cutting and scatching like a hip hop DJ as I'm sure you well aware. Your above comment is a bit of a cop out in my opinion. But in fairness you have stuck to your guns in what you have been saying so I'm not going to argue! there is something in what you are saying though which is I have to say quite true, 90% of punters judge djs by what they play as opposed to the way they play..

  20. #20
    Junior Freak
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adverse
    so i guess in the end "the facts" turned out to be just your opinion/experience... did i understand that right? nice one.

    i'd say if you have any clout as a dj.. share your playlists.. if you don't you might be digging a hole for the labels (cause every record sold means a lot to the artists) you love to play by not letting them breathe. techno is way to damn small to be all competitive. especially in this regard.. especially if you have/play promos!
    you weren't looking for an argument....you just want to have the last word on this is, right? am i understanding you correctly?

    sure the "facts" are based on my experience, yeah. what else could i base them on? i've personally talked to and read about dj's who white label their stuff so they don't have everyone else playing it by the end of the week. i've done it myself. yep, i guess that would qualify as experience being translated into fact. you saying it's killing techno is just your opinion as well. does that make it a fact? if what i'm saying isn't factual, neither is your opinion.

    just so we're clear....i'm not saying every dj does this. i'm not saying i do this all the time. i'm not saying it's a good thing for small labels. i'm not saying you should only play new stuff to draw the crowds. i'm not saying that it isn't good to promote techno (apparently our site escaped your attention). what i'm saying is some guitar players turn their back so you can't see the licks their playing and some dj's do the same thing.

    what exactly about what this concept don't you get?

    the next time you "aren't looking for a fight" with someone, don't get all up in their face with opinions that aren't any more or less valid than theirs. it pisses people off. that's also just conjecture based on experience. :roll:


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