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  1. #21
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2005


    I still think this record is really really good, and for me the best Irish Techno release I've heard in a long long long time..................so keep up the good work Richie and I look forward to future releases!!!


  2. #22
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Oct 2003


    Have to say I really liked it as well. Can remember dj 3000 playing it and the crowd reacting well.
    Does sound "raw" but too much of techno sounds like a production exercise.
    Rather something was a little different and interesting than listen to another highly polished musical turd.
    Useful advice from peeps, but I wouldn't know where to start if I wanted someone to take one of my records.
    If you can go it alone, fair play, good luck and all that.

  3. #23
    BOA Newbie
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    Kilkenny, Ireland.


    Thanks for your support guys..

    I really dont hold it against people who dont like the record because i know diferent strokes for diferent folks,

    but when people try tell ya that techno shouldnt be made that way etc or that it should be made diferent, man i wish the guy was in front of me...

  4. #24
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    no one's saying techno should be made in anyway, but i mean come on, bully us for wanting high production values! :roll:

    mark, seriously, there are guys putting stuff up in the production filez section on your own site that knock shades out of this ep, and any of my stuff for that matter too before anyone pipes up, so yeah its nothing different to what people are doing on here, nothing different at all

    as for not knowing where to start with sending stuff out, really?? honestly Jay, come on, there are about 15 people with labels on this forum for a start, and about 75% of labels id say have good web presence, getting tracks taken by labels is alot, LOT easier than people think

    Richie - dont take it personally, im a cynic, and were getting into a scene that is completely on its arse at the moment, and i personally just think the scene needs yet another label which may possibly just drop out again after one or two releases, which is often the case, i hope not of course

    were all big boys here so stop crying people bloody hell, worse things happen at sea ;)

  5. #25
    Supreme Freak
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    dat der derby


    yeah don't take it personally what i said about your tune, personally i'm not into it, the sounds are really dry for my tastes... but i'm not everyone

    anyway criticism is good, it makes you more determined to do better

  6. #26
    Supreme Freak
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    dat der derby


    also bad press is better than no press, it wasn't for this thread i wouldn't of heard of you and i wouldn't have just flicked through your website.

  7. #27
    BOA Newbie
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    Kilkenny, Ireland.


    we're all going to heaven whe heyyyyyyyyyyy :lol:

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    The Swan


    i think, musically, these tracks are quite good. but when it comes to the sound of the drums...i've got to agree with eyes. these tracks would greatly benefit from some processing...
    The law is not the private property of lawyers, nor is justice the exclusive province of judges and juries. In the final analysis, true justice is not a matter of courts and law books, but of a commitment in each of us to liberty and mutual respect. - Jimmy Carter

  9. #29
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    eyes.... i know you are considering DA INDUSTRY, but you have to remember that techno here in Ireland is playing catch up. and taking that into consideration, Richie Parker, is pushing the scene, being AFAIK the only tuff techno label here. which is commendable on its own accord. no???

    the scene here is pretty shit, but its the likes of a few heads that are starting to gettin to grips with production, that could restart a movement. something to get excited about is all we need.

    BUT looking at techno as a (w)hole, i think the last thing the market needs is another label to confuse the punters. If a producers work is strong enough, it should stand out and be picked up by the Gaffers.

    IMO techno needs something fresh and new i dont think these tunes have that sound, although they have a definate beef to them for sure.

    but you do your thing Richie ;) ill be off to techno heaven with ye :)

  10. #30
    Junior Freak
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    Dublin, Ireland


    Quote Originally Posted by Dj-Richie-Parker

    but when people try tell ya that techno shouldnt be made that way etc or that it should be made diferent, man i wish the guy was in front of me...
    I think you're talking about me here Richie :cheese:

  11. #31
    BOA Newbie
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    Kilkenny, Ireland.


    you know i love you conan :blush:

  12. #32
    Ultimate Freak
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by eyeswithoutaface
    no one's saying techno should be made in anyway, but i mean come on, bully us for wanting high production values! :roll:

    mark, seriously, there are guys putting stuff up in the production filez section on your own site that knock shades out of this ep, and any of my stuff for that matter too before anyone pipes up, so yeah its nothing different to what people are doing on here, nothing different at all

    as for not knowing where to start with sending stuff out, really?? honestly Jay, come on, there are about 15 people with labels on this forum for a start, and about 75% of labels id say have good web presence, getting tracks taken by labels is alot, LOT easier than people think

    Richie - dont take it personally, im a cynic, and were getting into a scene that is completely on its arse at the moment, and i personally just think the scene needs yet another label which may possibly just drop out again after one or two releases, which is often the case, i hope not of course

    were all big boys here so stop crying people bloody hell, worse things happen at sea ;)
    jesus that is so condescending. who are you to tell anyone how and where to put HIS music out. ffs take your head out your arse.

    and why do we need "high production values" some of the best records ever released were raw as **** and better for it. if it works it works but a polished turd is still a turd.

    why don't we need another label. personally i mostly listen to new labels before going to established artists. if it's shit it'll die, if it's good it'll prosper, hopefully. i'd rather 10 shit hot new labels a week that die after 2 releases than yet more releases on primate, elp, zenit etc.. they're the labels that are killing the scene by flooding it with mediocre shite.

    if those guys in the productions files pages haven't got the bollocks to press up a few copies then it's their loss. this guy sounds like he's been through it a bit to put this out so fair play to him. good luck with it. it's not my thing personally but i know alot of people who'd play it.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by darkside

    if those guys in the productions files pages haven't got the bollocks to press up a few copies then it's their loss. this guy sounds like he's been through it a bit to put this out so fair play to him. good luck with it. it's not my thing personally but i know alot of people who'd play it.
    i would have applauded you but for that statement.. most of us in the "production forum" are blue in the face trying to self publicise. i, personally send out so many cds and transfer so many files i cant even remember who has a copy of what anymore... its not that easy to just "press up a few copies". first stumbling block - money. many of us havent got that much cash lying around to take a chance, so getting picked up by a label is our only chance to get a foothold in the game. maybe after we sell our first million :roll: things will be differant but for now, for me, paying for my own cuts aint an option....

  14. #34
    Ultimate Freak
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by rhythmtech
    Quote Originally Posted by darkside

    if those guys in the productions files pages haven't got the bollocks to press up a few copies then it's their loss. this guy sounds like he's been through it a bit to put this out so fair play to him. good luck with it. it's not my thing personally but i know alot of people who'd play it.
    i would have applauded you but for that statement.. most of us in the "production forum" are blue in the face trying to self publicise. i, personally send out so many cds and transfer so many files i cant even remember who has a copy of what anymore... its not that easy to just "press up a few copies". first stumbling block - money. many of us havent got that much cash lying around to take a chance, so getting picked up by a label is our only chance to get a foothold in the game. maybe after we sell our first million :roll: things will be differant but for now, for me, paying for my own cuts aint an option....
    fair enough, sorry, i shouldn't have said that but at the same time someone who has scraped the cash together and probably gone without certain luxuries to do so shouldn't be slagged off for his efforts.

    maybe you should send something to richie parker :)

  15. #35
    Junior Freak
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    Dublin, Ireland


    I went through this on another forum with Richie no too long ago and I was saying pretty much what Eyes was saying initially. I thought about it a bit more though and in hearing Richie's side of things i think its a bit harsh to cut him down even if it is just an opinion.

    I think it's an interesting issue though because there are so many variabes in place. I mean you have the content of the record, the label, the distributer, the effort of the producer, the current release environment, Standards and aspirations ....... it's endless. When I posted about the record I was only considering a few of those elements and maybe that's not right.

    If someone has worked hard, believes in himself and has support behind him then I think that has to be a good thing. Whatever you think about the content it gives some peace of mind to know that he made a huge effort to get it out and make a difference rather than just fill the market with the same old sh1t.

    As it has been said before what one person loves another will hate and you just dont what work has been put into a record so some criticism may be a bit un fair. However in saying that I think there is alot to be said for getting recognition from already established artists and assuring that what you're putting out his of a high standard and something new.

  16. #36
    BOA Newbie
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    Kilkenny, Ireland.


    We're all going to heaven....whe heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :lol:

  17. #37
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    The Singularity


    Well, I ain`t into it, and anyone starting a vinyl label in techno these days, is not only mad, but probably needs to go into rehab or therapy.
    BUT fair enough, put your balls on the line and press up a record, it`s a feckin hard way to learn, especially of your production is a bit rough, but we can`t really stand hear and knock the guy for it too much.
    It`s not like he`s knocking out another sodding schranze grinder that goes oom-shaaaa oom-shaaaa for 6 mins with a "hilarious" pop hit sample in the middle.
    Hell, I pretty much did the same thing when I started, and I`ve learned a hell of a lot from it, and don`t really have any regrets.

    So fair play mate, just try to always strive for improvement and development of yourself and your sound, ignor all hype, and never think you are too good, and good luck. Really good ****in luck.
    Solitary by nature.
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    Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?


  18. #38
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    haha whatever man, really, the guy himself didnt take that much offence to it so neither should anyone else. The classic "take ur head out your arse" doesnt really wash, so what im stubborn in my opinions, but my head couldnt be any less out of my own arse, but of course it must be judged on the basis of comments i type when online. i forgot that bit.

    read my post's properly, i didnt TELL him to do anything. I merely expressed my opinion on the others options available, and my dismay at yet another label. It's not personal, ffs, but this doesnt make much sense to me, sales are falling all the time all over the shop, so lets bring more new labels onto a market that barely supports itself? might seem like a good idea to some, not too me

    re the production value's, did i say anywhere that raw sounding production wasnt good? errrr no, but there is a way to do "raw" and this wasnt it, there is a difference between raw and dry. Not condescending whatsoever, just basic production values. example of good raw, well Jeff Mills is the best i can think of. Raw, simple, but not dry, processed right, sequenced to a tee etc etc . I wouldnt of even thought id have to give the example but there ya go, you know mills stuff better than myself too obviously

    did we forget the bit where i wished him good luck too? oh right......

  19. #39
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    I can't see that eyes has been harsh or out of order at all in this thread

    Is you're going to release a record, people are going to give their opinions of it - and that's entirely a good thing whether the opinions are good or bad. Richie hasn't taken any offense, nothing personal's been said at all so what's the problem? The record's not really my cup of tea either to be honest (and there's no question it sounds quite dry) and I'm not convinced of the wisdom of going it alone, releasing it on a new label and bankrupting yourself... but best of luck to you too Richie, there are certainly plenty of far worse records coming out and I know this will go down well with a lot of people - here's hoping you prove us just to be grumpy cynical old bastards

    @ Darkside, I know you've backpedalled on it but that 'haven't got the bollocks' thing you said about the production forum I don't agree with at all. It's not a question of bollocks, it's a case of not wanting just to add to the mediocre, uninspired drivel you see entirely too much of in every record shop - and like rhythmtech said even when you do have a banger that's geniunely worth getting out there it just ain't that easy. Nobody here has slagged richie for doing it all himself, sure they've questioned the wisdom of it but absolutely everyone's said fair play for making his own decisions and wished him luck. End of story, surely?
    Oh wow - myspace :coffee: http://www.myspace.com/robsoliton

  20. #40
    Ultimate Freak
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by eyeswithoutaface
    haha whatever man, really, the guy himself didnt take that much offence to it so neither should anyone else. The classic "take ur head out your arse" doesnt really wash, so what im stubborn in my opinions, but my head couldnt be any less out of my own arse, but of course it must be judged on the basis of comments i type when online. i forgot that bit.
    well obviously it's based on what you type online. 99% of the people on here including myself dont know you personally so i stand by what i said. i'm sure if and when we meet we'll have a laugh over it though.

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeswithoutaface
    read my post's properly, i didnt TELL him to do anything. I merely expressed my opinion on the others options available, and my dismay at yet another label. It's not personal, ffs, but this doesnt make much sense to me, sales are falling all the time all over the shop, so lets bring more new labels onto a market that barely supports itself? might seem like a good idea to some, not too me
    here's a thought... 20 people get the money together to start a whole bunch of shit hot new labels. these all get released and then once every 2 or 3 months another 20 new labels begin. in the space of a year techno is on fire with shit hot producers all over the place putting unmissable music out. minimal dissapears up it's own arse for good, schranz moves in with happy hardcore and prime / funky techno fodder simply dissapears.

    yeah new labels are a shit idea, always have been.... lets stick with what's out there then cos surely what's out there right now is part of the reason that sales are dropping everywhere. imagine if someone had "recommended" that juan didn't start metroplex or renaat start r&s...

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeswithoutaface
    re the production value's, did i say anywhere that raw sounding production wasnt good? errrr no, but there is a way to do "raw" and this wasnt it, there is a difference between raw and dry. Not condescending whatsoever, just basic production values. example of good raw, well Jeff Mills is the best i can think of. Raw, simple, but not dry, processed right, sequenced to a tee etc etc . I wouldnt of even thought id have to give the example but there ya go, you know mills stuff better than myself too obviously
    yeah i probably do. ;)

    did we forget the bit where i wished him good luck too? oh right......[/quote]

    fair do's. i was drunk. always get into arguments when i'm drunk :lol:


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