The whole problem as i see it is that music cannot be protected in its current format, consumners can and will download it, especially if it costs them nothing. It doesnt hurt their pockets, so screw it.

As underground dance music artists we pretty much get ignored by the main stream muso types (if you dont believe me check out ANY issue of the musicians onion magazine, sweet FA about electronic music unless its got something to do with a stockhausen piece :roll: )

We really dont have much say or representation in the industry, as the whole business is busy staring up its own backside/fiddling while rome burns/creating things like pop idle.. etc etc and FAR too busy to be interested in backing non-viable non-commercial artists.

The one thing i find more interesting than anything else is that in the history of recorded music (i mean music on a recording medium) there has NEVER been more democratisation of the spread of music and in particxlar peoples ability to listen to it. It really is the beginning, its isnt even the end of the beginning etc etc (insert churchillian phrasing here)

The only basic truth in music is evolution, broadband content delivery, telephonic wireless delivery, personal music these have only come about in the last 4 years, and it ISNT finished yet. not by a long way, i find the whole thing interesting and really wish i could see where it is all heading - just like everyone here, but unless we have an industry insider amongst us - which as i far as i can see reading this thread we dont, we wont get to be involved on the ground floor of any developments until they are almost upon us.