I would like to know, what would be in your opinion the ULTIMATE lline up at a party for you? Creativity is welcome as well with the Venue etc.

My party would take place in the Sky Dome in Toronto, Canada. The name i would give my party would be "Techno Mayhem Part 1"

Line-Up in no Particular Order:

-Dave Clarke (UK)
-Cristian Varela (On 4 decks, SPAIN)
-Speedy J, (Live PA)
-Dave the Drummer (UK)
-Andrei Morant (USA)
-Andreas Kraemer and Thomas Pogadl (Live PA ONLY, GERMANY)
-Glenn Wilson (Live PA, UK)
-Lars Klein (GERMANY)
-Mistress Barbara (CANADA, 3 decks)
-DJ Murphy (BRAZIL, 4 decks)
-Ana & David(Pet Duo, Brazil)
-DJ Lukas (Brazil, 3 decks)
-Thomas Krome (live PA)
-Thomas Heckman (Live Pa, GERMANY)
-Rob Acid (LIve PA,GERMANY)

In my opinion that is the sickest lineup i have EVER heard, come on lets here some more suggestions, maybe i forgot a few!!!!!!!