I've been using the same computer for producing (Reason 3 and Sonar 5 & VSTi's) and all the other crap like internet games etc.
I know you don't need to be an I.T. expert to tell me that it would be far better keeping this machine for producing and use a seperate one for all the other crap. (it's not a bad machine - P4 2.4Ghz/1Gb Ram/370 Gb's of HD space) I've actually got a second semi-decent pc sitting next to it gathering dust but I'm such a lazy bas**rd, I can never be f**ked to do anything about it.
I just recently found out about these KVM switch boxes and that would be ideal cause I'm seriously stretched for space, but I just wondered if you lot were the same or whether you think it is demented to use the same computer for everything.
Also, I know this sounds stupid and it's not as if I'm some s**t hot producer or nowt but how feasable is the scenario of someone being able to hack your computer and steal your tunes. Is this just paranoia?