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  1. #81
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Oct 2003


    but 'digging' and searching is what seperates you from the next person, and what's more fulfilling than finding a great record or something you were after, in a record shop?
    I prefer digging online tbh. Got fed up of the limited choices in record shops, and always felt obliged to buy something if I spent an hour digging through records. Digging online you can spend hours and hours without counter staff getting grumpy. That said its been ages since I've found a decent record shop...

  2. #82
    BOA Mod
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    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunil
    Quote Originally Posted by dodgyedgy

    pray tell why sunil? ;)
    Eh, I dunno... DJ's Intuition ;)
    Glad we see the humour... and by god there's vinyl bags FULL of it out there... i know what you're saying man, people take themselves WAY WAY too seriously.

    SAdly this means techno too.


  3. #83
    Junior Freak
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    Jul 2005
    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


    I can see where a lot of people are coming from with their comments. I don't want to see vinyl go but as Martin & Mark said it's still going to be around for a long time.

    Check out my blog on my myspace profile about the death of vinyl feel free to leave any comments.


    All u need is a good ear for music!

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Leeds, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Darkmode
    I can see where a lot of people are coming from with their comments. I don't want to see vinyl go but as Martin & Mark said it's still going to be around for a long time.

    Check out my blog on my myspace profile about the death of vinyl feel free to leave any comments.


    awww mate quick off topic shit thanks for your new cd's. i reviewed one of them :)

  5. #85
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by MARK EG
    no, this is bulllshit. that guy's article does not go into enough depth to even make me think any different than i do already. i'm a huge collector of both vinyl and mp3 right now and i still love vinyl...

    so does the crowd when they can see me play it. so does my need to be 'ahead of the game', cause record shops have in place something that informaton overload will never have. mp3 format is good but until the mp3 format has an 'automatic' mastering plant then its behind.

    i'll put my neck out and say, there's still years to go in vinyl. and i for one will be there.

  6. #86
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by MARK EG
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkmode
    I can see where a lot of people are coming from with their comments. I don't want to see vinyl go but as Martin & Mark said it's still going to be around for a long time.

    Check out my blog on my myspace profile about the death of vinyl feel free to leave any comments.


    awww mate quick off topic shit thanks for your new cd's. i reviewed one of them :)
    • Thanks mate I look forward to reading the review, feel free to play the CD's out mate ;)
    All u need is a good ear for music!

  7. #87
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    NJ, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by MARK EG
    no, this is bulllshit. that guy's article does not go into enough depth to even make me think any different than i do already. i'm a huge collector of both vinyl and mp3 right now and i still love vinyl...
    so does the crowd when they can see me play it. so does my need to be 'ahead of the game', cause record shops have in place something that informaton overload will never have. mp3 format is good but until the mp3 format has an 'automatic' mastering plant then its behind.
    i'll put my neck out and say, there's still years to go in vinyl. and i for one will be there.
    I couldn't care less about the format. I've gone into why I prefer digital too much in here already in the past. But, that all comes down to by personal preferences when it comes to composition and what gets tossed in the mastering of vinyl (very high frequencies and panned kick drums). However, in reagrds to the "mastering plant" aspect, I just fail to see how this is relevant at all. If you want your track properly mastered the same way as would be at a plant, hire someone to do it. You can certainly find someone who likely would and still end up costing you significantly less than having to do a run of vinyl for the service. Or am I not following what you're saying?
    A person belonging to one or more Order is just as likely to carry a flag of the counter-establishment as the flag of the establishment, just as long as it is a flag. --P.D.


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