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  1. #1
    Supreme Freak
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  2. #2
    Junior Freak
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    its says: quote "vinyl's future can’t be anything beyond a collectible novelty"

    hasnt it always been that?

  3. #3
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    well not really, not for those putting it out and relying on it for their income.

    interesting read

  4. #4
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    If I made a living selling plastic I'd be pretty worried right now.

    If I made a living selling music I wouldn't be overly concerned.

  5. #5
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    good point Jay. I really think its time for more people to start thinking outside the box of vinyl only releasing. I mean it is a lovely feeling when you get your pressed records back in, but ultimately, for me anyway, i'd be happy that my music was being released regardless of medium

  6. #6
    Supreme Freak
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    Default Why Vinyl WILL Die ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by module
    Heard it all before and it's so full of holes...

  7. #7
    Ultimate Freak
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    Vinyl will eventually die...but that's because the oil is drying up and it will be rationed sooner than a lot of people think.

  8. #8
    Junior Freak
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeswithoutaface
    well not really, not for those putting it out and relying on it for their income.
    well yea thats one side of the fence, but theres the other side

  9. #9
    BOA Mod
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    The simple truth is that vinyl isnt a major 'Consumer' format... you cant go to currys and buy a record player. Consumer formats die, thats that.

    it'll happen sooner or later. I teach kids in the studio who'v never picked up vinyl, whose parents dont own vinyl, who are almost scared when they have to use even a final scratch record to practice DJing with...

    Such a shame.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Leeds, UK


    no, this is bulllshit. that guy's article does not go into enough depth to even make me think any different than i do already. i'm a huge collector of both vinyl and mp3 right now and i still love vinyl...

    so does the crowd when they can see me play it. so does my need to be 'ahead of the game', cause record shops have in place something that informaton overload will never have. mp3 format is good but until the mp3 format has an 'automatic' mastering plant then its behind.

    i'll put my neck out and say, there's still years to go in vinyl. and i for one will be there.

  11. #11
    BOA Mod
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    I wish what you said mark will be the truth. but i fear not. it'll be a sad day for me when people stop making it... i guess the bigger question needs to be ..who actually makes the machinery for the pressing plants and when will it stop being made?

    Anyone know?

  12. #12
    Supreme Freak
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    I'm with Mark on this, vinyl sales are actually up this year and more and more indie bands are cutting 7"s - it's not going away for a long, long time.

  13. #13
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2005


    well the article hit the nail on the head when it said ... 'vinyl is sexy, dj culture was founded on the medium, and we all owe a debt to the history of wax'....
    vinyl is more fun to play with imo... and i do think it looks sexy... and i do belive punters appreciate it more when they see someone rapidly trudging through a box o' vinyl behind the decks than constantly looking at a laptop.... if anything it looks harder work...
    i can fully appreciate the benefits for dj's/producers/labels for the the accessability of the digital format.... but you can't feel the mp3 in your hands, you cant get the enjoyment/excitement from it that you get when the postman comes wi' a 12 x 12 parcel full of goodies and you dont know which order it is he is bringing...... the opening of a piece of vinyl for the first time when the inner sleeve is still closed, reading the smart arse remarks cut into the end of the vinyl grooves, reading the sleeve notes and looking at the cover for the 20th time and only noticing something new on it that you cant belive you overlooked all those other times... none of these experiences you can have from mp3....
    you dont have the feeling of satisfaction with an mp3 that you get recieving a perfectly cut piece of vinyl which is heavy to the feel and which the needle rides perfectly..... okay... wi mp3 you dont have the frustration of warped,scratched, dusty records being played ... but as long as there are people like me who love receiving , playing, hoarding, swapping vinyl i belive and hope that people will keep putting it out!!

  14. #14
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Still think final scratch is the best of all worlds.

    All the human timing, feel, and tactility of vinyl and none of bad points - scratched records, heavy boxes, crap pressing quality which varies from record to record.

    I'll always use decks because I like them. I think so long as djs support vinyl there will be a market for it, but it will become more and more niche. It will evenutally become a format purely for djs, I'm pretty sure everything will eventually get released on multiple formats simultaneously (records need to sell after all), djs buy vinyl, public buy mp3 or cd.

    There will always be a market for it, just wish people would hurry the hell up and start releasing on mp3. Getting tired of buying vinyl only to record it as a wav and convert it into an mp3. Plenty of producers missing a trick here....

  15. #15
    Junior Freak
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    and storing MP3s is infinitely easier than vinyl. In fact, the storage issue was a major motivation behind my decision to switch – I’d simply run out of room. Now my entire collection is stored on one 300GB hard drive[
    This is very much true but it also show the downside of it imo. Harddrives, no mather if they are inside a laptop or not, are not really build to move around a lot and being shipped or what ever. I've seen it ones that a dj came to play at a local club having his laptop with him and a few minutes before the performance he realised his HD was not working anymore, no vinyl with him to make a performace or something so the show wass canceled... major bummer, no fee for the performance, lost almost all his music (and therefore all the money spend on it because he had no back up of his files..) neede to start over again...
    Now i'm a vinyl addict..
    when i play a Otis Redding album on vinyl and close my eyes it is almost like im there in the studio, i most defenitly don't have this feeling when i play a cd or mp3 file..
    Same goes with EDM... vinyl imo gives it something extra and i cannot really explain what it is
    i also with Mark on this.
    I think technology will come to it that we can press our own vinyl at home and buy this equipment relativily cheap... perhaps new form of wax that will last ... Who knows what they come up with next..
    But ...
    I teach kids in the studio who'v never picked up vinyl, whose parents dont own vinyl, who are almost scared when they have to use even a final scratch record to practice DJing with...
    I think this is the kill...
    The is is the TiME

  16. #16
    Ultimate Freak
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    umop apisdn


    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Dust
    I'm with Mark on this, vinyl sales are actually up this year and more and more indie bands are cutting 7"s - it's not going away for a long, long time.
    yep and in fact single 7"s are outselling cd singles for the same artists in many cases. problem is the whole of the singles market is reducing

  17. #17
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    the singles market has been declining for years.

    i dont think its healthy to think that vinyl definately will not die at some point, of course there are a good few years left, but one day, maybe not even in our lifetime, supplies of oil will hit such a drastic point that it is inevitable that alot of things will cease to be produced. Not just vinyl, but all kinds of oil based products, and there are way more than people think. Check out fractional distillation, might make things a bit clearer to some people.

  18. #18
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    The Singularity


    Vinyl won`t die for a while.
    Dance music on vinyl will.
    Dance music is unfashionable and has a shrinking, aging fan base.
    The music doesn`t engage the younger generations in almost any way, and as there are no bands crossing over into dance any more, I can`t see any hope for it.

    and who cares anyway, change is to be embraced, in this, the foul year of our lord 2006.
    Solitary by nature.
    Isolation is the gift.
    Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?


  19. #19
    Supreme Freak
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    Many things have changed and it isn't as simple as just naming one factor because there are many that have impacted not only on vinyl but music sales as a whole.

    Getting back to "that" article, it was written to cause a fuss and has been spammed on every forum known to man and if you read it you can suss that it's part bollocks starting with his 4 hour set bullshit, how the **** do you mix stuff you've not heard for a start...

    The singles market has be declining because the industry ****ed it completely up by marketing everything at teenage girls, this is pretty much what happened to Smash Hits, in the end it was taking to 8-11yr old girls, not cool and not something anyone else would aspire to - they painted themselves into a corner and it cost them their jobs.

    And now that we have music on "tap" it holds no value to todays youth as it's all-ways free and "there". But to believe it was ever going to stay the same would be a tad stupid, RCA for example never made any money from their label(s) but they did make money from selling record players, another example of how strange the biz world is one famous book store in NYC makes more money from selling coffee than it does books and if you look what Virgin and Tower have had to do to their stores to survive it makes for an interesting biz model. If you don't change, you are ****ed...

    Oil is going knowhere for a long time and won't really be a factor in what happens to vinyl, it has never impacted on the price and I don't see a reason why it should start now.

    Itunes isn't the answer either for Techno artists, take a look at their charts and then take a look every week - they don't change much do they - Born Slippy anyone :) Selling MP3's/Wavs will help small labels but it won't pay the bills so for now you just have to box clever...Vinyl will still be here for a long time yet

  20. #20
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Dublin, Ireland


    Yeah, spot on Martin.

    All the fortune tellers saying it's going to soon disappear in dance music are pretty wrong.

    A few question to think about:
    What 'big' labels don't put out vinyl anymore? How many records that you see on record review pages aren't on vinyl? How many labels who switched solely to digital have seen their profile drop a lot?

    The fact is that a vinyl release holds more weight than a digital release, for many many reasons.

    Vinyl is going nowhere.


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