dustin, mexico has tons of corny minimal and electro posers playing punkerz here, posing and doing shitty blow. my brother and i, and a select group of othjers however, like archangel constatin etc. find cool buildings in the center and do noise and sound art shows, live techno shows in abandoned turn of the century building s in the hidden parts of downtown DF sometimes happen at around 148 bpm, with my bro going 160 hehe. no schranz or hardcore though, more broody gltichy techno at high speeds.

myself, my big bro fork, sintoma, matt k, tetric, we are pretty much the only ones who connect techno to the arts and clutural scene here, mixing lineups between circuit bending performances, live hip hop, hard techno and all sorts of freaky max msp madness.

we had a festival planned for october with showcases by lots of cats, i nvited octave one and kenny larkin, but the investors backed out after all of the chaos in the streets due to the percieved fraud in the recnet elections.

anyway we do hole in the wall clubs, rent out blown out spots downtown, all for 20 or 30 dollars a night in beer hehe. i mean i didnt move here for the "scene" i came to record and learn from my bro fork, be a part of something more cultural and DIY/Ground up and even though it is ****ING frustrating most of the time, slowly but surely we are drawing more ppl and more international attention.

this isnt one of your hot spots like brazil, spain or japan. this is REAL PUT IN WORK KINDA STUFF

but at the end of the day, the mixture of all diferent kinds of extreme musics in certain events is somehing ppl have been trying to do for years and not really achieved with "trance/house/drum n bass/'techno'" events in usa etc.

the one key criteria to the crew we have going down here is that the music be RAW and so there has developed a sort of rivalry between our boys and the "artists" from this cornball agency called "IMECA"

these are the cheesey posers playing booka shade and thinking they are "minimal".

imeca has alot of $$$ but we have all the tight assed talent so its a classic struggle, they get all the work and we have to do our own events to even keep going....

but there is a certain clarity in that i guess. at the end of the day at least you still know what side you are on.... spain for example is a bit more complex due to micro cosmic trends in an advanced market.

anyway holla at ya boy
