Just read that MCPS have got involved with the whole Intergroove thing...
This is from Functional Biff, if anyone knows who that is.Just heard from the receivers that the MCPS have contacted the receivers and have stopped ANY stock leaving the Intergroove Warehouse. This is until they have had time to check that all moneis owed for licenses to the MCPS have been paid. So labels that own the stock and pay the MCPS just after release will now have to pay in full for records that they will never see the money for as the receiver will be taking it, in other words if you have 1000 records and Intergroove has sold them you will have to pay all money due even if you will never get the stock or money. Checking the stock to see if MCPS is due will take several weeks. This is going to afect a lot of people...
Just a heads up for anyone who might have stuff still there - if any of your artists are MCPS registered you might want to ask them nicely to not put a claim in just yet.
Anyone know why MCPS work from manufactured product rather than sold product? Seems rather silly to me...