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Thread: Tintinitus -

  1. #1
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2002
    Eh Lad! Kidda

    Default Tintinitus -

    Okey i dont know if ive spelt this right but i think i might have "tintinitus", this is a medical thing to do with the ears & hearing.

    I went on holiday to france in September, whilst i was there i went swimming in the see with a snorkle & mask, i swam quite deep a few times and had to pop my ears by pinching my nose and blowing.

    My first week back home i was driving along to work and my ears just started ringing then after about 30 seconds it went. This has happend quite a a few times since & like a dick head ive still been going on my decks and playing loud music.

    Now when i go to bed i can here a ringing noise, and im sure this is what it is. Its quite strage cos it happen to my mate at exactly the same time, i think he has probaly got it worse than i have, he has gone out and bought himself some special ear plugs that drummers use. They cut down on certain frequency's but still let you here what is goin on.

    Anyway i am going to got he doctors about this to see what i should do and to see if it can be fixed ,but i dont think it can.

    I am seriously considering selling all my tunes, decks, CDJ cos at the end of the day my hearing has to come first...


  2. #2
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2002



    you'll have to speak up mate!!

    hahaha couldnt resist. I get that, I'll be sitting in work or something an all of a sudden my ears will start ringing or sometimes one of my ears feels like its gone deaf for a few seconds, or sometimes (just sometimes) I hear this voice an it tells me to shoot all of my workmates.

  3. #3
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2002


    I think its called tinitus

    "tintinitus" is a cartoon character aint he? :lol:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Leeds, UK


    mate i think you might have. please go to a hearing specialist. :cry:

  5. #5
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    May 2003


    get some musicians earplugs like your mate has.

    one of my assignments on music tech last year, taught me about this problem. their is also another 2 types of hearing damage, but i forget the names.

    keep the volume down kids! :lol:

  6. #6
    BOA Newbie
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    Oct 2003


    Ive had tinnitus for well over 2 years now.
    Im not really sure when i got it (probably a gig :roll: ) but i remember when i first noticed "the sound". Was when i was out in the woods with some mates and went to sleep, mind you , you don't get more silence at 1am in the middle of a forest..
    It really freaked me out at first but it takes like 20 ms to get a grip..
    For me its like the sound of a tv while searching for a channel, you know that weird hissing kinda nouse.. really annoying.
    Ive noticed that the volume of the noise has increased quite alot since back then.
    For periods i might slowdown with the music and use my earplugs , not using headphones etc..
    But everso often i find that the volume of the noise has rissen.
    My advice, is just take it easy , let your ears relax now and then and in your dayhours if you can try always to have something on (radio,tv,etc..) so that you keep your mind of the sound.

  7. #7
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2002
    Eh Lad! Kidda

    Default .

    i think ive had it for a while but only just realised recently..

    and like you said manuel it's like the hissing on a TV.. like static or summit.

    i think using my Senhizer HD25's has made it worse. seriously!!

    im just gonna go the doctors about it and see what they say, im deffo getting some ear plugs aswell, and i will wear them when i go to clubs aswell...

    this is a real bummer for me cos ive only just started playing out this year.. :(

    if the doc tell's me that il go deff if i carry on then i will just sell all my swag..


    once you've got it you've got it, cant get rid & it will only get worse.

  8. #8
    BOA Newbie
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    I read an article about Sting (of all the people) a while ago.
    He was talking about his tinnitus and said that he could barely hear himself talk but was still making new songs.
    I think it's pretty commendable,
    point is i dont think you shouldn't stop djing about this, i know i havent..
    it's a pretty scary thing once you realize you have got tinnitus but it fades soon enough and you feel like doing what you did before.
    And anyways just because there isn't a proved cure now doesn't mean their won't be soon.
    Cheer up mate , it ain't the end of the world , youll be on the decks in no time :wicked:

  9. #9
    Ultimate Freak
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    Nov 2002


    think its psychological, stop thinking about it then youll learn to live with it
    something for your mind.........

  10. #10
    BOA Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattshephard
    think its psychological, stop thinking about it then youll learn to live with it
    They havent actually pinpointed what it is yet.
    Some doctors say it's neurological others say it's got to do with the hearing.
    But i can gurantee you it's not psychological.

  11. #11
    Ultimate Freak
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    Nov 2002


    ive had a constant ringing in my ears for about 4 years now ive learnt to live with it, i only remeber i have it when someone mentions it. Thats what i meant.
    something for your mind.........

  12. #12
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2002
    Eh Lad! Kidda

    Default yeah i know mate....

    yeah i know mate.. ive noticed that ive had it for a while.

    but in the last couple of months (since having my Senhizers) ive noticed that when ive been on my decks for a good sesh, my ear drums actualy hurt,, and the tinitus has got worse.

    im already used to it. i have been for ages. quiting my decks was about NOT wanting to agrivate it & make it worse.

    im still gonna go the doc's & get ear plugs anyway.. infect im getting the ear plus on friday. ive tried my mates out and you can still here everything, but it stops those nasty hi end frequncys.. weird..

    ill let ye know how i get on with the doc's and stuff..

    PS,, i was on my decks about 5 mins ago, cant stay off em.. just keeping volume down tho...

  13. #13
    Keepin' it Unreal
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    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by manuel
    Quote Originally Posted by mattshephard
    think its psychological, stop thinking about it then youll learn to live with it
    They havent actually pinpointed what it is yet.
    Some doctors say it's neurological others say it's got to do with the hearing.
    But i can gurantee you it's not psychological.
    Tinitus has to do with permantent damage to the hearing. Attatched to the back of your eardrum are a load of little bones with hammers on the ends. When your eardrum vibrates, it moves the hammers up and down, and these hammers hit nearve endings which send an electrical signal to your brain, which it interprets as sound. Tinitus happens when these little hammers get knakerd from loud music and end up getting stuck to the nerve endings, cuasing a permanent signal to get sent to the brain. Deppending on which,(and how many), hammers and nerve endings are broke, determins what sound and how loud you get it.

    My advice,

    Stay away from load music as much as possible if you value your hearing! Standing by bass bins is not really a good idea! Earplugs are deffinately a good idea if you want to get to 50 with resonable hearing! Espiecially if you are producing tracks as the higher end of your hearing will get seriusly damaged and you wont be able to here these frequancys at all.

  14. #14
    Junior Freak
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    Jul 2003


    I wear ear plugs @ every club I go...
    Not worth bein deaf @ 30!!!
    Go to your nearest chemist/richer sounds and ask for 'DOC PLUGS' they're clear and realy make a massive difference. Especially when someone shouts down your ear!!!
    If I dont wear em my ears ring for at least 12 hours after event, if I wear em there's no ringing!
    Binary \'The Hardest Trance\'

  15. #15
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
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    Monmouth, Wales


    Quote Originally Posted by mattshephard
    ive had a constant ringing in my ears for about 4 years now ive learnt to live with it, i only remeber i have it when someone mentions it. Thats what i meant.
    same as me i have had whistling in my ears for as long as i can remember it..only notice it now and then if its quiet (like now sat here at the computer on the subject)...sometimes drives me nuts at night but u do learn to deal with it...

    does anyone have the problem where the more you concentrate on the noise the louder and louder it gets???

  16. #16
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    NYE I went to slammin vinyl,I had a slight ringing in my ears before I went coz the night before I had a loud mix up session with all my mates,anyway after ny I got a ringing in my ears,since then ive always had it.I only notice it when im in bed or when everything is really quite,but I dont intend to stop mixin......maybe I will have to mix on low volume...............but whats the point in that??

  17. #17
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    NYE I went to slammin vinyl,I had a slight ringing in my ears before I went coz the night before I had a loud mix up session with all my mates,anyway after ny I got a ringing in my ears,since then ive always had it.I only notice it when im in bed or when everything is really quite,but I dont intend to stop mixin......maybe I will have to mix on low volume...............but whats the point in that??



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