hmmm, time to sell the missus into salvery
hmmm, time to sell the missus into salvery
Solitary by nature.
Isolation is the gift.
Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?
i saw this linked to somewhere before. but for some unknown reason there was no sound with it or i didn't have it switched on. wow, thanks for posting this!!!
struck in awe
The missing link between synthesis & finger painting :D
the idea behind is quite simple actually... its all just video recognition...then software all the way after that.
looks so nice, but i hear its a cunt to program
looks nice innit
not gonna make your music any better though is it?
as cool as this looks, it still doesn't beat keyboards, knobs and switches... you can't "feel" the positions and exact locations of the controllers which makes it useless for anything other then ****ing around...
would be cool as a nord modular (or future equivalent) editor, but you'd still want the actual control panel to play and tweak it as an instrument.
Nah, I disagree... I reckon the pure visual feedback is simply revolutionary.
Tangible interfaces. They've been blowing the horn of this kind of stuff for years in the CS world. Looks like it's coming to something finally.
Being able to see the way your modules interact in an achingly simple manner.
Takes synth programming to the next level.
IMHO, N.E.way...
You can`t feel the positions of the knobs on any of your kit unless you look at it.
If you blindy reach for a nob on a synth, unless you remember where you set it last or are looking at it, then you won`t know where it is.
So in actual fact with this kit, you are turning knobs.
They are solid objects, that you turn physically, that also have a visual reference.
How can they be any more knobby?
I totally don`t get your point.
What you are seeing in that video is the beginning of the future.
Solitary by nature.
Isolation is the gift.
Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?
what a stupid future, fuked if im going to have a stupid little square in my studio to control everything, perhaps it could be good for something like max/msp or supercollider or something but i couldnt disagree more in saynig its the beginning of the future.
that device has little merit in terms of versatility, a video based application that controls midi is a mess within itself, imagine mapping this thing to your favourite synth, have fun....
i think the point was, if your using the knobs on your synth, whats better about doing it with a square?
i definately have a feel for my gear, and more often that not, in a live situation i can reach for a knob on my SU700 and know exactly what it is..something this square cannot do.
im not disputing a clever advance in technology, im disputing its place in the general music market....2c
Wave of the future...things are getting really interesting now!
Last edited by Honeey; 04-02-2007 at 01:27 PM.
Techno. Drum and Bass.
No your still not seeing it.
I`m not talking about this device, I`m talking about the final breakthrough in the beginning of more creatively interactive interfaces.
Something that could map the workings of say a modular fm synth, but still be user friendly.
Hopefully, it will mean an evolution in interfaces.
People freaked at the korg khaoss pad at first, but look at how it has caught on, I think that also was a very early sign of hardware designers finally thinking in a future way.
I`ve been making music for years and years, and I`m completely bored of the knob slider model.
I mean, people still crave 909`s for god`s sake.
I`d love to see in a few years, a cohesive, well designed new control method, based on these physical/visual new ideas.
Solitary by nature.
Isolation is the gift.
Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?
in a similar vein:
With respect, it sounds like you have a very closed mind when it comes to innovative technology. You like things to be a certain way and that's that, which is fair enough.
Have you seen the JazzMutant Lemur?
One of my mates sold his grandmother to get one of these, and let me tell you the experience of using it is genuinely taking things to the next level.
It takes some time to create useful interfaces with it, but once you do it opens scary possibilities for realtime control.
These kind of tangible interfaces are just pushing the concept even further, where you can have different shaped blocks which you can actually feel, which change the sound based on their own orientation and positioning relative to other blocks.
There's this, on a similar vible.
... and to think, I could have done a pHD on this kind of stuff!
Kind of regret not doing that now.
Video demo..........v cool
Solitary by nature.
Isolation is the gift.
Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?
On a search of touch screens and ableton this came up, to use with a seperate graphics tab or touchscreen:-
between 250 and 350 for a graphics tablet and this free software, you can control parameters in live, seemed interesting enough to post anyways..
His bank, I think - He took out a personal loan.
I'm not sure if he secured it on his Gran, but since I don't know either way and it's an amusing concept then why the hell not.
It really is a sweet interface, but as I say it takes a bit of programming to really tap it's potential.