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  1. #1
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Default RIP Acid Techno?

    After listening to the Live Techno Bollocks CD's (DAVE the Drummer & DDR) I have decided that acid techno is starting to smell a bit funny (IMO).

    The emotion, fu*ked up-ness (if thats a word), and general tranced out lushness is missing from all modern releases.

    Ok, so it had to move with the times, but it would seem we're heading down the we must make everything harder & faster, or more hard dance route.

    Bring back the spaced out sounds!

    Acid techno, alive and kicking, or sat in the corner tripping?

    Last edited by Si the Sigh; 07-03-2007 at 07:15 AM.

  2. #2
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    PS: Dig out the Live Techno Bollocks CD's, the 1st Route CD mixed by Lawrie, Routemasters 1 - 10, Cats Eye & Typhoon on Prolekult, and of Drummers Boscaland releases, listen and tell me thats not the sound your really lusting after you crusty acid freaks! :)

    I keep reading how techno has headed back to its routes by going minimal to gain popularity again, well acid techno needs to do more drugs ands get messy!

  3. #3
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    PPS: Do NOT tell me the old stuff only sounds better because the tunes bring back memorys of good times*

    *aimed at Henry! :)

  4. #4
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    PPPS: Before I get called a hater, I'd just like to say that I still buy EVERY release from all the SUF Collectives labels, am still 110% supporting the artists, and still do like the sound, etc;

    I'm just voicing an opinion, and judging by comments from others I'm not alone in these opinions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    i think your right up to an extent.

    that extent being last year. up to jan 05 i think everything was getting a little stale.. since then there has been a serious turnaround. the labels are getting a lot more picky about what they release and bar the odd cabbage i think 2006 was quite a good year for acid..

    but i do agree, things need to get more tripped out.. use the 303's as weapons in a track.. not just something that plays the main riff.

  6. #6
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    For sure.

    Also, general trippyness and atmosphere needs to play a much bigger part again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I got into acid techno fully about 3/4 years ago, and that was from an old, old stay up forever mix, dunno what it was....

    Iv been producing it for about 3 years now, and i base all my tracks upon the old style acid techno with elements of new production from new technology, a natural thing to happen in any style of music.

    Now...my gripe is this.....this day in age everyone seems to be banging out tracks, some ****in wicked, and some totally shite.
    Its so damm hard to get any where these days, theres ALWAYS someone telling you that your track;

    a - needs more compression
    b - more bass
    c - less bass
    d - mopre high end
    e - less high end
    f - more percussion
    g - more variation
    h - more girly vocals

    the list goes on and ****ing on!
    Theres too many people making too many tracks and too many people going on music courses like the one im on and turning anal about the whole music production thing.

    I get a track down and if it sounds phat il keep making it, but i wont go and be anal about what should go where, wether to double up a kick at 5.23 mins or wether to make the bass 2db lower

    I think this is what stops creativity in any music style.

    Also, on another note, you have to remember that back in the day, theres wasnt logic pro or cubase xs blah blah blah...just a basic midi sequencer on a pc (if u were lucky) and hardware, which was hard to program in, (despite what folk say!) nowadays you can bash up a really professional sounding loop in literally minuits - no wonder things have gone wayyy to repetative!!

    In short, after goin off on one - To make things sound as if they have progressed more - lets not try and stop creativity with knowledge ;)

  8. #8
    Junior Freak
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    Apr 2006


    i think vogelspeed maybe more what your after i love the acid on these tunes but i dont feel its pushing things forward and i need kicks. SUF i feel is top at the minute as said wahwah and even manxrippers had some nice acid more of the new sound that im loving. choci's chewns and alike have had their place but personally im not sure i want the future acid releases to have that feel, nice now and then to have an old school classics mix but bring on the future sounds quality tracks from start to finish not just 303's but they can be a bonus when used right, dont go over the top...

    i dunno my two cents!

  9. #9
    Junior Freak
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    Aug 2004

    Default ...

    its good to see that this post is getting plenty of attention...especially as this is the acid forum!

    ...we are all very passionate about our music and should be all pulling together and trying to nurture and expand the scene...
    acid techno certainly aint dead...and, yeah the old artists who influenced us all are probably sick to death of programming that 303 sequence...and with release catalogues like Henry,Guy,Chris et all have, its easy to see why they might be tired of the acid sound...im sure they still have plenty of good solid acid techno in em yet though! (Henry...why dont you release the stuff of the live techno bollocks set...its ****ing amazing!!!! ;) )

    ...to tell you the truth...i used to dj but got bored of a lot of the releases coming out and decided to concentrate on my producing, i think due to the sheer number of people producing now and the fact that it soooooo much easier to knock a quick track up (no a good one however) because of easier to use programs and the vast amount of vstis and synths about the place...this has lead to a saturation of music available to us all...and not all of it is good!

    ...for me...its all about the dancefloor...sod the latest sub genre or pigeon hole!!! i write music that i can shake my own ass to...and i generally do jump about my studio like a demented muppet lol
    ...and if i can shake my ass to it the chances are...the punters will be able to ass shake too...ya get me?

    ...so its that simple for me...im not really into earning money from what im doing...its something i love doing...just for the love of it...i love acid music period!
    sure im putting an l.p of new acid artists together in the very near future...but im doing this for acid music...i dont expect to get anything from the release...just satisfaction that i have had my input into a scene that i am so passionate about and has given me so many pleasurable moments :)
    Do what thou will...if you know what i mean?

  10. #10
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Jan 2006


    ...for me...its all about the dancefloor...sod the latest sub genre or pigeon hole!!! i write music that i can shake my own ass to...and i generally do jump about my studio like a demented muppet lol
    ...and if i can shake my ass to it the chances are...the punters will be able to ass shake too...ya get me?

    ...so its that simple for me...im not really into earning money from what im doing...its something i love doing...just for the love of it...i love acid music period!
    sure im putting an l.p of new acid artists together in the very near future...but im doing this for acid music...i dont expect to get anything from the release...just satisfaction that i have had my input into a scene that i am so passionate about and has given me so many pleasurable moments :) Hats off,M8,that´s a great attitude,and that kind of enthusiasm will keep the vibe and the spirit of Acid Techno alive forever!Cheers
    Last edited by acidguru; 08-03-2007 at 10:28 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by acidguru View Post
    ...for me...its all about the dancefloor...sod the latest sub genre or pigeon hole!!! i write music that i can shake my own ass to...and i generally do jump about my studio like a demented muppet lol
    ...and if i can shake my ass to it the chances are...the punters will be able to ass shake too...ya get me?

    ...so its that simple for me...im not really into earning money from what im doing...its something i love doing...just for the love of it...i love acid music period!
    sure im putting an l.p of new acid artists together in the very near future...but im doing this for acid music...i dont expect to get anything from the release...just satisfaction that i have had my input into a scene that i am so passionate about and has given me so many pleasurable moments :) Hats off,M8,that´s a great attitude,and that kind of enthusiasm will keep the vibe and the spirit of Acid Techno alive forever!Cheers
    nice one mate

  12. #12
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by acidguru View Post
    ...for me...its all about the dancefloor...sod the latest sub genre or pigeon hole!!! i write music that i can shake my own ass to...and i generally do jump about my studio like a demented muppet lol
    ...and if i can shake my ass to it the chances are...the punters will be able to ass shake too...ya get me?

    ...so its that simple for me...im not really into earning money from what im doing...its something i love doing...just for the love of it...i love acid music period!
    sure im putting an l.p of new acid artists together in the very near future...but im doing this for acid music...i dont expect to get anything from the release...just satisfaction that i have had my input into a scene that i am so passionate about and has given me so many pleasurable moments :) Hats off,M8,that´s a great attitude,and that kind of enthusiasm will keep the vibe and the spirit of Acid Techno alive forever!Cheers
    Just wanna say that my reply starts after the smiley,the rest of it is from Paul Cortex´post,did some bad editing on this one

  13. #13
    BOA Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Si the Sigh View Post
    After listening to the Live Techno Bollocks CD's (DAVE the Drummer & DDR) I have decided that acid techno is starting to smell a bit funny (IMO).

    The emotion, fu*ked up-ness (if thats a word), and general tranced out lushness is missing from all modern releases.

    Ok, so it had to move with the times, but it would seem we're heading down the we must make everything harder & faster, or more hard dance route.

    Bring back the spaced out sounds!

    Acid techno, alive and kicking, or sat in the corner tripping?

    I think the same thing!

    Why do people have to get stupid and mess it all up?

    I listen to some of the older vinyl and they sound wicked, but I cannot get them anymore. Then I listen to the newer records and they sound more rubbish.
    www.poundingbeats.com - My website! Every single line of code written by me from scratch.

    Hopefully with help and knowledge from you guys I can gear it towards the Acid Techno scene.

  14. #14
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Fair play for wanting to carve your own sound man, thats great, and I really look forward to hearing some of your new stuff. :)

    Anyway, back to the crack...

    What bothers me as well is bar iDJ magazine who I wrote a letter to ages ago asking them to start sorting out their reviews, and adding more London based acid & techno (for which I got star letter and a free mixer! :) ) is if you look in magazines at the reviews, you won't find them in the techno section anymore.

    It's all classed as hard dance.

    Pounding Grooves #40 is reviewed alongside the latest tosh from BK, Lisa Pin Up and DJ Battyhouse 5000 in this weeks DJ Mag. Previously, the latest Wah Wah and Hydraulix were also tucked away in the trance reviews section.

    Pounding Grooves for fu*ks sake?! How the hell is that hard dance? It's techno through and through.

    Acid techno is loosing it's identity, and the hard dance scene is slowly dying out as well.

    Go to a free party, most acid techno played is older tracks. Doesn't that tell you something?

    Acid needs to get back to it's roots, get simple, get dirty, and get back on track and shake offf the hard dance tag.
    Last edited by Si the Sigh; 04-04-2007 at 12:46 PM.

  15. #15
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Nowhere and everywhere.


    Quote Originally Posted by Si the Sigh View Post
    Go to a free party, most acid techno played is older tracks. Doesn't that tell you something?
    That DJ's are freeloading hippies who never buy any records?

    That DJ's are too attached to old media and only the original acid cartels can afford to put stuff on vinyl and it's not even slightly comparable with the old skool quality?

    That the scene is mired in sentimentality and hasn't grown up?

    That munters can't tell the difference over crap soundsystems?

    That there's bugger all innovation since "production quality" took priority ensuring everything produced sounds the same?

    That DJ's have grown up and no longer have the time to work in new material because of increasing responsibility?

    That all the new stuff, in its ambition to break from the herd, has editied out all the best parts just because its old?

    Because the acid scene is a cloying claustrophobic bubble seemingly immune to change?

    Because DJ's are the only ones remember the old stuff as most of the crowd has moved on to be replaced by children?

    Because Acid DJ's are too snobby to play anything classed as hard dance?

    Because free parties are full of hippies and they suck?

  16. #16
    Junior Freak
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    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by AcidTrash View Post

    Because free parties are full of hippies and they suck?

    Only because you are scared because you might get roughed up by someone and you can't go crying to a bouncer.

    Plus, I can think of plenty of free party sound systems that have infinately better equipment than club gear. The only thing that free party systems don't have dangling fluro spikey balls hanging from the ceiling. And those "flames" made out of silk attached to a fan with red light shone at it. And little stalls selling PEP pills. And £4 for a 275ml bottle of your favorite lager because you can't take yer own in. And cloakrooms that make more money than you in one evening than you do in a month. And lovely club propriators sat on leather sofas counting all their cash while laughing at the herds of plebs squeezed up so close that there is no room to dance. And £10+ to get in to see the latest Gateshitter dj. And finishing at 4am. And getting felt up by meatheads at the front door, and paying for that privilege. And being watched constantly to make sure you're not taking drugs unless they were bought from club approved dealers. And shit, soulless surroundings.
    Its all about the ointment......

  17. #17
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by APC View Post
    Only because you are scared because you might get roughed up by someone and you can't go crying to a bouncer.

    Plus, I can think of plenty of free party sound systems that have infinately better equipment than club gear. The only thing that free party systems don't have dangling fluro spikey balls hanging from the ceiling. And those "flames" made out of silk attached to a fan with red light shone at it. And little stalls selling PEP pills. And £4 for a 275ml bottle of your favorite lager because you can't take yer own in. And cloakrooms that make more money than you in one evening than you do in a month. And lovely club propriators sat on leather sofas counting all their cash while laughing at the herds of plebs squeezed up so close that there is no room to dance. And £10+ to get in to see the latest Gateshitter dj. And finishing at 4am. And getting felt up by meatheads at the front door, and paying for that privilege. And being watched constantly to make sure you're not taking drugs unless they were bought from club approved dealers. And shit, soulless surroundings.
    ignore him!!!

    Check out some of his other posts and you'll start to get the picture:;
    Techno is a journey, not a race!


  18. #18
    Junior Freak
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    Quote Originally Posted by force View Post
    ignore him!!!

    Check out some of his other posts and you'll start to get the picture:;

    what are you on about!

    he is talking sense

    goto say acidtrash is talking sh*t dont see many hippys at our partys and sh#t rig

    dont think so there are plenty of free party rigs out there with better than any club!

    muntbar comes to mind a propper underground linkup of sound that would sh8t on any club sound
    MoooOOOoooT till ya socks fall off

  19. #19
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Nowhere and everywhere.


    Quote Originally Posted by APC View Post
    Only because you are scared because you might get roughed up by someone and you can't go crying to a bouncer.

    Plus, I can think of plenty of free party sound systems that have infinately better equipment than club gear. The only thing that free party systems don't have dangling fluro spikey balls hanging from the ceiling. And those "flames" made out of silk attached to a fan with red light shone at it. And little stalls selling PEP pills. And £4 for a 275ml bottle of your favorite lager because you can't take yer own in. And cloakrooms that make more money than you in one evening than you do in a month. And lovely club propriators sat on leather sofas counting all their cash while laughing at the herds of plebs squeezed up so close that there is no room to dance. And £10+ to get in to see the latest Gateshitter dj. And finishing at 4am. And getting felt up by meatheads at the front door, and paying for that privilege. And being watched constantly to make sure you're not taking drugs unless they were bought from club approved dealers. And shit, soulless surroundings.

    Move up north if your clubs are that bad..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005



    acid trance with techno elements.

    not just beats with one rising 303..

    tracks to go off on tangents.. for instance: cosmic trigger - firefight


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