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  1. #1
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Default RIP Acid Techno?

    After listening to the Live Techno Bollocks CD's (DAVE the Drummer & DDR) I have decided that acid techno is starting to smell a bit funny (IMO).

    The emotion, fu*ked up-ness (if thats a word), and general tranced out lushness is missing from all modern releases.

    Ok, so it had to move with the times, but it would seem we're heading down the we must make everything harder & faster, or more hard dance route.

    Bring back the spaced out sounds!

    Acid techno, alive and kicking, or sat in the corner tripping?

    Last edited by Si the Sigh; 07-03-2007 at 07:15 AM.

  2. #2
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    PS: Dig out the Live Techno Bollocks CD's, the 1st Route CD mixed by Lawrie, Routemasters 1 - 10, Cats Eye & Typhoon on Prolekult, and of Drummers Boscaland releases, listen and tell me thats not the sound your really lusting after you crusty acid freaks! :)

    I keep reading how techno has headed back to its routes by going minimal to gain popularity again, well acid techno needs to do more drugs ands get messy!

  3. #3
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    PPS: Do NOT tell me the old stuff only sounds better because the tunes bring back memorys of good times*

    *aimed at Henry! :)

  4. #4
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    PPPS: Before I get called a hater, I'd just like to say that I still buy EVERY release from all the SUF Collectives labels, am still 110% supporting the artists, and still do like the sound, etc;

    I'm just voicing an opinion, and judging by comments from others I'm not alone in these opinions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    i think your right up to an extent.

    that extent being last year. up to jan 05 i think everything was getting a little stale.. since then there has been a serious turnaround. the labels are getting a lot more picky about what they release and bar the odd cabbage i think 2006 was quite a good year for acid..

    but i do agree, things need to get more tripped out.. use the 303's as weapons in a track.. not just something that plays the main riff.

  6. #6
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    For sure.

    Also, general trippyness and atmosphere needs to play a much bigger part again.

  7. #7
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Can I also say, it's not just better use of the 303 thats required. Check out the Drummers live techno bollocks CD. Even the 303-less techno tracks are dark, moody and fu*ked up sounding.

    Acid techno's about a feeling, an emotion IMO, and thats gone walkabout...
    Last edited by Si the Sigh; 07-03-2007 at 08:23 AM.

  8. #8
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    I really think someone needs to feed Lawrie some acid and lock him in his studio! :)

  9. #9
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    I think you guys have right...

    And i don't understand why there aren't any labels with 100% old school acid techno sound.....

    But good news are that there is for example guy called PAUL CORTEX and he have plans for releasing good acid stuff !!

    Ans Si...what is with your pacman tune?i remember it was really good track...i hope it will be finally released!!!

  10. #10
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by 113 View Post
    I don't understand why there aren't any labels with 100% old school acid techno sound.
    Wah Wah was supposed to be the label for that, but it couldn't be further from that original sound IMO.

    Not saying theyu are not good releases, but there not THAT style IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by 113 View Post
    Si...what is with your pacman tune?
    It needs some work on the lay out. Just not had chance to see Log to sort it out yet. :)

  11. #11
    Junior Freak
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    Dec 2005


    for a bit there si i thought you were going to be the only one posting on this thread :)

    barry is right (shit did i just admit that) 2006 was a great year for acid techno........

    and as for all the artists who were making the acid techno a few years ago who dont make it so much any more...... well i think thats fair enough...... people should make whatever the fu*k they want...... tbh if you keep making the same style of music for a long period of time (and also prob playing it week in week out) you would prob get a bit tired of the sound and want to try something different....

    like you si, i wish there were more frequent acid techno releases...... for a while a few online record shops had an acid techno section..... now i only can think of banging tunes' acid section which gets a new release every other week or so.........

    maybe another way of looking at it is - if people who were making acid techno are not making it any longer then go and try to make it yourself and if you try hard enough for long enough and get as much help as you can then i'm sure you're bound to come up with something good eventually...... sort of d.i.y......

  12. #12
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    DIY's the plan my man!

  13. #13
    Junior Freak
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    Sep 2004


    i think the music coming out over the last 12 months has been really good on the whole, certainly on the up from the year before. 303 based acid techno doesnt seem to be going anywhere though. clusters on the other hand has made a amasing turn around, so its not out the question for the more acid based labels to do it.
    303's have always gone in and out off fashion in dance music, there's certainly scope for the silver box in future tracks just has to be used in the right way

  14. #14
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ollie303 View Post
    i think the music coming out over the last 12 months has been really good on the whole, certainly on the up from the year before. 303 based acid techno doesnt seem to be going anywhere though. clusters on the other hand has made a amasing turn around, so its not out the question for the more acid based labels to do it.
    303's have always gone in and out off fashion in dance music, there's certainly scope for the silver box in future tracks just has to be used in the right way
    that sounds about right.
    Be Lucky!

  15. #15
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    I don't even think it's so much about the 303 use. It's the tracks lack of atmosphere.

  16. #16
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    More tunes like:

    World War 303

    One Last One

    Akid Trax 6

    Pump Department

    Its all about the ointment......

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Si the Sigh View Post
    I don't even think it's so much about the 303 use. It's the tracks lack of atmosphere.
    you need to get out more

  18. #18
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Nah, I'd say further back than that.

    I keep reading and hearing people saying techno is going full circle with this minimal thing, which is gaining huge following as we know.

    If it's all going full circle, then acid techno wants to be going back to its routes. Getting dare I say it, maybe a bit more trancey again. With the quality of production in this day and age, you could create some seriously fat atmospheric tracks.

  19. #19
    the big pork pie
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    Jul 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Aratron View Post
    you need to get out more
    I'm out every weekend mate. :)

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Si the Sigh View Post
    I'm out every weekend mate. :)

    im really liking acid techno at the moment latest suf and powertools and wahwah are great.


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