well to me even having a template such as that with everything already to go just isnt right, in my opinion of course. I just dont feel it instigates intuitiveness or originality, i feel opening a project with all your favourite things in ready to go is counter productive and just, even little by little, sap's the natural human thirst for progression, development and the need for learning. Providing your the kind of person who has this instilled in them from the start of course. I for one dont want to use the same sends/returns on every track, or have the same effects applied on certain elements such as a synth, that's just not how i work, some synths get totally different treatment than others etc etc but i did mainly mean people who literaly just swap their samples around. It's becoming evermore obvious who does this.
it may seem odd but i dont want to hear 3, 4 identikit tracks on a record in terms of mix and the dynamics, 3 tracks which peak in the same places, have the exact same frequency range, exact same dynamic range etc etc, which is why i always start every single track from scratch, including my sends/returns, samplers etc everything, fresh palette every single time. That's just me, that's how i've always done it and it keeps thing's fresh for me
And of course people start afresh with hardware on every track. Mike Parker is known for not using a computer to program and uses analogue gear that he has to load up every session and work's on his track's until he has a finished track per session, cant save a thing, which i personally think is amazing i could only imagine the kind of creativity that must force out of you, i give every track 100% as it is but that is something else. Props to him