Here's my method;
1- open Cubase
2- see what happens
Here's my method;
1- open Cubase
2- see what happens
hehe always feels good to be more or less helpful,cheers
Load up reason, fill the redrum with 808 sounds and make a basic pattern
Load up subtractor, fiddle about until I get a patch I vaguelly like
Route the subtractor through the sherman filterbank and fiddle til I like something
Add a matrix pattern sequencer and hit randomise, keep going until I can hear something I like in all the randomness. Eke a pattern or a melody out of it.
Return to the redrum and fiddle with the groove until it fits together.
Mess about until either I get bored or get really excited by the results. If I get bored after a few hours, give up and start afresh another day.
If I like it, export some bits into cubase, record loads of random sounds through a microphone and start replacing 808 sounds with them, substitute samples with fresh ones and whack filter processing on.
Then either get frustrated and bored with it all or plug away until I think i have enough material for a track, then work on structuring all the ideas into some form of coherent progressions.
So bascially - random sounds -> random patterns -> new sounds -> new patterns -> structure -> restructure -> finish & polish / quit and start again.
I never have a vision. I like finding music in randomness, letting it grow out and seeing what it looks like at the end. Suppose there's a vision in my head in there somewhere, but I never consciously decide to make something that does a certain thing.
I allways start with a bass and kick , then build from there up
as for a starting idea i usually have an idea but it usually ends up as something other than what i wanted at the beginning
Ahh, nothing beats a 'my ways better than your way' argument on the net. Who gives a **** anyway, the only rule in music is: if it sounds good, it is good.
lets see, it depends on whether my girlfriend is in.
if she is, then its ear cans in a darkened room late at night
if she's not, its pumping through the speakers in the hope of getting a nice mix.
as far as the process goes,
create a nice chord sequence, riff or beat groove and take it from there
you really cant find me happier than when i'm locked into some hypnotic state creating something, be it a beat or a soundtexture. i had literally 100's of small repetitive pad loops i created on my hdd that i'd go to once in a while to modulate on the fly and zone out, all gone now. (boo hoo)
like jay i dont approach anything with an idea, i just let it flow, whether thats by chance or the subconscious. **** knows. one thing i do know repitition and subtlety make me happy
yeah ok i get your point there, but i think you knew what i mean really. And it's not bullshit, it's my opinion. I respect your's enough to not call what you have to say bullshit mate, it would be nice to have that respect back.
I'd actually forgotten about going back to older tracks or projects and working from there, but again i think you knew what i meant
I don`t get all this arguing.
I have no idea what I`m talking about anyway.
I just tell my computer to make music and it does it all for me while I get drunk and shag nuns.
Solitary by nature.
Isolation is the gift.
Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?
Right then.
As my VERY first act as a moderator here i am asking you ALL to put a stop to this right now.
sure its fun for the first five minutes, but then its all fun and games until someone loses a testicle.
From now on people in this thread will only do the following
1. List their method of production
2. REFRAIN from commenting on others methods
3. Actually go off and try what others are suggesting.
Back chatting this post will get you a naughty mark mKay?
positive vibes people!
Sure you two couldn't do that in a different thread (or hotel room) ?
how do you go about producing your tea? :ohdear:
Life is "trying things to see if they work"
Finally getting around to updating my site
Dave knows scooter lyrics
were any of you listening?
you think the others are bad, you aint seen nothing yet.
I've liked reading other people's methods.
How you make music is such a personal thing.
bugger off dodgey, this thread is now under the auspices of the nun shaggers
Solitary by nature.
Isolation is the gift.
Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?