Sure its a very popular topic right now. I've been getting a few offers lately from companies to start distributing parts of our catalog online. I know a few producers and label owners are on here and I am curious to see if you're willing to try it out.
The way I see it is I might as well try it out and see how well it works. If it doesn't work out, its just a few tracks that didn't make any money (wait, thats pretty much all techno these days! :lol: ).
I know of you DJs out there don't have the resources or maybe even desire to get into tools such as CD players or Final Scratch...but hell, there might be a market out there. I don't really see it as hurting my label right now...this whole scene can't get hurt much more than it already is.
What are your thoughts? I'm not looking for a debate so much as far as whether this will be the future or not. I'm just curious to see if anyone else is willing to give it a shot for shits and giggles.