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  1. #1
    Prince Of Warthogs
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default you will shoot me for saying it but....

    where's all the GOOD tunes gone?
    at the moment i've got a bag full of mediocre stuff , stuff thats good to mix , tracks that have nice grooves etc
    but nothing at all close to the music we had 4/5 years ago
    and i don't really mean acid at all
    i mean techno , all kinds , marco bailey , luke slater , maro picotto , big tracks
    anthemic maybe , cheesy yes sure , but they were gems and when you played them the room went off.

    i mean some of the techno i hear now is ok maybe for the uk , but elsewhere it just sucks , it's to tribal , too washing machiney with no substantial idea to lift it up and to make people think wow what was that?

    to be honest there's way more in the way of real new ideas in the minimal and electro music i'm hearing now than in the kind of techno i have been playing.

    and i'm thinking.....this can't be it.....can it!

    we need TUNES , real jump up raving out of you head anthems , not more heads down , tribal washing machine grooves or cut up hip hop unintelligable vocal mish mashes.

    a spot of melody , an acid line , but a concept , and a strong original one ,
    thats what rocks the dancefloor evrywhere!

    i reckon it's time to sit down and think , where is this trac going to go???.....before you even switch the studio on.

    we ....i ...need it please talented people let's do this thing right !

    now load that second barrel and aim at my head

    love your mum

  2. #2
    the big pork pie
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Why would anyone shoot you over your comments? It's all true. Will go into more detail with my thoughts another day for I have to dash now...

    Antiworld me up!

  3. #3
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    UK / Poland


    i realy miss for techno music we had .... 10/12 years ago!
    but hell yeah 2002 or 2003 were great years for techno music
    now is a lot of shit or sounding still same records around,
    question is why ?
    lazy producers ?
    not too many talented producers ?


    we all need fresh new blood with new ideas.
    come on boys!

  4. #4
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    bring back the breakbeats, acid and trancier elements.

  5. #5
    Junior Freak
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    bromsgrove worcs


    it's all very true in my opinion, personally i've taken a break from most things techno over the last few months, got tired of banging my head on the wall, it's a sad fact that in some parts of the uk techno has died. i dont know why maybe it's just a lull but poeple just ain't into anymore. maybe the lack of quality tunes is due to this? maybe computers have made it easyer and cheaper to make music so the user just doesn't understand how to do it.
    maybe the web has opened every thing up to much that lots off stuff just gets lost. maybe im talking bollox, but i good point henry... (the new tracks are in the post)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by davethedrummer View Post
    where's all the GOOD tunes gone?
    at the moment i've got a bag full of mediocre stuff , stuff thats good to mix , tracks that have nice grooves etc
    but nothing at all close to the music we had 4/5 years ago
    and i don't really mean acid at all
    i mean techno , all kinds , marco bailey , luke slater , maro picotto , big tracks
    anthemic maybe , cheesy yes sure , but they were gems and when you played them the room went off.

    i mean some of the techno i hear now is ok maybe for the uk , but elsewhere it just sucks , it's to tribal , too washing machiney with no substantial idea to lift it up and to make people think wow what was that?

    to be honest there's way more in the way of real new ideas in the minimal and electro music i'm hearing now than in the kind of techno i have been playing.

    and i'm thinking.....this can't be it.....can it!

    we need TUNES , real jump up raving out of you head anthems , not more heads down , tribal washing machine grooves or cut up hip hop unintelligable vocal mish mashes.

    a spot of melody , an acid line , but a concept , and a strong original one ,
    thats what rocks the dancefloor evrywhere!

    i reckon it's time to sit down and think , where is this trac going to go???.....before you even switch the studio on.

    we ....i ...need it please talented people let's do this thing right !

    now load that second barrel and aim at my head

    95% of most of the stuff released is pure drivel. but stuff by fat collective imo is cutting edge. odd gem gets released now and again,(route 60 for example) i'm just more discriminatory about the money i spend.

    electro, minimal, break is still complete wank shite as far as i'm concerned , you can shove it up your ass and get the **** out of an acid techno forum for me (this is not aimed directly at you mr dave the drummer.) but i do understand that music scenes move on.
    i think the problem is that most of the music today is just drivel designed on pcs programs by mediocre artists.
    Last edited by Aratron; 05-07-2007 at 07:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Ultimate Freak
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    Aug 2006
    on the edge


    Quote Originally Posted by davethedrummer View Post
    where's all the GOOD tunes gone?
    at the moment i've got a bag full of mediocre stuff , stuff thats good to mix , tracks that have nice grooves etc
    but nothing at all close to the music we had 4/5 years ago
    and i don't really mean acid at all
    i mean techno , all kinds , marco bailey , luke slater , maro picotto , big tracks
    anthemic maybe , cheesy yes sure , but they were gems and when you played them the room went off.

    i mean some of the techno i hear now is ok maybe for the uk , but elsewhere it just sucks , it's to tribal , too washing machiney with no substantial idea to lift it up and to make people think wow what was that?

    to be honest there's way more in the way of real new ideas in the minimal and electro music i'm hearing now than in the kind of techno i have been playing.

    and i'm thinking.....this can't be it.....can it!

    we need TUNES , real jump up raving out of you head anthems , not more heads down , tribal washing machine grooves or cut up hip hop unintelligable vocal mish mashes.

    a spot of melody , an acid line , but a concept , and a strong original one ,
    thats what rocks the dancefloor evrywhere!

    i reckon it's time to sit down and think , where is this trac going to go???.....before you even switch the studio on.

    we ....i ...need it please talented people let's do this thing right !

    now load that second barrel and aim at my head

    well ive never been bang into keeping track of every release despite buying techno records for many years now, BUT

    19/20 techno tracks have ALWAYS been shit, in my opinion. ive always had to root through tonnes of chaff to get to the wheat

    i did however go shopping for an hour or two of new techno the other week

    obviously listened to a lot of shit. but i ended up with what i can honestly say is possibly the best hour or two's worth of techno records i've ever owned

    i played them out and they worked on the dancefloor too, dramatically

    i went to a squat party in london last month and saw a live pa from jason leach aka subhead . ****ing hell it was unbelievably good, driving synth driven techno, powerful uplifting positive and generally all round havin it

    so here, you must listen to 800 times more techno records than me literally. but that's my recent experience and it's pretty good
    Last edited by theledge; 05-07-2007 at 09:00 PM.
    Myspace here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by theledge View Post
    well ive never been bang into keeping track of every release despite buying techno records for many years now, BUT

    19/20 techno tracks have ALWAYS been shit, in my opinion. ive always had to root through tonnes of chaff to get to the wheat

    like i say i am even more out of touch with releases than ever these days, but i spent a few evenings online the other week before i played at a free party for the first time in a couple of years

    obviously listened to a lot of shit. but i ended up with what i can honestly say is possibly the best hour or two's worth of techno records i've ever owned

    i played them out and they worked on the dancefloor too, dramatically

    i went to a squat party in london last month and saw a live pa from jason leach aka subhead . ****ing hell it was unbelievably good, driving synth driven techno, powerful uplifting positive and generally all round havin it

    so here, you must listen to 800 times more techno records than me literally. but that's my recent experience and it's pretty good

  9. #9
    Prince Of Warthogs
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    well good for you mr ledge i'm glad you found some good stuff
    you totally have a point about crap always being there records too , but i still think the ratio of good tracks to crap is way too low these days.
    i've been through just about everything on juno for the last few weeks and really nothing to write home about.
    and i need some replacments not just a f£cking 6 minute drum a f£ckin finger on the table along to and fall asleep into your beer to.

    ok you're going to say , use this shop or that shop its loads better etc etc ....and yeah i would if i had all day to do it ( too busy polishing the bentley and rolls ) , i'd go through every shop in the bloody world , but there just isn't enough time.
    specially with internet record shops... it's like asking your mate in leeds to drive down to turn the bloody record over so you can listen to the other side.....

    ...." hey marky egg i'm all done with that side , could you leg it down here to flip it over for me , and maybe crash my browser while your doing it and possibly mail my credit card details to a load of gangsters in china while you're at it ?"

    "f£ck off i'm havin' me tea!"...

    ..chris lib said a while ago , all this minimal stuff is crap ( just like that ) , why doesn't someone really break the rules and make a minimal track at 150 bpm or something ?
    and i agree with that point.
    and a while back people were taking a few risks like that , and it was good i thought.

    but now its the safety net all the way for everyone
    and thats the bit I don't like

    yeah maybe it was a crap tune 5 years ago , but at least the guy was trying , not like now when a crap tune is just a waste of vinyl/time.

    no , there are people on this forum who are in a position to positively push the music forward , me included and we are not doing it


    another rant sorry about that.
    love your mum

  10. #10
    BOA Newbie
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by davethedrummer View Post
    ..chris lib said a while ago , all this minimal stuff is crap ( just like that ) , why doesn't someone really break the rules and make a minimal track at 150 bpm or something ?

    good idea , sort it out

  11. #11
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    tucked away


    hard techno is on it's way out (for now) - you just got to accept it - mutate and survive right?.....the thing is if you slow your set down to around 125 - 128 bpm the range of records that become available to you opens up massively, and things are just far more groovy, and you have more choice of peak time bangers....it sounds to me like you need those big anthem bangers cos you do big gigs abroad where you need that peak, those 'when I rock' 'born slippy' moments......thats what the kids want - fair enough.

    I used to love going to the end to listen layo and bushwacka play all night - they play all sorts of trippy wonky tech glitch minimal whatever......just because the music is slower doesn't mean it's not hard...

    At the same time more commercial dj's like sven vath still play to 4000 peeps in ibiza everyyear - he's considered the biggest techno dj in the world and yet I doubt he ever goes above 130bpm...this has been happening for years now.

    I know what your saying - listening to the techo section on juno is dispressing these days - I'm starting not to bother....

    personally labels like olmeto, traum, cocoon are doing it for me these days. On the washing machine point - no offence (I've defended and played and supported this scene for the last decade) but I've heard no end of clubbers describe london techno as washing machine and been turned off by it.........
    Last edited by lunatrick; 07-07-2007 at 09:25 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I think that generally, mist dance music, in all its forms, have gone too trendy for its own good. i mean, how many times have you been to a club / bar type place that plays the latest commercial and chart topping funky house and seen no-one dance all night??

    Me? i see it every sodding week, then when they go to the next club they have a few more beers and dance to the same complete bullshite that was played 2 months ago.

    I remember a few year back , say, at the turn of the millennuium, you couldgo to a club and hear, OK..proberble really commercial, but tolerable trance music, and it was stuff you could dance to and enjoy, it was a sensible pace and was ok....

    Now though, for some reason, the music has to be painfully slow - even for dance music. and its suddenly uncool to dance, this may be cos of the housemates in big brother saying its uncool to dance which makes the masses think they cant....Trends again innit.

    OK i know were not on about funky commercial house here, were talkin techno, but issit jist possible that it has a knock on effect down the line? cos all music trypes are linked in someway or another (mainly you copy 1 style thats selling heh)

    I played at a bar place in ripley, Derbyshire other day, some lad put a bit of a free skaggy party on, so i asked for a set and he said ok, i took with me a bag full of tracks, that were funky, yet sensibly paced, basically stuff you can dance to which i thought would go own ok..

    BOLLOX DID IT!!!! some Dj lad told me to play something SLOWER and FUNKIER with FEMALE VOCALS and that was IN THE CHART. you can imagine what i said in return...

    I suppose what im sayin is, all music has gone crap and i reckon it has filterd down a little into other styles, so unfortunatle - its whatever the ****s fashionable!

    I agree though Dave, i havnt heard anything really amazing, all too serious in my opinion, i fail to see why peple also cant stand the new SUF stuff either, a few arnt amazing, but t least they stick 2 jacks up and being 'cool' eh?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by lunatrick View Post
    At the same time more commercial dj's like sven vath still play to 4000 peeps in ibiza everyyear - he's considered the biggest techno dj in the world and yet I doubt he ever goes above 130bpm...this has been happening for years now.
    I know what you mean about the slower stuff being around for ages, but i think its the elements that are in the track that make it what it is nowadays, funky loops, camp guitar riffs and male love vocals are this summers hot thang...:)

    Some of the best techno iv heard was about 130bpm, on an old vibealite tape of somekind but it was damm tough and had so many elements and trippy elements in it.

  14. #14
    Junior Freak
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    bromsgrove worcs


    keeping to question of why so many crap tunes not what peeps wanna hear when the go out allthough that is a good interesting topic.

    i think it comes down to;

    1) Location
    2) Who you know
    3) What you know
    4) How much money you have
    5) How much money you can afford to loose.

  15. #15
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    North Wales


    Henry I think your totally right. There is too much 'heads down bang bang' techno about these days, and I think we (fat collective) could be guilty of that. There isn’t enough ravey, atmospheric techno about these days. I know what ya mean by the older stuff, well to be honest not that old, for example the Horns track by Luke Slater was awesome and there simply aint enough of this big ravey techno about these days!! I do think a lot of it is down to: -

    1. Being lazy in the studio
    2. Keeping within your comfort zone

    I think its right that everyone should have a good think before going in the studio and try and create something bigger than your usual, work harder on them synths and don’t quit and step back to your usual routine. Its something im definitely going to work on!!

    It would be great for Henrys original message to be sent to everyone making techno in the UK especially all the young guns because it does need to be addressed and will make ya think before you get in the studio and of course the result would mean better UK techno, which would be great!!
    Be Lucky!

  16. #16
    Ultimate Freak
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    on the edge


    Quote Originally Posted by davethedrummer View Post
    well good for you mr ledge i'm glad you found some good stuff
    you totally have a point about crap always being there records too , but i still think the ratio of good tracks to crap is way too low these days.
    i've been through just about everything on juno for the last few weeks and really nothing to write home about.
    and i need some replacments not just a f£cking 6 minute drum a f£ckin finger on the table along to and fall asleep into your beer to.

    ok you're going to say , use this shop or that shop its loads better etc etc ....and yeah i would if i had all day to do it ( too busy polishing the bentley and rolls ) , i'd go through every shop in the bloody world , but there just isn't enough time.
    specially with internet record shops... it's like asking your mate in leeds to drive down to turn the bloody record over so you can listen to the other side.....
    fair enough can see you were making a broader point anyway. i agree it's almost too easy to make music now with computers and pirated software, made worse also with internet/mp3 distribution

    maybe the standard has been lowered by the sheer volume of tracks and producers out there, and it needs some time to level out
    Myspace here

  17. #17
    Supreme Freak
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    London, Acid City


    Mayber someone should give ''unknown'' producers a chance?!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by judas_beast View Post
    Mayber someone should give ''unknown'' producers a chance?!
    Yeah, i also hate the phrase "Up and coming"

    I do think that the way which tracks are made now are affecting the quality of the music to a degree, OK, theres a lot of tracks that are really wicked which were made on software set-ups, but i find it so bloody tedious staring at a screen at a flashy graphics software synth or some kind, id sooner stare at an akai screen and try to make something sound good with a small 32 segmant screen thing :) and i also love farting about with my pulse and its bloody awful interface, rather than a flashy nice looking synth.

    I admit that my set-up is mainly software, but i do have some hardware kit which i use to break away from the boringness of screen stiring.

  19. #19
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian wagner View Post
    Yeah, i also hate the phrase "Up and coming"

    I do think that the way which tracks are made now are affecting the quality of the music to a degree, OK, theres a lot of tracks that are really wicked which were made on software set-ups, but i find it so bloody tedious staring at a screen at a flashy graphics software synth or some kind, id sooner stare at an akai screen and try to make something sound good with a small 32 segmant screen thing :) and i also love farting about with my pulse and its bloody awful interface, rather than a flashy nice looking synth.

    I admit that my set-up is mainly software, but i do have some hardware kit which i use to break away from the boringness of screen stiring.
    i dont think software is the issue, i just think a lot more thought needs to go into production these days, because it is easy to get a beat and a perc loop and a bassline rolling together, its the synth arramgements and melodies within the tracks that are missing, so its all about working harder and trying stuff out of the comfort zone.
    Be Lucky!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by fatcollective View Post
    i dont think software is the issue, i just think a lot more thought needs to go into production these days, because it is easy to get a beat and a perc loop and a bassline rolling together, its the synth arramgements and melodies within the tracks that are missing, so its all about working harder and trying stuff out of the comfort zone.
    But how easy is it to do that in software and sit back and go "that will do, it sounds ok" ?

    If the process was harder and more time consuming, i think that people would put more effort into a track rather than doing one for the sake of it and because they have hundreds of pre-made loops ar their disposal.

    Some people dont even get a pre-made loop and chop it up and mess with it, even thats a damm sight better then using plain loops!

    I agree with you about melodies and synth arrangements, im not the best person at writing melodies but i do try haha..... (then fail!) :D


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