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  1. #1
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Singularity

    Default Underground City

    Well, thank you to all those who made it down to our party Saturday, those who didn`t, I`m not surprised, things went more pearshaped than a giant pear shaped pear.

    Things were fine until 24 hours B4 the party, at which point the venue owner pulled the party on us. Deciding it was too late to call a halt we decided to go the old skool way and find ourselves a building, well to keep this mesage short, let us just say that the following 24 hours were the most stressful and dangerous I have had since I gave up putting on raves years ago. We travelled the length and breadth of London, risking arrest many times, to end up where we ended up, tired, stressed, angry, and determined. The party went ahead, but were was everybody?
    Once again we apologise, but we found out that our party line went down at 12:20am. We were so busy getting things running, we forgot to keep a check on it, and make sure that it`s mailbox didn't fill up.

    Still in the end, a good party was had by all I think. I apologise if I was a little off hand to anyone but I was so stressed, all I wanted was a warm bed and a cup of tea, and for it all to go away.
    Jeff couldn`t make it as he was getting a lift with James Kinetec, who`s own lift fell through.
    Oh and to top everything off I awoke sunday night with a hideous fever, and have been bed ridden since with a shocking flu.

    Ok, time to pay my respects.

    To Mark EG and Chrissi
    Maximum Respect. You folks are fantastic.
    Mark you have to be the least egotistical and nicest pro jock in the music industry I have met.

    Pete (Getafix) Top bloke, having it DJ, rocking label, lovely missus, come back anytime.

    Rog, cheers mate, you thought at first we were having you on I think, and I hope you have been disproved, please come play again.

    All the punters. You were great, you even put your rubbish in the bins, and kept the toilets clean, and helped us pack away. A dream come true. Please come back again.

    Our lighting guy. Fair play mate, you are the dogs.

    Dillon, we owe you bigtime.

    Next time we promise

    A safe venue run by reliable people.
    More than one party line.
    Less stressed crew.
    An even bigger rig.

    Till the next one.

    Big Love
    Solitary by nature.
    Isolation is the gift.
    Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?


  2. #2
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    I don't want to here anything approaching an apology. That was a fat party with friendly people and a beautiful rig, alot more than I can say for most of the parties I go to!

    EX-cellent music. loved the old skool in the morning.

    Mark EG, you are a top buzzing geezer! decided this after talking to you for 30 seconds.

    there were bins?! sorry! used to london squat parties...

    I had a top time, and got reallt bollocksed, which was nice.

    give us another soon.

    beeee-autiful rig aswell.

  3. #3
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    It was a fecking nice party man!!!..shame about your fever...

    Managed to find it quite late though...Must say that the rig was proper full bore!!! :clap:

    I reckon all the DJs was good!! Mark, you were ponding it nice when we turned up...the security at the door said "hurry up mate..Mark is on" :lol:

    Let us know the details of the next one sooner..

    as the Viagra salesman say :lol: ..."Stay Hard...Stay Up Forever"

    P.S. Steve, who was the DJ giving it some scratches and stuff...(black bloke...about 6 in the morning???)...can't say I have seen or heard him before...his set was impressive!!!

    P.P.S Got a bit freaked out in the morning when we was going home...thought there was an explosion from above only to realise that a 747 was about 30 feet above us
    Take me up the analogue....

  4. #4
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by slacker
    I don't want to here anything approaching an apology. That was a fat party with friendly people and a beautiful rig, alot more than I can say for most of the parties I go to!
    Too right, well said :clap: That was a sweet party.

    Quote Originally Posted by TechnoWhore
    P.S. Steve, who was the DJ giving it some scratches and stuff...(black bloke...about 6 in the morning???)...can't say I have seen or heard him before...his set was impressive!!!
    Yeah who was it? I assumed it was Jeff Amadeus at one point but if he wasn't there...

  5. #5
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Singularity


    That was Bad Boy Pete (Noctilucence, Getafix Records). And he really surprised me. The man rocks the joint ey?
    I remember when he used to be a punter at our Pendulum Parties, and he was so enthusiastic. Now look at the bugger go, blimey, why has no-one given him more of a shot, I`m definitely getting him back.
    Solitary by nature.
    Isolation is the gift.
    Does anyone have courage to stand apart any more?


  6. #6
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    and there was me convinced it was jeff amadeus. he was definitely doing a very good impression of him, what with being some sick dj on 3 dex and mad scratching skills.

    I was a bit bollocksed tho, so don't really recall too well...

  7. #7
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Actually looking back I think that was 2 decks. I'd just convinced myself it was 3 cos I thought it was Jeff... ;)

  8. #8
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    tucked away


    I hope the experience hasn't stopped any more parties dirtybass? I was hoping to come to one!!



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