Kicking off a new monthly slot on our weekly broadcast showcasing the talents from the Limetree artist crew featuring Live mixes from Detatched and dj sets.

First show up will be a mix all the way from Japan from Mr Ben Gibson, Only a few releases and a short term on the techno circuit but he is one of those boys to keep an eye on, His debut EP dropped on Jeff Mills 6277 label and was highly acclaimed by a many a deep techno fan. His new Remote EP will be dropping in 2008 on Limetree Digital with remixes by Casual Violence, CYP, Realmz1 and Charlton plus more!

We also have a Live PA from Error404 from last months Detatched here in Leeds. Spacey sounds and neumatic drum programming make this not too be missed! Check his EP on the myspace page now

I will be warming things up with a slew of unreleased material due out soon