Hi guys, i'm get slightly annoyed with my supernova 2, and was hoping somebody could help.
Whats happening is that when I use it in performance mode it seems to do one of two things which makes it impossible to finish what i'm working on. It happens when I try and select a program for the parts in the performance. It will either switch back to program mode, so I can't set up the performance. Or it will let me set up, say two parts. The program, outputs and midi channel etc. Then when I move on to the next part it will change the program of the first or second to the one I have selected for the part which I am now working on.
Once its starts doing this then I can't continue, as the bits I have got sounding right keep changing. I have heard that it is a good synth, and from the sounds I can get from it it is, the annoying thing is I haven't been able to put them in a tune yet. Hope somebody can help as this has really halted my progress.
If somebody thinks they can help, but don't understand what i'm on about, say and I will try and re-phrase it.
Cheers Tom
P.S Atomic Jam back at the Q on 1st Feb, oh yes :D .