Quote Originally Posted by Martin Dust View Post
I'm not really attacking anyone, just speaking my mind. I didn't set out to convert anyone to anything or any cause whatsoever - you're either into it or not and I have no influence over what other people decide, project all you want but you'll still be wrong ;)

Consumerism is a state of mind so you can't just say it's not relevant not when people on the threads have been stating clearly they think it's wrong to not do digital and music has a right etc, that's consumerist thinking.
I didn't say you were attacking anyone; but your situation with your label is entirely different to others. For a start, it would seem that you had a greater investment of money to put into it, and also you have used a lot of already established artists. Don't get me wrong, I think the way Dust Science have approached things has been a fine example of how to run a label right; but to say that you're not interested in converting people over to the vibe of the label is a bit strange for anyone to say. You might not have actively promoted it that way or hassled people about it, but I'm sure you would be happy to think that new people got into this sort of music via your label, or that people in general took an interest in your label full stop, no?