this is an ongoing battle for me. the battle between holding down a job and bringing in decent enough money and the addictive urge to get in the studio and get busy.. ive been writing for a few years now and consider myself to be improving steadily. however i have a fiancee that i love very much and love to spend time with, and i am saving to get a mortgage in the near future. i work for Royal Mail, and my hours are 6am to 12 or 1pm 6 days a week. i get a week off every 5 weeks due to the 6 day week. The plan was to get straight to work with my Productions straight after work and get 4 or 5 hours done before the bird gets home, but in reality its not something that can be turned on like a light after a shitty day at work walking for miles in the pissing rain etc!!! I used to get so much done when i was working part time and i could also have a smoke and get lost in a synthesis haze for hours on end making sound fx, pads etc, but now if i do that then i pay through the ass the following morning at 5am!! i dont have any false hopes of making a healthy living from my music but the fact that i cant seem to fit it into my life (as much as i would like) is really getting me down. i never feel more content than when i am making music, and would love to b able to squeeze more time in.. perhaps i just need to train myself into pushing through the tiredness after work and get on with it!

does anyone else have similar issues? i would love to hear about it... if nothing else, but to make me feel better !!!

anyway, im wasting precious time here... im gonna fire up logic before its too late!!!