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  1. #21
    BOA Lifetime Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Pace View Post
    I've been fairly curious quite how much you can mask the inherent weaknesses of a speaker or a room with an EQ curve. Steve rated the JBLs from the rooftops at how much difference they made.

    But whats stopping you taking a midrange hifi cabinet, and just tweaking it into a machine of precision excellence through the simple overlaying of a compensatinv EQ setting?

    I looked at soundsystem design for ages. Building big rig speakers isn't that difficult if you are a half decent cabinet maker and can follow insructions.

    This guy is dead good - Rog Mogale:


    Some lovely plans for big PA speakers. Mate of ours down in brighton has loads of "loony bins" and they siiiiiing. Beautiful precise warm bass, just a joy to listen to. Rate them much higher than F1 stuff personally. More character and less fussy.

    There's probably some advantages of producing on a well set up engineered PA rig. You'll no doubt make tracks that tick all the boxes in a club, but might lack the detail you need to provide for the headphone listening crew.

    Good luck anyways mate, you've set yourself a real challenge and sure you'll have fun and learn a stinkload.
    Most Room Correction algorhythms deal with standing waves, and generally the cut (or at least hopefully, unless your room is ****ed) is subtle and at one point.
    Other stuff deals with stereo balance and slapback etc
    As a whole, RMC measuring and compensating for the room, not the speaker.
    So the speaker still needs to be matched to the Program, or assumed to be a flat response speaker.

    If you are building or ending up with a woeful speaker and box, that requires all sorts of EQ curving at mid and high frequencies, then you have earned an epic fail.
    There isn`t any room correction that will compensate that much, and also, the more EQ you add to any signal, the more you are effectively adding distortion.
    So you really don`t want to be adding EQ to the more delicate frequencies.

    This shows exactly one of the many many intricacies of studio monitor design.

    Making a rig is much much easier, unless you are looking at the real cutting edge stuff like The new Court Accoustics System, or the New Void System.
    Speakerplans is a great place for soundsystem plans, and although fiddly in some places building a rig requires a lot less accuracy than nearfields.
    Unless of course, you wanna make a real super beeauty of a beast of a rig.
    I am not here but my ghost still lingers

  2. #22
    BOA Mod
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    Aug 2003



    have a look at this


    it may help :)


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