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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Sonalksis mastering suite - new products


    multiband comp

    stereo positioner

    ultimate dither


  2. #2
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Not here anymore


    Dither jobby looks good.
    Multibands are almost completely usless for mastering dance music as they destroy the groove. That unit is a multiband limiter and not a compressor by the way.
    Sonalksis do generally do fecking nice products though.
    They already do a stunning multiband with the CQ1 Multi-Band Compander, which is amazing in it`s way of working, particularly for pop indi/rock band mastering.
    The max limit, and multi limit, pretty much appears to be mimics of the waves equivalents (multi maximiser and ultra maximiser) though, so I can`t really see the point in this release.
    I always thought sonalksis strong points was innovation and quality. this just seems to be a case of copying the competitors to hopefully steal a bit of the market.
    Might be worth while if the price is lower than the waves tools they are cloning.
    I am not here but my ghost still lingers



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